***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Oh my goodness that sounds awful.. I thought it didn't sound right that the pain was getting worse.. thank god they found it as I can inagine that getting nasty very quickly. Hope the antibiotics do the trick asap. I can only imagine :( Hope Matilda's been sleeping a little better for you. We've resorted to co-sleeping with Maggie as it's the only way she's settling for the moment! They do put us through the ringer these mini humans :) xx
Oh my goodness thumbs that's awful! :( Thank goodness they figured out what it was and now you can start to heal properly.
Thanks both. Just had a terrible night. Matilda wouldn't settle and I can hardly move - let alone sit on a chair to feed her - so DH had to take on all the work. He's now exhausted and is in such a foul mood when he's tired - which makes me feel worse as there's literally nothing I can do about it. Goodness knows how we're going to cope tonight when he's got to be at work in the morning...

Hope Maggie and TJ are both doing OK.
I'm so sorry thumbs..that sounds so painful! So.glad they found out what was going on xxx

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Hi everyone! Sorry not been on here much, just so busy with feeding and fitting everything in!
Girl in my NCT group is a Health Visitor so she has been answering all our questions, so useful!
Holdingthumbs that sounds excruciating, hope it gets better asap.
On the Facebook group now, I even missed that until Papermoon private messaged me!
No problem, you're okay. T.J. has got me pretty busy too. I know your hands are full with twins! :)
How are things Thumbs? I know you were quite careful about remaining anonymous but if you do need any support i'm finding the Facebook group that Abi started hugely helpful! Quite a few of us are over there now, it's lovely keeping in touch with everyone. Hope things have improved and you haven't needed any further intervention? xx
I haven't been on here in forever and am so sorry to have taken so long to respond - it's been a whirlwind of a week. I can't believe Matilda's now five weeks old and has changed so much already.
Thanks for your concern - I'm now off the antibiotics thankfully, and starting to feel a lot better. Finally managed to put some jeans and mascara on today and made it out of the house with my mum for lunch and a nursing bra fitting. I honestly feel like a new woman - cabin fever was really settling in...
I really love chatting to everyone but am worried about anonymity by joining the Facebook group. Maybe I'm being stupid, but just feels a bit like opening up too much :-(
I miss hearing everyone's news and hope all is well xxx
Completely understandable :) So glad to hear things are on the up! It really does make a world of difference getting out and about.. Well, if we never hear from you again I wish you, your partner and Matilda a lifetime of happiness! It's been lovely chatting to you over the months.. All the best with everything xxx
Glad you're on the mend and doing much better! As above, if we don't speak again then all the best with Matilda :) <3 xxxxxxxxx
Thank you so much both and likewise. Your support over the past year has been an absolute lifeline Xxx

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