***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Must feel absolutely amazing to have finished Thunbs! So sorry to hear about your back though :( You're obviously just too lovely and petite to cope with the weight of another human being!! Really hope all goes ok at the growth scan and it's just a repeat of what they said last time..

You're so nearly there Sprout.. hope you have a good appointment and get a plan in place!

Sarah the twins are so gorgeous. Looks like they're doing wonderfully!

Oh Millie :( It'll all be over soon enough, I am sure Imogen is absolutely fine, if she only knew how much you were worryig about her! Hope you hear whatever you need to tomorrow to feel better xx
Hey girls!

So just an FYI as i got told off yesterday.. if your baby moves to the extreme my did monday u need to call in (20-30 movements in a day shot to.70 odd for 24 hours and then back down) ive been induced..we are trying the pessary thing and ive been admitted til i have bean now.. baby is not interested in coming however 13 hours on.. and my urine decided its going regiater a tiny bit of urine thos morning.. this baby is determined to be high risk...its gonna be a looooong day luckily ive managed to bag my own room so i mamaged to get some sleep last night so bean could be here any day got a weird panic that im not ready laying here last night bit late now lol

Keep us posted papermoon!

Millie chin up mu modwife said to think of the on amd off as the muscle training like a runner for a marathon xxx
Hi everyone, I am keeping up on here but I don't always have the time to reply once I've read everything, someone seems to wake up and demand feeding.

Sorry that all of you still expecting are having such a hard time with discomfort and worries. I used to get fed up of being told to enjoy the last of pregnancy because soon it'll be all go, so instead, I will say that in my opinion, it gets much better once baby/babies born! I get very little sleep still, but I'm so much more comfortable even with a csection to recover from. Also there isn't the constant worry because you can see your little baby in front of you. Promise it gets better and you've all got such a short time left, even though it does drag on xx

The little ladies are both finally sleeping, but I see them stirring. Hazel has wanted holding all day, but I've finally got my hands free to have a pump and feed myself! Here's hoping they sleep a bit longer as mummy needs a rest!

Last night, we left them in their basket and went downstairs to eat. Came back and they'd snuggled up together :) See pic xx


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Thumbs did you have your growth scan today? Hope it went alright!

Ooo Robbda I didn't realise they got concerned when movements majorly increased. I feel for you girls who have had/ are having inductions. I've heard you battle with strong contractions! :( keep us updated.

Sarah I totally missed the twin photo! How cute! Hope you are all ok! And Laura your girls are adorable, do twins tend to like sleeping quite close to each other? I presume it's similar to womv time?

I've been sent upstairs for a nap and all I've done for the past 15 mins I read bits on here!!Xxxxx
Ahhh Laura that photo is the sweetest thing!

So I went to my 8:45 appointment today, waited for an hour, got fed up and asked if it would be much longer to be told that I actually wasn't supposed to have an appointment after all?! >: ( Wasted about 2 hours, then spent the rest of the morning napping, so it's felt like a bit of a pointless day!

Is anyone else doing all the silly start-labour-at-home things?! So far I've tried sex, acupressure, lots of walking and nipple stimulation (OH doesn't even blink at the sight of me sitting watching tv with my boobs out anymore haha)
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So cute Laura!
That’s funny about the boobs Sprout! I just realised that my new job involves working nights and being topless haha!
Good luck to everyone waiting for babies to arrive!
No appointment for a scan yet, Abi. Hopefully they'll call me tomorrow though - I'm just anxious to get it done and check that baby is growing...

Must be any day for you Sprout! Fingers crossed things kick off tomorrow!
Cute baby pics Sarah and Laura! :)
Oh wow Robbda so it will be any day now for you!
LOL Sprout, I've been bouncing on my pregnancy ball, and sex, that's all. Haha! :)
It can't be too much longer. :lol:
Got to go back in tomorrow where hopefully can be induced depending on position etc and what my consultant recommends as need to give the go ahead as the last scan was good but it's still so hard to track her movements. I've rang so many times and gone in and trace be fine I find myself waiting now for hours until she moves again because
Because it's just so hard to track her. They never sorted my daily monitoring properly but not sure even that would help as that only sorts me for that particular time. She really worries me on a morning sometimes when she is silent for hours when I wake up and I think somethings happened overnight. She had been really good this week but def doing it again these last couple days. I had to turn my wifi and data off yesterday as everywhere I looked was either friends asking me if any news (friends I hadn't spoke to in ages!) Grr, stuff about stillbirths or stuff about people posting on Facebook about their wriggly babies and being kicked all day and night. I'm just so anxious now I couldn't deal with it all felt like it was all being rubbed in my face. Everyday goes on ages and ages now and I spend a lot of time sitting crying worrying and starting to feel sick and dizzy all the time from it heart racing etc. So hopefully my consultant tomorrow understands. I'm 38 weeks today and plan was with all her movements between 37-38 weeks so fingers crossed. I'm not sure it's good for her me being so so overly anxious I just want her out safe. I was always going to be anxious after multiple earlier losses but the movements have really added to that.. I couldn't do pregnancy ever again unless I had one of these babies all my friends seem to have that keep them awake at night and kick all day!
I've been taking evening primrose oil and raspberry lead tea capsules for a while to help soften cervix, tried nipped stimulation, clary sage oil which smells lovely and helps relax a little but doesn't really do much else lol, ate a whole pineapple, spice, sex a lot, walking,birthing ball, a bloody pregnancy dance with frigging slut drops in lol (youtube baby mama dance) , pressing acupressure points. Done everything lol. I have had tons of pains this week that go regular then they stop..they even got closer together the night before last then went on way to hosp :(

It's a shame as I love it when she does move and I'm going to cry at not being pregnant anymore and having her as all mine but really can't cope with tracking her movements anymore. Everytime I visit they say how important they are to track but I can't track them there's no pattern I'd be in so much lol xxx
Oh my goodness Laura! That must have melted your heart! So gorgeous..

That's completely rubbish Sprout - how on earth did they manage that? How frustrating..

Naughty body went into fake labour mode again yesterday, period pains, so irritable all day, went to the loo 5 times (sorry!) then regular tightenings then nothing. So odd, I didn't have a single niggle with Poppy so I guess i'm just not used to it. Apparently your uterus is more sensitive second time round so even a kick in a funny place can set off all sorts..

Millie I really feel for you sweet.. you need to stop getting yourself into such a state :( Is there a particular reason you're so scared of stillbirth or is it your anxiety preying on it? The chances are just minuscule and you've been monitored so closely, there's nothing more you can do to keep Imogen safe you just need to trust your body and the doctors (and her!) I also go hours with baby going quiet and then she'll have a mad hour where she doesn't stop so it isn't just you having these lulls in movement hun. Remember that they sleep a lot in there and your friends being kicked constantly are definitely exaggerating.. I think it's a really good idea that you've disconnected yourself a bit, it won't do any good googling stats and things that can go wrong. Is there anyone who can come over/take you out just to get your mind off of baby for a while? Sounds like you're being totally consumed by it all and your brain could do with a rest.. Sending love and hope tomorrow goes well xx
Sorry for fake labour mode yesterday Kate :( such a tease when that happens lol. Hope the real thing happens soon for you!

I'm not sure, there are a couple people I used to work with who had them and I guess with friends saying they had movement constantly makes me feel something is really wrong. It makes me feel better though you say they are exaggerating .. I get so upset on my Facebook feed seeing people post saying stuff about how much their baby kicks and never stops and don't get to sleep because of kicks etc.
I feel on the bad side of statistics too I think that's why I'm convinced something will go wrong! When I came off my pill I was 20 and read most people my age conceived within 3 months which didn't happen for me then I had multiple miscarriages which again is meant to be low risk in your 20s and then I had hypermesis at the start of this which I read again isn't common. I just feel if anything happens it will be to me as I'm on the wrong side of statistics. Lol I know that sounds silly just so desperate for her to be safe. All friends etc are working today:( it definitely isn't helping being in the house etc. Hoping tomorrow and actually sorting a plan will make me feel more positive xxx
I know how you feel Kate! It feels like it's time then it stops.

Oh Millie you poor thing! You have to stay away from Google and try not to let it worry you so much. We're almost there, I'm sure Imogen is okay. Try not to panic now that you are so close. I try to stay away from Google now too, and I had to temporarily remove a facebook friend from my newsfeed because she likes to post sad birth stories and stories of moms dying when in labor or c-section and stuff like that or sick babies and stuff. I don't think she's doing it on purpose but I just couldn't handle it. Especially after she did a story about a 50 year old lady who had her first child and how she died right after c-section and didn't get to see her baby and stuff like that. I don't need to read that stuff right now so she's off my feed temporarily. Just try to stay away from facebook and Google until after Imogen is born. The safest transition from pregnancy to birth, as long as baby is fine, is to let it all happen naturally. Especially in a single birth where baby is doing fine. Now if something is wrong then induction becomes the safest route I've been told. Induction is no walk in the park either and carries risks for mom and baby I've been told, as well as c-section. So hopefully T.J. comes by 40 weeks so it can happen naturally. This is definitely a scary time in more ways than one but just try to relax and breath. We're almost there. :) :hugs:

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Oh Millie :( had a little taste of what you're going through yesterday, got into the car and realised bub hadn't really been moving much, so gave him a good few pokes which has always got him kicking before...tried to get him to move for what felt like ages (probably about 5 minutes) and then started to panic...I could feel all the blood drain from my face. Half of me was trying to reassure myself and the other half was imagining horrible things...then, finally, he goes and gives me a big whack! Best feeling ever. But yes, I can totally understand just wanting her out, however much you know everything's likely to be fine.
Millie I know how you feel, I was so worried about stillbirth I kept having nightmares about it right up until the girls were born. Even just before going in for the csection I demanded a ctg to check on the girls because I needed to know they were still ok. One of them never moved much, and now that she's here, she's a bit of a less wriggly sleeper than her sister.

Imogen will be fine and she will be here soon. You'll feel so much relief, but you'll worry about other things once she is here. I find the worry much less now that I can look over and physically see the munchkins. xxx
Millie your poor thing. Anxiety is absolutely horrible & totally plays on your weakness & thoughts. I know it's easy to say but it is so so rare. Just keep pushing the hospital for monitoring, scans etc. Go sit in triage until they do something if it makes you feel better.

We went in every day the week leading up to Roberts birth as I knew something was happening! So they had to do the tests etc as I refused to leave until they had. And when we went into premature labour I still had to push them as they tried to fob me off saying I wasn't in labour but I was right. Anyway what I'm trying to say is trust your gut, if you don't feel right then go in and demand help, tests etc whatever will make your anxiety ease as you are right, the worrying won't help either of you.

It won't be long and Immy will be in your arms safe and well. Sending love and hug xxxxxx
Looks like I'm joining January mummies I'm currently 35 + 3 days been in and out of hospital due to reduced movements and growth she has growth restriction and my placentas not functioning like it should do the plan is to induce me on Monday when I will be 35+6 they wanted to get me to 37 weeks but the stress of hospital visits and worrying over movements they booked me in sooner! They say it may take a while for induction to start but if any problems arise I'll be closely monitored and may need c section! They also a chance of her being in special care because she's coming early and she's so small!
Oh gosh Bethany that's early - must be scary for you.. Hope everything goes well, all the best for you and baby xx
We had our bobs at 35+2 . He needed a little help breathing and has jaundice but other than that is generally well. 5bl 6oz at birth so quite diddy! Good luck. Hope it all goes well :) xxxxx
Thank you!
I hadn't a growth scan yesterday and estimated fetal weight was only 3lb 7!!

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