***July 2019 Mummies***

Seems a lot of us get additional scans. I get them too as they suspect I have Gestational Diabetes due to having it last time. Although it’s a faff testing my blood 3 times a day I look forward to seeing our little man on screen again<3

I’m really struggling with injecting and my poor finger tips hurt from doing it before and after each meal. The scans are the only decent thing about the whole thing!
I've got my 28 week scan in 3 weeks so will see how they have grown. I think they were 12 & 14 oz at 20 weeks so I'm sure they have grown loads - plus I really stick out now from under my boobs and can feel kicks up high and low so they are spreading!
Had +1 protein in my urine so I need to go back with another sample next week but bp is all fine. I'll probably just do a urine dip at home.

How are people getting on with names? We've narrowed down to 3 I think. Dh is more keen on one of them than me, I reckon he will cave on the day :)
Am I being unreasonable?

My sis in laws x2 asked to do me a baby shower. I said I didn't realise that was a thing hereband didn't plan to but said yes, if they wanted that would be nice. It's mainly because my niece is excited about the babies and a party tbh. So they chose a date (I will be 34-35 weeks) and asked me for some names of friends. I sent a list (about 10) and said that a few probably won't come as have little ones and will be working.

Initially I was told by one that she would need help with the finances and catering. Then today said that they could do an afternoon tea and make scones, then asked me and my other sil to do food and games because she is too busy at work that week.

Am I being ungrateful?i would never dream of asking the person I'm throwing a party for to contribute in any way, let alone expect it - especially as they didn't really want the party anyway. I replied that I already feel like shit every day, struggle to make my own food to eat at home let alone cater. And that I fully understand that people are busy so i’d really rather not bother than have to get involved with the organising. I feel I've got enough on my plate merely existing and trying to get ready for my baby girls to arrive. Plus part of me thinks they could be here by then anyway.

Is it my hormones making me an arsehole or am I justified for feeling annoyed about this? I feel quite let down. Id really rather not bother with any of it. I can meet my friends any time.
Am I being unreasonable?

My sis in laws x2 asked to do me a baby shower. I said I didn't realise that was a thing hereband didn't plan to but said yes, if they wanted that would be nice. It's mainly because my niece is excited about the babies and a party tbh. So they chose a date (I will be 34-35 weeks) and asked me for some names of friends. I sent a list (about 10) and said that a few probably won't come as have little ones and will be working.

Initially I was told by one that she would need help with the finances and catering. Then today said that they could do an afternoon tea and make scones, then asked me and my other sil to do food and games because she is too busy at work that week.

Am I being ungrateful?i would never dream of asking the person I'm throwing a party for to contribute in any way, let alone expect it - especially as they didn't really want the party anyway. I replied that I already feel like shit every day, struggle to make my own food to eat at home let alone cater. And that I fully understand that people are busy so i’d really rather not bother than have to get involved with the organising. I feel I've got enough on my plate merely existing and trying to get ready for my baby girls to arrive. Plus part of me thinks they could be here by then anyway.

Is it my hormones making me an arsehole or am I justified for feeling annoyed about this? I feel quite let down. Id really rather not bother with any of it. I can meet my friends any time.

I think you're completely within your rights to say you just can't do it. They shouldn't have said they wanted to have the shower for you if they are too busy to do it themselves. I would definitely say the same as you that I just don't have the energy to cater for that many people. And you're right, with twins they could definitely be here by that time. And if they aren't yet, then you won't be very comfortable at all with them still in there and likely to have less energy than now. Just say thanks for wanting to have the shower, but you just can't help out with it. Don't think you're being unreasonable at all!
I think you're completely within your rights to say you just can't do it. They shouldn't have said they wanted to have the shower for you if they are too busy to do it themselves. I would definitely say the same as you that I just don't have the energy to cater for that many people. And you're right, with twins they could definitely be here by that time. And if they aren't yet, then you won't be very comfortable at all with them still in there and likely to have less energy than now. Just say thanks for wanting to have the shower, but you just can't help out with it. Don't think you're being unreasonable at all!

Thank you. You've helped me to see I'm not going mad. I'm already reading having less energy than now, I get exhausted doing barely anything at the moment let alone in another 8-9 weeks!
Radley, you’re not unreasonable at all! I think it’s downright rude to ask if you want a party (organised by them) then expect you to contribute with preparing and financially. What was their response to you saying no? Is the party off? Such a shame. Baby showers are fun and you deserve to be spoilt before your bubbas arrive xx
Radley, you’re not unreasonable at all! I think it’s downright rude to ask if you want a party (organised by them) then expect you to contribute with preparing and financially. What was their response to you saying no? Is the party off? Such a shame. Baby showers are fun and you deserve to be spoilt before your bubbas arrive xx

Response from one was she text me straight away to ask if I was ok and I said not really. She said she could do a family bbq at some point if I wanted. I haven't replied.
The other replied ’only if you are sure?’ when I said i’d rather not bother as in struggling daily already so I do not want to plan a party. So she's managed to make it like it's down to me that it won't happen. I didn’t even want a party but now I'm just disappointed in myself that I believed she gave a shit about me and I fell for it. Why change the habit of a lifetime? It's always about her and on her terms. I'm stupid to have thought otherwise
Response from one was she text me straight away to ask if I was ok and I said not really. She said she could do a family bbq at some point if I wanted. I haven't replied.
The other replied ’only if you are sure?’ when I said i’d rather not bother as in struggling daily already so I do not want to plan a party. So she's managed to make it like it's down to me that it won't happen. I didn’t even want a party but now I'm just disappointed in myself that I believed she gave a shit about me and I fell for it. Why change the habit of a lifetime? It's always about her and on her terms. I'm stupid to have thought otherwise
Personally, I’d have told them to piss off. The one with the BBQ idea is a good idea. That’s what I’ve recommended to my cousin who is dead set on planning one for me. My groups of friends don’t really know each other so it’d be all family at mine anyway because I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable :lol: I don’t need gifts etc, a get together as the last one before he arrives is fine by me. Perhaps you could do the BBQ so you could mingle with people and it’d be nice as I’m sure there is a man who would want to do the BBQ cooking :lol:
Has anybody booked their whooping cough vaccine yet? Having mine on Wednesday
Has anybody booked their whooping cough vaccine yet? Having mine on Wednesday

I keep putting mine off and forget to book it etc, need to do it soon though as midwife told me the other day that it has to be done before 32 weeks. Will phone the gp today to book!
I keep putting mine off and forget to book it etc, need to do it soon though as midwife told me the other day that it has to be done before 32 weeks. Will phone the gp today to book!
I think it’s just a nurse that will be doing mine as the appointment was made quite quickly. Maybe something to do with my recent complaint against their care :lol:
I think it’s just a nurse that will be doing mine as the appointment was made quite quickly. Maybe something to do with my recent complaint against their care :lol:

It's a nurse that does it here too I think, but through the GP's office.
GP's office ended up calling me there before I could call to make appointment! Apparently I'm due for blood test to check iron levels as I have a history of anaemia. Appointment for that s with the nurse anyway, so they said I could get the whooping cough vaccine at same time... so all booked in for next Wednesday! Something I can cross off my list now.
Had mine at 22 weeks for some reason. At my 16wk appt my midwife was keen to get it booked ASAP after 20wks. No idea why. I’m sure I had it at 28 weeks with both the others.
Had mine at 22 weeks for some reason. At my 16wk appt my midwife was keen to get it booked ASAP after 20wks. No idea why. I’m sure I had it at 28 weeks with both the others.

I was told to get it anytime from 16 to 32 weeks, I've just been putting it off, so 22 weeks is normal to get it I guess. Apparently after 32 weeks it might be too late for the protection to transfer to baby anymore, so it's pointless after that.

I was reading about the vaccine today, and apparently there's no whooping cough alone vaccine so you get it combined with tenatus, diptheria, and polio. Does anyone know if protection from these also transfers to baby before they get their own vaccine at 8 weeks?
I was told to get it anytime from 16 to 32 weeks, I've just been putting it off, so 22 weeks is normal to get it I guess. Apparently after 32 weeks it might be too late for the protection to transfer to baby anymore, so it's pointless after that.

I was reading about the vaccine today, and apparently there's no whooping cough alone vaccine so you get it combined with tenatus, diptheria, and polio. Does anyone know if protection from these also transfers to baby before they get their own vaccine at 8 weeks?
I presume they will. Might be wrong but I’d think so
I had mine ages ago, before 20 weeks think. Saw the nurse for something else and she just did it then. They always like stickubt needles in me
Really struggling with wind tonight. My stomach looks more like 8 months pregnant than 6! Baby has been very active today but after dinner has settled down a bit...thinking he is running out of room with the wind!
Had my whooping cough vaccination last week. My doctors surgery said they do it at 24 weeks there. Got my 26 week midwife appointment next week... what do they do at that one apart from measuring your fundal height?
Had my whooping cough vaccination last week. My doctors surgery said they do it at 24 weeks there. Got my 26 week midwife appointment next week... what do they do at that one apart from measuring your fundal height?

Urine dip, blood pressure, fundus height and listen with doppler :)

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