***July 2019 Mummies***

Growth scan is tomorrow :)
Just at the gp now having gtt and suffering death by pan pipe music as I wait for the next set of bloods. Fasting a pregnant women with morning sickness - who comes up with this torture?
Growth scan is tomorrow :)
Just at the gp now having gtt and suffering death by pan pipe music as I wait for the next set of bloods. Fasting a pregnant women with morning sickness - who comes up with this torture?

Ah I have to do gtt tomorrow and not looking forward to it!! Fasting, morning sickness, combined with getting bloods taken without having ate or drank anything, and having bad veins already... should be fun!
Ah I have to do gtt tomorrow and not looking forward to it!! Fasting, morning sickness, combined with getting bloods taken without having ate or drank anything, and having bad veins already... should be fun!

The drink isn’t that bad, I just held my nose and necked it. I feel a bit rough now though so may have to ask to lay down somewhere. Student midwife blew a vein on Sunday so I’m running out of space, lol
The drink isn’t that bad, I just held my nose and necked it. I feel a bit rough now though so may have to ask to lay down somewhere. Student midwife blew a vein on Sunday so I’m running out of space, lol

Even experienced nurses / midwives burst my veins normally because they're so thin. So I'm not looking forward to three sets of bloods being taken after fasting. I've heard the drink isn't that bad yeh, just like a sugary drink. I'm more worried about going that long with no breakfast and feeling sick! Hope you're feeling ok!
Even experienced nurses / midwives burst my veins normally because they're so thin. So I'm not looking forward to three sets of bloods being taken after fasting. I've heard the drink isn't that bad yeh, just like a sugary drink. I'm more worried about going that long with no breakfast and feeling sick! Hope you're feeling ok!
I didn’t feel too bad this morning, had some water and took a bottle with me too. The drink was ok. I did feel dodge for a bit though but laying down helped and it also meant I didn’t have to sit in the waiting room which was much nicer. It goes pretty quickly . Bloods were ok. I used to almost faint when I had bloods taken years ago but now it’s fine. Try and drink water and that should help with you veins.

I also asked the midwife about steroid injections as I keep reading that they really hurt if you have to have them. She said that may be because they are put in slowly but didn’t think they were that bad so I’m going to ignore otherwise until I have to have them or not.

if they want blood tomorrow I really don’t know where they can get it from, I think it will be my hand :(
I didn’t feel too bad this morning, had some water and took a bottle with me too. The drink was ok. I did feel dodge for a bit though but laying down helped and it also meant I didn’t have to sit in the waiting room which was much nicer. It goes pretty quickly . Bloods were ok. I used to almost faint when I had bloods taken years ago but now it’s fine. Try and drink water and that should help with you veins.

I also asked the midwife about steroid injections as I keep reading that they really hurt if you have to have them. She said that may be because they are put in slowly but didn’t think they were that bad so I’m going to ignore otherwise until I have to have them or not.

if they want blood tomorrow I really don’t know where they can get it from, I think it will be my hand :(

I thought we weren't allowed to even drink water before it?

Funny I was reading about steroid injections the other day and heard exactly that, if they put it in slowly it's more painful for some reason. Hopefully you don't end up needing it. Is there a certain gestation you don't need it anymore if your babies stay in that long (if that makes sense)? How long do they normally leave you until with twins anyway?

On the bloods note... I've had blood taken from my wrist before after a nurse burst veins on both my arms. Not fun and left me with a sore wrist (and arms from the bruises) for quite a few days.
I thought we weren't allowed to even drink water before it?

Funny I was reading about steroid injections the other day and heard exactly that, if they put it in slowly it's more painful for some reason. Hopefully you don't end up needing it. Is there a certain gestation you don't need it anymore if your babies stay in that long (if that makes sense)? How long do they normally leave you until with twins anyway?

On the bloods note... I've had blood taken from my wrist before after a nurse burst veins on both my arms. Not fun and left me with a sore wrist (and arms from the bruises) for quite a few days.

They said water was fine. I only had a glass when I got up. Can’t see how it can interfere as it’s just water.

I think the injections are if they come before 37 weeks, as 37-38 is as far as they will let me go but I will ask that question tomorrow. Been thinking a bit about birth and I’m not sure as I can’t lay on my back for more than about 5 minutes without the bottom of my back killing. And laying on my side for too long without moving isn’t an option either due to the leg pain. Reckon I will need an epidural but wondering if that increases chance of needing assistance. Dunno.

Mw thinks babies are currently both head down but said they could still easily move for a while yet so I guess that’s what determines what happens in the end.

Blood from a wrist? that just kill. I’ve cannualated off the back of the thumb a few times and always apologise but it’s worth it for the pain relief my patient then gets from me
They said water was fine. I only had a glass when I got up. Can’t see how it can interfere as it’s just water.

I think the injections are if they come before 37 weeks, as 37-38 is as far as they will let me go but I will ask that question tomorrow. Been thinking a bit about birth and I’m not sure as I can’t lay on my back for more than about 5 minutes without the bottom of my back killing. And laying on my side for too long without moving isn’t an option either due to the leg pain. Reckon I will need an epidural but wondering if that increases chance of needing assistance. Dunno.

Mw thinks babies are currently both head down but said they could still easily move for a while yet so I guess that’s what determines what happens in the end.

Blood from a wrist? that just kill. I’ve cannualated off the back of the thumb a few times and always apologise but it’s worth it for the pain relief my patient then gets from me

Will be taking a bottle of water with me then!

I think for labour I've read lying down isn't the best anyway, and best to keep moving / squatting / being on all fours / on a pregnancy ball... basically anything except lying down is recommended I think. But if you need an epidural, then you need it. I'd rather avoid an epidural if I can though, not a lot of benefits from it (except for the obvious pain relief) but lots of negatives like slows down labour, more chance of needing assistance, more likely to end up in c-section... but all depends if I can handle the pain or not!
Due to a muscle / nerve issue I’ve decided I’m not having an epidural as the risk is just too high. I am expecting a c section so will be put to sleep but if they will let me attempt a natural birth I’ve no idea how I will be with pain. Horrific I imagine!!
Due to a muscle / nerve issue I’ve decided I’m not having an epidural as the risk is just too high. I am expecting a c section so will be put to sleep but if they will let me attempt a natural birth I’ve no idea how I will be with pain. Horrific I imagine!!

They will still do a spinal or epidural for a c section though won’t they? You can be put under general but they do the other for pain relief during and after the surgery don’t they? Maybe ask about that, I’m not sure but I know when I did my orthopaedic theatre placement I saw a few spinals and epidurals and then the patient had a general as well.

Definitely anything other than laying down is better for labour, that’s what we’ve been taught anyway. I really just don’t know how it will go or how I will cope with it. Always thought my pain threshold was pretty good but pushing out two babies is going to be a test - although at least they won’t be as big as a single baby!

I’m also looking forward to entonox. Some of patients literally go away with the fairies on it but some it doesn’t work at all
I’m not sure till I see the anaesthetic person in 2 weeks. The main nerves in my legs are dead so I am not having anything put in my spine to do anything to the nerves that do work (the few of them :lol: ) . If it has to be a section they will have to put me out (I’ve had operations before) and i’ll Have to just fight the pain when I come round. It’s just too risky as no one knows how my nerves and muscles will react to it.
The 2 main consultant led hospitals near me you have to have an epidural with twins. When they explained why I was all for it.
both hospitals also make you deliver in theatre regardless of type of delivery which bugs me a bit but hey ho baby safety first.
I'm so glad I dont have to do the gtt test, I couldn't be nbm that long.
I'm hoping for a natural birth and after being breech simce 16 weeks twin 1 is now head down. So fingers crossed!
I’m not sure till I see the anaesthetic person in 2 weeks. The main nerves in my legs are dead so I am not having anything put in my spine to do anything to the nerves that do work (the few of them :lol: ) . If it has to be a section they will have to put me out (I’ve had operations before) and i’ll Have to just fight the pain when I come round. It’s just too risky as no one knows how my nerves and muscles will react to it.
Good that you can discuss it with them, and no one knows your body like you do for sure!
The 2 main consultant led hospitals near me you have to have an epidural with twins. When they explained why I was all for it.
both hospitals also make you deliver in theatre regardless of type of delivery which bugs me a bit but hey ho baby safety first.
I'm so glad I dont have to do the gtt test, I couldn't be nbm that long.
I'm hoping for a natural birth and after being breech simce 16 weeks twin 1 is now head down. So fingers crossed!

They don’t insist on an epidural here and say you are no more likely to need one than with a single birth so I’m not sure really. I’m not against it by any means and when the shit hits the fan I think I’ll be begging for one!

Mw thinks mine are both head down atm and that’s the first anyone has said about it. I wondered that because of where I feel the kicks but they can still move about apparently, little buggers.

I think you deliver in theatre here as well, or if not there will be plenty of people in the room but I’m fine with that. Had a go at blind shaving the other day, that was an experience! Lol.

On my mat placement I was in a delivery with a lady with an epidural. The mw was emptying her bladder with a catheter (they do it a few times) and when urine started to come out and collect in the tube (which was still in the packaging) she asked me if I remembered those ice pops we got as kids. I didn’t know if it was ok to laugh!
They don’t insist on an epidural here and say you are no more likely to need one than with a single birth so I’m not sure really. I’m not against it by any means and when the shit hits the fan I think I’ll be begging for one!

Mw thinks mine are both head down atm and that’s the first anyone has said about it. I wondered that because of where I feel the kicks but they can still move about apparently, little buggers.

I think you deliver in theatre here as well, or if not there will be plenty of people in the room but I’m fine with that. Had a go at blind shaving the other day, that was an experience! Lol.

On my mat placement I was in a delivery with a lady with an epidural. The mw was emptying her bladder with a catheter (they do it a few times) and when urine started to come out and collect in the tube (which was still in the packaging) she asked me if I remembered those ice pops we got as kids. I didn’t know if it was ok to laugh!
The idea of a catheter freaks me out!
Saves getting up to pee, i could do with one now!
Haha not been an issue for me as yet!!

I’ve just had two weeks off work and have gone back feeling awful. I am sore, tired & had the worst nights sleep ever last night. Becoming more and more uncomfortable as the days add on.

In other news, my app tells me I have reached the 2nd viability milestone...90% of babies born over 27 weeks survive Apparantly!
Haha not been an issue for me as yet!!

I’ve just had two weeks off work and have gone back feeling awful. I am sore, tired & had the worst nights sleep ever last night. Becoming more and more uncomfortable as the days add on.

In other news, my app tells me I have reached the 2nd viability milestone...90% of babies born over 27 weeks survive Apparantly!
Congrats on 27 weeks xx

I’ve been off this week, back next week with my iron tablets and now crutches for the pgp
I’ve just read up on pgp and I think I might fit that. My one hip is causing me a lot of pain but it’s hard because I do get pain sometimes in my hips / back. I’ve been having a lot of pain when sleeping on that side and my back aches on the opposite side from just sitting.

Going to mention it at my appointment on Tuesday and see if maybe I can have some physio? Even if it’s not pgp the extra weight I’m carrying will definitely start to make things harder for me. Normally hip pain / back pain is due to walking a distance and as soon as I stop I get relief...this definitely doesn’t happen with this pain :lol:
At my GTT appointment this morning, and the drink isn't awful to be honest. They managed to get blood out fine for initial bloods. After one hour, couldn't get from either arm and had two midwives goong in the back of my hand to get it... wonder where they'll get it from after another hour!

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