***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Had discussion with consultant today and induction booked for the 22nd
So 39+3. They are happy with her last scan and the traces and said my anxiety won't affect her so just try going a little longer. Said I can come in twice a day if I have to if I worry about movements and don't just sit at home etc. Seeing midwife this week where hopefully will get sweep beforehand xxx
Looks like I'm joining January mummies I'm currently 35 + 3 days been in and out of hospital due to reduced movements and growth she has growth restriction and my placentas not functioning like it should do the plan is to induce me on Monday when I will be 35+6 they wanted to get me to 37 weeks but the stress of hospital visits and worrying over movements they booked me in sooner! They say it may take a while for induction to start but if any problems arise I'll be closely monitored and may need c section! They also a chance of her being in special care because she's coming early and she's so small!

Good luck! Sending love. Reduced movements are soo stressful:( can't imagine the stress of growth restriction too xxx
At least you know exactly where you are sweetie, seems like a good compromise - are you happy with the outcome? We're all here to help you through with the anxiety, you'll be on your way to seeing Imogen in less than 10 days!!! xx
Thank you xxxx

Yeah I think I am. I mean I just want her here safe asap but the less chance of her getting distressed during birth the better and also she said 39 weeks will really minimise chances of anything like feeding problems as although full term is 37-42 she said some natural gestations are 42 so therefore 37-38 is taking earlier than baby wants if that makes sense lol and since she seems happy on scans and traces then 39 is best for her. If it was going off 3rd scan which showed not good growth she said it would be different weighing up risks and benefits but as all seems okay apart from the fact she has no pattern then she may just be a baby with no pattern but they understand how anxious a time it is so agreed on 39. Will defo be hard the next 9 days till I can go in but they said come for monitoring whenever and don't sit and worry at home etc. Come this far now so I suppose an extra week and couple of days to ensure she is defo ready is worth it. Xxx
Countdown is on Millie!! How exciting! Can't wait :) So are you hoping for sweep and then induction? At 39 weeks, you're at a great gestation for induction to work. We tried mine at 36 weeks and they weren't budging. I recommend you take an air bed and so your OH has somewhere comfy to stay next to you if it's allowed to and lots of snacks. I thought babies would arrive on the day of induction, but they ended up unable to accommodate me in delivery unit and instead admitting for two nights before even starting induction, so be prepared as I was very disappointed and upset.

Bethany 35+6 is pretty good! Try not to worry too much. Lots of twin mum friends of mine had their babies between 28-35 weeks as it's common for them to come early and babies have been fine. Like you say, some needed a bit of time in SCBU but many didn't at 36 weeks which you'll very nearly be at. He/she might be quite diddy but a bigger baby isn't necessarily more developed than a smaller one of the same gestation if you see what I mean.

We had a photographer come to take pictures of H&H today. They were here 4 hours and I'm so glad they've gone now. It has been a bit exhausting trying to move the babies around as they wanted them in different poses and I was lactating a lot and needed to get on the pump and have a shower.. we didn't get to eat until he left at 1pm so it's been a bit of a trying day. OH and I both so tired and arguments are starting to happen about who last did a nappy or feed. Need to breath and try to be patient with each other! xxx
Yeah hoping for sweep on Wednesday. My friend who is a midwife said they can do 2 48 hours apart so going to ask for Friday too as hopefully that should help a bit by Sunday. Oooh good idea about the air bed, thanks! Hadn't thought of that. I didn't ask whether OH is allowed to stay during the process overnight as I was worried how upset I'd be today if they said no as was already upset with just the stress of everything lol. I am hoping so though! I know my midwife said he can defo stay after either on ward if others partners are staying or we can pay for side room as I'm anxious about staying without him. So will have to see what they say/how it goes. That's so disappointing you had to stay 2 nights with nothing being done..poor you :(. Could you wander around the grounds etc and go to the hospital cafes? Not just stuck in bed etc?

Awww I bet the photos of them are adorable! Sounds exhausting though! And no wonder you are both snapping when tired and hungry etc xxx
Hi Bethany! Aww teeny tiny, bless her, good gestation though. Hope everything goes OK for you xx

Had my third sweep and finally come away feeling good about it, midwife said I'm 2-3cm, cervix very soft and she'd be very surprised if I last til Monday. Gonna spend the day bouncing on the birth ball, walking and eating!
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Just hope it goes smoothly I'm not quite sure what to expect Monday though as I haven't had any steroid shots like I thought you have to have and I know a few people who was meant to be induced this week and there haven't been any beds for them so have been sent home awaiting phone calls for a bed
Back in tomorrow for ctg monitoring so going to ask them
Hope the sweep worked, Sprout! How are you feeling now?

Bethany, that happened to me with the induction. I went in 23rd and wasn't induced until 25th because they needed both a space on delivery unit and two incubators to be free in NICU just in case because of being slightly pre-term. It was really disappointing having to wait, but their reasons made sense. xx
So, waters have gone...! Had a few gushes about 5 o'clock, went to the hospital, told they hadn't and to go home...stand up out the car once at home and soak through the pad, knickers and trousers! Got changed only to have the same thing happened again! So I'm fairly sure they've gone!!
Hi Bethany welcome! Oh wow that must be so scary! Good luck!

Oh that sounds great Millie. 39+3 sounds like a good time, baby should be in a good position to be born by then and that will take a huge load off your mind too. So good luck! :)

Oh wow Laura sounds like you had a very busy tiring day!

Oh wow how exciting! Good luck Sprout! You are just about there then! :D
I forgot to say I dreamed I was holding T.J. in my arms. :D I dreamed I was trying to take a picture of him with my phone and I couldn't get it to work LOL I'm gonna have to learn how to get on this website with my cell phone so I can update you guys when it happens. :lol: Is there an app or do I just go to a browser on my phone? Right now I always use my home computer.
Oh and last night, I had THE most horrible restless leg syndrome episode ever! Oh my goodness! It woke me up from my sleep, and not only could I not fall back to sleep, I could not stand to lay in bed! It was like a cross between restless legs and just hurting legs, I can't even describe it. It was weird. I had to get up and walk around! :shock: I kept hitting my legs with my hands to try to make it stop. I don't know what that was! I've never had it that bad. It probably has to do with T.J. being engaged or something but wow. Finally after an hour it stopped and I was able to go back to bed and sleep. :nap: Honey bunny got scared, he thought it was time. LOL It did feel like labor pains in my legs or something. It was awful. Wew!
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I just looked it up, Google said contractions can radiate down your legs! :shock: I didn't know that. I even tried to put some icy hot for sore knees on my knees, trying to make it feel better, I felt it down to my knee caps. Wew! At least now I know what it is if it happens again like that. It can't be much longer now. :lol:
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Yay Sprout! I hope you're at the hospital now having a nice quick labour! Thinking of you!

Papermoon I bet you can't wait for TJ to come, you've had sooo many symptoms lately, it really sounds like he's ready to come!

My dad popped over this evening and cuddled the girls for a few hours so I could go to the shop and have something to eat. It was strange going out without them.. luckily they slept the whole time that I was gone. I'm really happy today because I've gone from expressing 5-10ml per session about a week ago to almost getting 300ml in one go today! xxx
Ahhhh Sprout!!! Exciting!!!

Papermoon, I keep coming on to see if you, Kate and Sprout have popped yet as you all seem so close so I'm crossing my fingers for you!

Bethany, around 35 weeks onwards, they don't always do steroid injections as they are fully formed and only need to really build their fat up for the rest of the pregnancy.

Bobs has put on 160g in 4 days and is now a healthy 6bl 3oz!!! Still in our premmie 5bler clothes though haha. Hope you pregnant girl so my mind the baby updates on here? I did wonder whether to do a new thread in baby section but I don't want to possibly miss your announcements!

Aww Laura I bet that was lovely, little bit of normality to keep your feet on the ground. We went to see my friend for dinner where I used to work today. I breast fed for the first time in public and it wasn't as horrendous and scary as I thought it would be. No one stared or commented and I felt kinda ok about it!! .... Until he decided to unlatch and pull away really quickly exposing my boob to the rest of the diners haha xxxxxx
Thanks Laura! Yes I can't wait! I know it can't be too much longer now. :) And that's great about you pumping out more milk cool. :)

Thanks Abi! Yeah it should be any day now. And that's good about Bobs putting on more weight. :)It sounds like he'll be good from here on out. :)
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Baby is here! Super speedy labour :) Will update more later!
Just currently at hospital for my Ctg monitoring midwife hada feel she thinks I'm 4/5 engaged and doesn't think the baby will be smaller then 5lb how strange when the ultrasounds show 3lb 7 that's a massive difference

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