Ahh congratulations Robbda! You just beat me, Camille was born at 00:15 on the 14th.
So...I had a sweep at 2pm that day, came home, bounced on my birthing ball a bit then got really drowsy and decided to have a nap...woke up about 5pm, stood up and felt a bit of a trickle...went to see what had happened and I'd lost a load of plug. Didn't think too much of it as I'd been losing plug for about a week...
Over the next hour though I had a few more trickles and started to wonder if waters were going slowly, so I called the hospital, more to ask how I could tell really, and a lady who doesn't normally work there answered and just said to come in...so we loaded the car with hospital bags, got my little girl off to nanny's house and went in...only to be told that it didn't seem like my waters and to go home.
Got in the car, got about 5 minutes from home and started talking about if we should pick Anna up and then walk to the shops and home to help get things started...then felt a big gush and decided walking about wouldn't be the best idea! Got out of the car and literally soaked through my pad, underwear and trousers...wasn't too pleased that I'd been told it wasn't waters going!
So we got Anna and decided we'd put her to bed at home, have some dinner and then see what was happening. OH spent a little while getting her to bed and I was losing looaads of fluid the whole time! I have to say, it's so much more convenient to have them go once you're already in labour haha.
I think at about 9pm I started having mild, short but 4ish minute apart contractions and was kind of at a loss at what to do. I wanted to labour at home as long as possible but they were so close together and obviously waters had already gone that it seemed like we ought to go in...so after deciding against watching Sherlock and waiting to see what would happen

we got my mum over to watch Anna and left for hospital about 9:30.
Arrived about 10pm, had various checks in a very hot, claustrophobic room. My pulse was pretty high as I think I was getting a bit anxious about being there. Midwife checked me and I was pretty disheartened to find I was 2-3cm...although something told me it still wasn't going to be long. Had a contraction while she was checking me which was really unpleasant. She then told us to go for a walk around the hospital corridors for about an hour to see if it'd get things started, and if it didn't I'd be admitted to the ward.
So, about 11pm, we left the labour suite to start walking and I immediately burst into tears and started panicking, I was suddenly really anxious about having to labour in that tiny room, about not getting to use the pool and about the possibility of having to stay overnight on the ward...I ended up begging OH to insist that he would stay! As we started walking around, I calmed down though, the corridors were much cooler and eerily empty and I actually kind of started to enjoy just wandering about with OH!
OH was timing contractions as we walked and very very quickly, they were coming about every minute, lasting a minute and getting more and more intense with each one. As each contraction came, I would panic for a moment at the intensity, then remind myself to relax my face, relax my body and think about Anna...every contraction I would think of all the funny little things she does and it helped immensely.
About 11:30 I realised things were really ramping up and we were a fair walk from the labour suite...so I told OH I thought we should go back now as I'd like to ask if I could use the pool...also because I was fairly sure birth was imminent but I didn't tell him that! We walked for another few minutes and then I realised we didn't seem to be getting any closer to the labour suite, so said again to OH that we should go back and he seemed to have totally forgotten I'd said anything!! I realised then that we were actually on the wrong floor too, which is why we never seemed to get any closer but I had no memory of walking downstairs!!
So we get buzzed back into the labour suite, we go back in and we're just stood in the corridor for a bit and no one is around...and I absolutely know at this point that this baby is coming quickly and I'm wondering why no one is rushing to get us...though obviously they thought we had a while! I start having another contraction and moaning loudly and the midwife appears and says it seems like contractions have intensified!
She gets us into our room and I ask for the pool which she says is fine and they start running it...she says it should be about 20 minutes. She then asks to put a cannula in my hand as I hemorrhaged last time and they want to be prepared. I'm now standing up but face down, leaning on the bed, having insane contractions...while she's faffing about with my hand. Initially she puts the needle sort of in my wrist, then she sounds a bit panicked and says something like "Oh no, we don't want blue"???, apologises, takes the needle out and then spends ages applying pressure to stop it bleeding...I think maybe she got an artery by accident which kind of made me panic...didn't need that in full blown labour!! So she eventually gets the cannula in somewhere else and then says we can walk across to the pool room as it's nearly ready.
Across we go, and I'm standing up, making very "pushy" noises with each contraction...the midwife keeps saying "We're going to have to get those trousers off now..." and I'm just thinking "Why don't you get them off then?!" as I really didn't feel capable haha. Eventually OH pulls them down but leaves my knickers on haha so I somehow summon the ability to take them off...midwife then notices that baby is crowning!
About 2 pushes later his head is out, then there's a little while before the next contraction where I reach and touch it and suddenly remember we have a cord tie, so somehow manage to tell the midwife that!
Next contraction comes and I remember being told how shoulder dystocia is more likely in big babies and being absolutely determined not to have that happen...put in the most effort I have ever mustered and out came Camille at 00:15. (which was weird as Anna was born at 00:18!)
I was so so relieved and overjoyed! They handed him to me and took me over to lay down and deliver the placenta. It came away really quickly so I was even more relieved - had a retained placenta last time. At this point everyone is commenting on how big both baby and placenta are, which I thought was funny because he looked so tiny to me.
Then I did have a bit of a bleed and a load of people rushed in but it was so much more pleasant and calm than last time, they just calmly explained everything, hooked me up to a drip and me and OH just looked at baby and tried to get him latched on the whole time.
We then went through to the old room, everyone kept apologising that I didn't get to use the pool which I found so funny because I was just so pleased it was all over so quickly. Baby was weighed and was a whopping 9lb 13oz! He latched beautifully and is pretty much obsessed with my boobs haha.
OH managed to stay with me the whole time, even snuck onto the ward overnight, and we were home by 3pm. All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better experience and I'm just so happy!
Really didn't intend for that to be so long, sorry! Well done if you read it all!