July 2019 mummies

Haha I hate knowing this secret and not being able to tell anyone I so want to tell my other children but don’t want to upset them if anything happens,
On the talk of weddings I am actually getting married in may lol great timing I know does anyone know the cut off time for flying we have our honeymoon booked for 2 nd June I think I will be about 31 weeks?
Iv gone off food. The thought of food makes me feel ill. Went out for lunch with my hubby and I couldn't even stomach half a panini.
Had a pants weekend. Feel like someone sucked the life outta me. Exactly how I felt with my eldest.
Haha I hate knowing this secret and not being able to tell anyone I so want to tell my other children but don’t want to upset them if anything happens,
On the talk of weddings I am actually getting married in may lol great timing I know does anyone know the cut off time for flying we have our honeymoon booked for 2 nd June I think I will be about 31 weeks?

Congratulations on your wedding! As for flying, it depends on the airline I think... I've checked the airline I would be flying with (easyjet) and their policy is up to 35 weeks, which gives me a bit of extra time! But some airlines only allow you travel after 28 or 32 weeks if you have a doctors note. I would check with the airline you're booked for.

Marvellous, sorry to hear you're not feeling so great, hope you feel better soon!
Thanks mama I will check fingers crossed we can still go it will be our last holiday alone for a while lol a bit like a baby moon and honeymoon rolled into one!

I haven’t had any sickness yet although I did have to jump out of bed Saturday morning thinking I was going to be sick, :sick: and I feel so faint all the time

Has anyone been tempted to buy anything yet? I am only 4 weeks so it’s too early for me but everywhere I see baby clothes and baby stuff I can’t help but have a little look!
I've been looking at baby clothes and maternity clothes since before I was even pregnant haha... but not tempted to buy anything just yet as it's too early I think!

The pregnant girls today at work were talking about buying prams/buggies etc... one girl was saying she's planning to spend over £1000 on a pram :shock: if that's how much they cost I'd better start saving up...
I've been looking at baby clothes and maternity clothes since before I was even pregnant haha... but not tempted to buy anything just yet as it's too early I think!

The pregnant girls today at work were talking about buying prams/buggies etc... one girl was saying she's planning to spend over £1000 on a pram :shock: if that's how much they cost I'd better start saving up...

I can assure you they don't cost that unless you wanna spend over the odds. I'm gunna be using my 2nd child's pram as it's still in great condition and tbh the best pram Iv ever had or worked with.

I won't be buying anything until 20 weeks. Except maternity clothes because I'm gunna need them soon as I'm blowing up like a balloon lol
I am definitely not planning on spending that much! If I can steal stuff like pram and car seat etc from my sister who has a toddler now, I will do so!

I feel like I need maternity trousers already because of bloating! The jeans I'm wearing now were always a little tight to be fair, but today they are borderline painful that I'm sitting at my desk with the button opened... I have a long top on so you can't tell though.
£1000 for a pram!! I couldn’t spend that much on a pram no way you can buy some really nice ones much cheaper than that I have to buy everything all over again as I got rid of everything not planning on anymore, tbh you can pick up some great thing second hand and the baby sales are really good

I am a size 18 so I don’t really get a lovely big baby bump I just look a bit bigger than normal I would love a nice bump though to show off
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Yeh I'm happy enough to get second hand stuff, doesn't bother me at all as long as it's in good condition! But will probably treat myself to a few new things (at a reasonable price) also as it's my first!
Morning!! £1000 for a pram that's crazy!

Anyone else not sleeping!? I know it's because I'm anxious about work and worried about the sickness which isn't too bad yet I'm so tired it's frustrating not being able to sleep!!!

Got 3+ on my digi at 6 am this morning though so that's good lol. I will stop testing now!
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I fall asleep fine, but then I wake up at about 3am and that's it. 3am was the golden hour with my first but that was my snacking hour once I hit 30 weeks ha ha.

I feel like pants again. Gotta do school run soon and have 0 energy to do it.

I'm not eatting right atm so gunna start some vitamins today. Hoping thatl help pick me up abit.
Marvellous lack of sleep is a killer! I'm.currently nagging 3 to get their bums ready for school!!!! On a positive note I had packed lunches done by 6.30! Lol.
Morning mums! Yeah I’m done for too! Just knackered! Don’t want to get out of bed in the morning & as soon as I do I want to go back to sleep. Also I’ve been SO hot this morning, I don’t know about growing a baby - I feel like I’m growing a Furness ! So irritable, nauseous, don’t know what I want to eat or drink. I’ve got more beauty courses to attend tomorrow & really can not be bothered. Got to be a model for spray tanning - that’ll be fun, getting my big bloated body out for that infront of a friend who’s going to think wow she’s piling on the pounds ! House is a mess but I just have no energy. Can’t wait for this stage to pass as I’m normally so much more on the go!
I was actually full of energy all of yesterday until I got home from work and fell asleep at 7pm with no dinner, and didn't wake up again until 5.30am! Guess I was more exhausted than I thought. Somehow though, even after 10 and a half hours sleep, I am falling asleep at work this morning...

Had a slice of toast before leaving the house this morning, so no nausea so far today, but it seems to be getting worse for me after lunch everyday, so we will see how I get on.

Hope you all feel better soon... can't even imagine what it's like for those with kids already!!
I am so tired today didn’t get to sleep till 1 am and kids woke me up at 6! I am just trying to grab an hour while the kids are at school :nap:
Went to the docs this morning and she gave me my pack and told me the midwife will be in touch suddenly it seems very real :dance:
Hi ladies hope we are all doing well I just wanted some advice really I weighed myself this morning and seemed to have gained a silly amount of weight in about 2 weeks about 6lbs!! Is this normal I do feel very bloated is it normal to gain weight this quickly I haven’t been eating a load of crappy foods I am only 4 weeks 3 days pregnant
Hi ladies hope we are all doing well I just wanted some advice really I weighed myself this morning and seemed to have gained a silly amount of weight in about 2 weeks about 6lbs!! Is this normal I do feel very bloated is it normal to gain weight this quickly I haven’t been eating a load of crappy foods I am only 4 weeks 3 days pregnant

Weight will fluctuate because your body will hold water. Mines gone up and down like a yoyo.
Ladies I'm going to have a hormonal b*tchfit

Just rang to book an appointment with a dr as I'm high risk and need to book an appointment with the EPU. The receptionist was adiment I need a mw. Tried explaining for over 10 mins they dont see you until 8 weeks and that's to late, and a dr can refer me. She then got dr who sided with her. This isn't my first rodeo and told me it's because they do it diff here. Cue me crying and getting majorly upset as they won't listen, she gives me the number for the mw, who was an angel. She listened , she took details and she assured me shed get one of the ladies to help me and sort something out for me.

I don't get why some Dr's and receptionist just won't listen. Iv known about my problem for 10 years.
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Sorry to hear about that Marvellous, hopefully the midwife sorts it all out for you soon!!

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