***July 2019 Mummies***

My thighs get achy at night too, I thought it was just our mattress as it's 10 years old, so we've ordered a new one! Hope it solves the issue, you have me doubting it was truly the cause now! haha.

Anyone else still struggling with tiredness? Some days I really feel like sleeping all day and even minor things feel like a major chore! So the midwife is sending me for a blood test to check if I'm anaemic. Starting to hope they find something so I can hopefully feel better...

I haven't packed my hospital bag yet, but if you google it, I saw there's a useful list on the NHS website :)
I’ll take a pic of the list when I get home, I have it in my folder
I was advised by the midwife not to pack too much really. My birth unit is a nice small midwife led centre so hopefully provided I stay low risk I will give birth there. If I have to go to the main hospital it's a bit further from home so would need a few more bits with me I think.

Midwife advised just to take essentials and some snacks. She also advised flat lucozade. She said people can go a bit overboard on the hospital bag packing!
I was advised by the midwife not to pack too much really. My birth unit is a nice small midwife led centre so hopefully provided I stay low risk I will give birth there. If I have to go to the main hospital it's a bit further from home so would need a few more bits with me I think.

Midwife advised just to take essentials and some snacks. She also advised flat lucozade. She said people can go a bit overboard on the hospital bag packing!
What’s with the lucozade? If that’s for the sugar / energy content you need something else as they changed the ingredients :lol: something silly that a diabetic would know!
I was advised by the midwife not to pack too much really. My birth unit is a nice small midwife led centre so hopefully provided I stay low risk I will give birth there. If I have to go to the main hospital it's a bit further from home so would need a few more bits with me I think.

Midwife advised just to take essentials and some snacks. She also advised flat lucozade. She said people can go a bit overboard on the hospital bag packing!
That is very true! I've carried some absolutely massive suitcases in for patients when taking them to maternity
Currently lost under a baby grow mountain. I cannot believe how much stuff we've been given already. Madness.
And one set of friends gave us tons of stuff and now they said it’s a loan. So after me saying i’d rather not use the things so I didn't have to figure out what the bloody hell belongs to them when I'm sleep deprived with two children. Dh insisted we cut corners off labels so we can tell their stuff from others. I appreciate it sounds like I'm being rude but if really rather not bother, lol. Just keep their stuff in the garage and give it back to them. Baby stuff is cheap enough, its not worth the hassle
Yeah if I were you I’d just give them back. Unless they are assuming you’ll pass all your stuff on to them? I’ve never heard of someone loaning baby grows!
Yeah if I were you I’d just give them back. Unless they are assuming you’ll pass all your stuff on to them? I’ve never heard of someone loaning baby grows!
It's weird isn't it. I've been through one bag but balls to do the others. I'd rather they hadn't loaned us stuff. They have lent us practical things which its easy to give back as I know where the crib came from but baby grows, mad.
Oh and if anyone needs a 5-6 yr girls coat or 2-3 girls dressing gown let me know, mils contribution
It's weird isn't it. I've been through one bag but balls to do the others. I'd rather they hadn't loaned us stuff. They have lent us practical things which its easy to give back as I know where the crib came from but baby grows, mad.
Oh and if anyone needs a 5-6 yr girls coat or 2-3 girls dressing gown let me know, mils contribution
This made me chuckle :lol:
That's weird they're only loaning you the baby grows! I got given a bunch of newborn and 0-3 sized stuff, but no one has mentioned about wanting it back! The only thing I've been asked to give back is the pregnancy ball a friend insisted on me borrowing, which is fair enough... but baby grows? I would do the same as you, just keep them aside and give them back.

I've barely even bought any baby stuff let alone thinking about hospital bag yet! I'm such a last min kinda person. But I'm officially third trimester today, so should probably get started on getting everything sorted!

On that note, are many people third trimester yet? should we move over to a third tri thread?!
That's weird they're only loaning you the baby grows! I got given a bunch of newborn and 0-3 sized stuff, but no one has mentioned about wanting it back! The only thing I've been asked to give back is the pregnancy ball a friend insisted on me borrowing, which is fair enough... but baby grows? I would do the same as you, just keep them aside and give them back.

I've barely even bought any baby stuff let alone thinking about hospital bag yet! I'm such a last min kinda person. But I'm officially third trimester today, so should probably get started on getting everything sorted!

On that note, are many people third trimester yet? should we move over to a third tri thread?!
Someone needs to make a tri 3 thread! I’m about a week away
Tri 3 on weds. I'd like to say where has the time gone but some of it has been slow and other bits have flown. Usually with me feeling sick most of the time!

Dh has been loving washing and folding and sorting through all the stuff. We defo need to get some smaller grows though
We haven’t washed anything yet - waiting till we’ve moved. We have all baby things in a space saver bag :lol: anyone else struggling with the heat? Currently sat almost naked in front of a fan bevause I suddenly went very hot and felt like I was basically on fire!
I'm in the third tri! And in between 2x 13 hours shifts so don't have the energy to reply properly.
Hope everyone is enjoying the sunny weekend
Had a quick trip to mau last night. Been taking my blood pressure for a trial and it was a little raised so they got me to go in. It reduced and was fine, heart rate is a little high but there aren't concerned so that's good. Had straps on to check the babies for an hour or so, they were all good so no worries there - phew. I was just concerned about the bp. They said my iron has dropped from 11.6 last check in Jan to 10 so gave me iron tablets. Would that be enough to make me feel as knackered as I do all the time? Been off colour for over a week. Just literally no energy. Keep thinking I'm just a flake and rubbish at being pregnant .

So nothing bad is going on, which is a relief. Not that I thought it was, just wanted the bp checking really. Oh and last night, my feet were so swollen I literally couldn't wriggle my toes
We haven’t washed anything yet - waiting till we’ve moved. We have all baby things in a space saver bag :lol: anyone else struggling with the heat? Currently sat almost naked in front of a fan bevause I suddenly went very hot and felt like I was basically on fire!
Air con! We bought a unit a couple of years ago when one of our cats decided to take a leap from a second floor window (he was absolutely fine but my nerves were not). So had to get one as we couldn't open the windows. I sat in front of it yesterday
Tri 3 on weds. I'd like to say where has the time gone but some of it has been slow and other bits have flown. Usually with me feeling sick most of the time!

Dh has been loving washing and folding and sorting through all the stuff. We defo need to get some smaller grows though

We are just finishing the nursery off before we wash all the clothes. House is a bit upside down but this weekend it will be done and then all the clothes can be washed and put away :-)

I agree some of the pregnancy has gone slowly. Definitely tri 1 did for me. It's going quick now though!
Had a quick trip to mau last night. Been taking my blood pressure for a trial and it was a little raised so they got me to go in. It reduced and was fine, heart rate is a little high but there aren't concerned so that's good. Had straps on to check the babies for an hour or so, they were all good so no worries there - phew. I was just concerned about the bp. They said my iron has dropped from 11.6 last check in Jan to 10 so gave me iron tablets. Would that be enough to make me feel as knackered as I do all the time? Been off colour for over a week. Just literally no energy. Keep thinking I'm just a flake and rubbish at being pregnant .

So nothing bad is going on, which is a relief. Not that I thought it was, just wanted the bp checking really. Oh and last night, my feet were so swollen I literally couldn't wriggle my toes

I was really struggling with work, but now I've been started 400mg of iron tabs a day I have a new lease of life!

Regarding the iron 10 would make you feel pants, and the conversation I had with my consultant was more the drop. Your body is used to a certain amount and then when it drops you struggle and notice a difference.
So I think it's more the drop than the figure. I love my iron tablets...just maybe buy a bottle of lactulose just in case!!!!
When is your growth scan?

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