July 2019 mummies

Beautiful little pip growing away nicely in there. Measuring few days ahead but not changing my date just yet. Going back in 2 weeks to check baby is growing nicely still. Saw heartbeat :dust:

That is lovely news. Massive congrats and baby dust to you :dust:
Beautiful little pip growing away nicely in there. Measuring few days ahead but not changing my date just yet. Going back in 2 weeks to check baby is growing nicely still. Saw heartbeat :dust:

:dance::dance: yay marvellous mum that’s great news

Thanks mama :)
Beautiful little pip growing away nicely in there. Measuring few days ahead but not changing my date just yet. Going back in 2 weeks to check baby is growing nicely still. Saw heartbeat :dust:[/QUOTE

Amazing news!!!! So pleased for you!
Currently 8+1 due date 19.6.19 assuming all goes well!

Had a scan at 6 weeks and heart beat was there, 12 week scan booked for the 4.12.18 both mine and my partners first baby hopefully all is well!
This damn sickness won't leave me. My eldest has said if I don't stop being poorly she's taking me to hospital :lol:
I don't remember ever feeling this bad with my other 2.
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Hi Amy p congrats on your pregnancy! :wave:

So sorry to hear your feeling crappy marvellous mum hope it doesn’t last too long
Hi ladies,
I'm currently on the November testing thread and haven't been quite brave enough to come over here just yet. I got several early positives yesterday and a couple again today so I think this is happening. Had a chemical last month so really have been a nervous wreck this month and continue to be so. I didn't expect to see a line yesterday, only tested as my temp went up a fair bit. Af due on 11th so I don't think I will feel ok until that is way way past us.

So guess I'm just saying hello. Not sure of due date as I don't have a last period date, but it's looking like 19th July. I may try get an early scan at epau to save my nerves.

Hi Radleycat! I've been following the November thread, and so happy for you! I was going to say come join us over here but wasn't sure if you were ready to do so or not... but glad you have come over! :)
Hi all!

I'm a PF newbie and this is my first pregnancy.. found out at the weekend and coming up to 6 weeks, due date July 6 if my calculations are correct.

No sickness yet but boobs are growing at an alarming rate and a bit sore which I hope is a good sign.

Only me and my OH know but it's really hard not to talk about it to anyone, will prob tell my best friends next week and then parents/sister around 9-10 weeks. Appointment with the midwife 29 Nov and hope to get a scan in pre-Christmas!

Can totally relate to checking everytime I go to the loo - I have had a tiny bit of spotting but it seems to have stopped. Fingers crossed..

Terrified and excited in equal measure!
Hi Lissa! Congratulations! Welcome to the thread, I'm glad to see it's growing! :)
Welcome radleycat. Ring up your epu and see if they can get you an appointment for 6 weeks. For peace of mind if nothing else.

H&h 9 months x
Hi Radleycat congrats on the pregnancy I had a chemical last year and this is the first time I have fallen since then and I totally understand the nervousness I am due 15th July so am only 4 +4 myself I just know the next 9 weeks are going to go so slow
Hi Lissa sorry I missed your post congrats on the pregnancy! At least we can all share our experiences over the next few months and emotions and worries
I am an emotional wreck at the moment I can’t seem to stop crying I watched a video on Facebook earlier about a dog who had got his head stuck in a box and I was bawling my eyes out :blush::cry:
Hi to all the newbies and congratulations!!!! Xxx
Hi Lissa sorry I missed your post congrats on the pregnancy! At least we can all share our experiences over the next few months and emotions and worries
I am an emotional wreck at the moment I can’t seem to stop crying I watched a video on Facebook earlier about a dog who had got his head stuck in a box and I was bawling my eyes out :blush::cry:

Haha I cry at anything but raging hormones don't seem to have kicked in yet..
Hi Radleycat! I've been following the November thread, and so happy for you! I was going to say come join us over here but wasn't sure if you were ready to do so or not... but glad you have come over! :)

Dipping a very nervous toe in the water :shock:
Hi Radleycat congrats on the pregnancy I had a chemical last year and this is the first time I have fallen since then and I totally understand the nervousness I am due 15th July so am only 4 +4 myself I just know the next 9 weeks are going to go so slow

Ah, so we are quite close then! After the mc I'm literally terrified every time I feel any wet or go to the loo and wipe. No reason to assume that it will happen again but it is a worry for the moment.

I've literally poas 4 brands the past two days, lol. So no doubting it's there just want the bean to carry on baking. As we all do.

I also seem to have an insatiable thirst today and having just gone out tonight, I swear my boobs were bigger as my t shirt was tighter.
Beautiful little pip growing away nicely in there. Measuring few days ahead but not changing my date just yet. Going back in 2 weeks to check baby is growing nicely still. Saw heartbeat :dust:

Amazing that you saw a heartbeat. I would cry! How far along are you..? X

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