***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Aww that does sound like a bit of a busy situation though, not surprising she got a bit overwhelmed. I'm glad she's happy with him now though! I expect there will be ups and downs like with most sibling (from what I understand) as she gets used to the new addition.

My ladies have fed pretty much allll day, so I'm glad I've built up a good stock of milk in the fridge that OH and parents have been helping me to feed them with. I've been out for a walk and had a nap today too, so I'm feeling pretty good! Hope you all had a nice weekend xx
Congratulations Sprout and Robbda!! Photos soon please! Really hope you're both doing well.

Reading your story is kind of amazing, Sprout, but I'm getting super anxious and nervous now too. Just two days short of 38 weeks so could really be any time. Third growth scan in the morning too - hope baby's all ok...
Congratulations sprout and Robbda:D

Sounds a lovely quick birth sprout :)

I'm getting a little nervous now too although just can't wait for her here safe.

Hope your growth scan goes well holding thumbs. How was the last one?

Imogen def getting lower I think as feeling lots of low down stabs atm. Also lost some more plug today and eughhhhhh sorry if tmi but been using evening primrose capsules internally to help soften cervix. This eve when I put them in I got such a big shock as my finger went up cervix! :O it must be moving forward as it's never usually low like that lol when I used to check it when ttc was always far back. I pulled finger straight out in fright but it would of easily gone right up to where waters are I guess. I messaged my friend who's a midwife about it as I'd really freaked myself out and was worried I could cause an infection but she said not to worry at all as i haventlost waters and the evening primrose must be working lol.
Was freaky though haha xx
Uhh anyone else on fenugreek capsules to help with milk? They are making me stink of curry! The smell doesn't go away even with washing and deodorant - yuck!
Congratulations Sprout - love the birth story!!

Ok my story.. the short version and i dont want anyone to read this and stress we are amazing x

Madams movements went through the roof monday to 70 odd kicks in a day which i mentioned at my alternate day ctg for reduced movement.. they admitted me for induction.. bit of a shock as it was the first time increased movement was mentioned as a problem!

I had pessery induction wednesday as i was 2cm but not eff. Followed but 2 lots of prostiglandin tablets thursday, i got to 4cm st 4pm thursday so the broke my waters and contractions started immediately so i was off to the labour ward!

Unfortunatley scarletts head was in a funny position and although i dialated all the way to 7cm it took til 2pm on friday her head trapped my cervix against my pubic bone so it only eff on one side so a call was made for a c section!

Please dont let my story worry you we are fine we didnt know she was stuck til the surgeon got in there and they made the right calll at every stsge. she is stunning - the best and most perfect achievement of my entire life
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Sprout that was such a wonderful read, I needed that! Sounds on the whole like a really positive experience, and a beautiful example of how our intuition kicks in. Well done you and congratulations on your beautiful baby boy. That would have upset me too about the way their introduction went :( I'd have been so cross with the in-laws for turning up early..

I've also the last couple of days been getting some negative thoughts about pain, my safety (which sounds silly but now I have Poppy I can't stop thinking about if anything happened to me..) and the baby not being ok. I remember this from last time so am trying to ride it out and not let it consume me. It's an awful limbo of wanting baby here now and then wanting her to sit tight a little longer!

Sounds as though it was all very controlled Robbda despite being so unexpected, glad you're enjoying her :)

Ahh didn't realise that happened with fenugreek Laura! :shock:
Well done Sprout, you're amazing and so calm! What a good weight too! I really enjoyed reading your story. I must get round to writing mine! It's probably a good thing that your little girl was more interested in the presents as it will make her feel positive about her new baby brother. I remember when we adopted my sister I only remember the Weebles she 'bought' me!
Well done Sprout, you're amazing and so calm! What a good weight too! I really enjoyed reading your story. I must get round to writing mine! It's probably a good thing that your little girl was more interested in the presents as it will make her feel positive about her new baby brother! When we adopted my sister I only remember the Weebles she 'bought' me!
Sorry you had to have section Robbda but sounds like they looked after you and baby well :)

I'm hoping my sweep on Wed will start it all off and I won't need to go through the whole process at the weekend. All been quiet today..going to give her until 12 and then phone up if not felt her. Wish she didn't have these hours and hours of silence. Zxz
Just back from my growth scan at the hospital. Baby's on the 33rd percentile and estimated 6lb 8oz at 37+5, but all fine on my growth chart which is a relief. Even if they're 20% out on the estimates (which I understand they can be) baby should still be over 6lb in a couple of weeks time, which seems ok to me.

Also booked an acupuncture appointment despite being terrified of needles! The midwife who scanned me could see how much pain I was in hobbling along the corridor so went and grabbed an acupuncturist who said he'd love to help! They both think it's sciatica.
Sounds good about the acupuncture holdingthumbs:) glad they're going to try help! Sciatica is so sore must be horrid having it all the time!

That's a really good weight :) it's so strange how diff the centiles are on our personalised charts lol. Must be as I'm short. At 37+2 Imogen was 5lb 9 and she's just below 50th centile lol! Xx
It is funny, isn't it! I'm not super tall but 5'6 ish so that must be the difference!

Sadly my acupuncture appointment isn't until 31 Jan - not much help 2 days before my due date! - but I'm told a cancellation will come through much sooner. Fingers crossed!
Lol yeah I'm on 5 foot 2

Oh that's annoying I hope you get an earlier cancellation!
Felt Inogen a bit at 12 so think she's OK xx
I'm also terrified of needles , Thumbs, but I had acupuncture once because I had awful back pain and I was desperate for some relief before an important exam.. it worked really well and I didn't even feel the needles :) xxx
Fantastic news Thumbs.. it'll be mind over matter with the acupuncture- as Laura said you won't feel a thing it's just the idea of it! I think ot's a fascinating practice.. hope it works for you.

Good news that Immy gave you a wave Millie!
Had my pessary put in now got bed at hospital and have to go on monitoring every half an hour! Started with backache though
Oo Bethany I hope it works quickly for you! Very exciting. Fingers crossed. How did you find the VE? I used gas and air for them because I found it pretty unpleasant xx
Personally I thought it was ok obviously a bit uncomfortable but not painful! Fingers crossed it works not holding my breath due to only being 36 weeks and my cervix unfavourable
Aww Sprout that was a lovely read don't be daft, I love hearing people's stories! If it's an consolation about her being disinterested, my little sister called our youngest sister for the first 6 months 'the baby' and quite frankly would of happily left her in the supermarket she was so not bothered by her but she adores her now !

Robbda sorry to see you had to have a section, but so glad that the doctors etc acted so quick and efficiently!

Anyone bathed baby alone yet without OH? Bobs needs to start getting into a routine so I'm going to bath him shortly but a little nervous! can I leave him in the living room sleeping in his carry cot while I prep the bath room upstairs, all doors open? Or is that a big no no! God knows how single parents do this!!!! xxxxxxx
Aww Sprout that was a lovely read don't be daft, I love hearing people's stories! If it's an consolation about her being disinterested, my little sister called our youngest sister for the first 6 months 'the baby' and quite frankly would of happily left her in the supermarket she was so not bothered by her but she adores her now !

Robbda sorry to see you had to have a section, but so glad that the doctors etc acted so quick and efficiently!

Anyone bathed baby alone yet without OH? Bobs needs to start getting into a routine so I'm going to bath him shortly but a little nervous! can I leave him in the living room sleeping in his carry cot while I prep the bath room upstairs, all doors open? Or is that a big no no! God knows how single parents do this!!!! xxxxxxx

Yeah you can leave him in his cot while you prep the bath, so long as you can hear him. It's whatever you're comfortable with within reason, I think! I washed H&H today, one after the other as I was doing it on my own and not confident enough to wash both at once yet! Did you manage it in the end? xx

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