***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Thanks girls. Just stressing for when OH gods back to work that I won't cope if he still isn't latching.

Topped up his last feed with formula and he seems much happier with a fuller belly, so I'm just going to think of it as his medicine like they call it in hospital til my milk comes back better. I've gone and bought carrot juice, salmon, oatmeal, garlic & lots of water as online says they are good for milk flow... Just hope it all works!

He is worth it though. All the stress, lack of sleep, days without showers and missed breakfasts. :')

I'm so excited for you girls that are left to pop! Any new signs tonight?

I started with sickness that made me 'empty' upstairs and downstairs lol followed by being really unsettled and dreaming about my waters popping which was when I woke up to them popping! xxxxxxxx
Abi I've managed to increase my supply massively by pumping every 2-4 hours, especially at night time. It's hard work but once supply is established for a while, apparently I'll be able to cut it down a lot and still get the same amount of milk. I also drink loads, like 3 litres of water per day or more and make sure I eat a lot (not difficult as appetite has increased lots from all the expressing). xxx
Nothing new so far with me, but it can't be too much longer. :) Having loads of BH but nothing regular so far. I did have the urge to do one last good house cleaning before T.J.comes because once he comes it may be a while before it gets cleaned like this again. LOL! :lol: verything's all ready for him now. :)
I have tightnings and pains every 10 mins but nothing seems to be coming of them it's frustrating! Xxx

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I've had absolutely nothing today...really trying to put it to the back of my mind and relax which I actually kind of managed though. I have a 2nd sweep tomorrow (had one last week)...hoping I'll get there and they'll say I'm 5cm and need to get going to hospital (hey, I can dream right?! :D)
BlondeP please.dont beat yourself up i know loads of people that top.up with formula xx

So think yesterday was false labour as i had tightenings all day and back ache and last night went to bed at 10.30 and it all.stopped! Still loosing plug and baby has calmed down after clocking 70 kicks yesterday!!! (I normally hit 20!) Got another monitor session tonight but bean seems to be going from one extreme to the other!!
I'm feeling much more chilled too.. I got all wound up and frustrated over Christmas but now that I'm back busy into my normal routine I'm finding the wait much more manageable! Actually just really making an effort to cherish these last few weeks just us and Poppy before our family changes forever :) xx
I'm defo not feeling chilled lol having so much back pain and pressure on/off and tightnings that come every 10 mins for hours then stop. Feeling so anxious about her too in general. So worried something happens to her before birth or during now we have got this far xxx

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Hey ladies hope your all ok, excited to hear more baby news soon :-)
Congrats Cornish sounds adorable x
My little men will be 5 weeks on Friday ! They now weigh 6lb 7 & 6lb 3 !! :-)


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I have been feeling guilty having to ignore one of the boys whilst the other is feeding, tandem is usually difficult as one falls off! DH gets stressed when left with the yelling one! He goes back to work tomorrow, yikes!

Ours are so good when people visit and then are really demanding in the evening too! They kept us up last night wanting extra milk too. :mad:

I felt bad having to top up with formula but it does take the pressure off and people say you can go back to breast milk only later on.

My leg hair stopped growing at about 7 months of my pregnancy, it was great as I couldn't reach to do them! But the day after the twins were born it came back really quickly, strange and yuck!! Is it just me?
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My hats off to you Hun for BF ! Have you got a twin feeding pillow to help tandem ? X
Yes but Robert often lets go and it's hard to keep them both on unless they are both really hungry! Are you formula feeding?
Haha leg hair stopping growing is a funny one! I didn't get that!

Health visitor came for first visit today. The girls are up to 7 pounds 3 oz each at 13 days old (6 pounds 6oz and 7oz at birth) so I'm glad about that because I wanted to check that weaning them off formula and onto my milk wasn't starving them.

My mum made some comment today about why I'm expressing my milk and bottle feeding instead of putting them straight on me. I just found tandem feeding so hard, and like you say blue, I felt bad making one wait while feeding the other. Also I worried that second feeder wasn't getting much. So anyway it's still top ups and mainly expressing for everyone's sanity and to cut down on a bit of feeding time.

We survived the first day with OH back at work. Both girls are asleep and all three of us are well fed (my mum kindly came over and fed me a couple of times)! I even snuck off for a shower while they napped and we had skin to skin cuddles in bed for an hour. It was very peaceful until Heidi got hungry :D

Glad OH is home though! Phew. xxx
Well, I'm back to being fed up ha. Had contractions for a few hours last night, managed to fall asleep at 2am and then woke up for it to all have fizzled out. Midwife was fairly positive about sweep today but no more contractions yet....already feel like he's never coming out and I'm only 4 days over
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Well, I'm back to being fed up ha. Had contractions for a few hours last night, managed to fall asleep at 2am and then woke up for it to all have fizzled out. Midwive was fairly positive about sweep today but no more contractions yet....already feel like he's never coming out and I'm only 4 days over
I can't imagine how you must feel!
I'm losing it at 37+5 with pains I keep getting stop/start lol I go in tomorrow though as original plan was induction this week. I have a feeling she has moved her head though ..when I get pressure now with the pains I don't feel her head between my legs today..it's more to the left by that hip bone :( they won't do anything if she isn't engaged. So will have to see what happens. Her movements have been okay but still vary and hard to track. I can't wait for her to be here safe..my anxiety has been through the roof this week! Spend most of the day crying etc wishing she was here safe. I wish I could be excited for whenever her arrival is but instead I'm just impatient as with each day I feel itl be harder if things do go wrong. Xxx

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Blue strange you should say about the leg hair as mine stopped as well!
We are formula feeding yes, wasn't able to establish BF at hospital due to the light therapy & tbh it's been such a help with hubby and family being able to help with the feeds, I don't know how you girls do it especially on a 3 hour schedule !

Hope things start moving again for you sprout!

Sorry it's so stressful for you Millie, I know what you mean you just want them here safe and sound where you can see and feel and touch them rather than spending all day everyday worried about movement and if they are ok in there x I hope things start moving for you Hun x
Hi girls, been a bit quiet this week frantically trying to finish up things at work. Have just done my last day and now finally on maternity leave! Suddenly exhausted though with all the effort and the realisation that I'm full term tomorrow.

Can also no longer walk which is far from ideal. Started as a hip pain last week and has progressed to an excruciating stabbing through my lower back and pelvis every time I take a step. Midwife seems to think it's a result of my vertebrae being pushed together by the weight of baby and trapping nerves and is going to try and get me a quick physio referral. But I'm anxious about the potential prospect of another 5 weeks of this! At least I'm done on the tube for now. Got overtaken yesterday by someone on crutches which was a low point!

Bump's also measuring small again, so am being referred for a third growth scan. Beginning to make me anxious that it keeps happening... :-(

Really enjoy hearing what everyone's up to. Well done to all the mummies and fingers crossed for action soon for everyone else!
Well, I'm back to being fed up ha. Had contractions for a few hours last night, managed to fall asleep at 2am and then woke up for it to all have fizzled out. Midwive was fairly positive about sweep today but no more contractions yet....already feel like he's never coming out and I'm only 4 days over
I can't imagine how you must feel!
I'm losing it at 37+5 with pains I keep getting stop/start lol I go in tomorrow though as original plan was induction this week. I have a feeling she has moved her head though ..when I get pressure now with the pains I don't feel her head between my legs today..it's more to the left by that hip bone :( they won't do anything if she isn't engaged. So will have to see what happens. Her movements have been okay but still vary and hard to track. I can't wait for her to be here safe..my anxiety has been through the roof this week! Spend most of the day crying etc wishing she was here safe. I wish I could be excited for whenever her arrival is but instead I'm just impatient as with each day I feel itl be harder if things do go wrong. Xxx

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Bless you, it must be so stressful when you're so worried. I'm just massively impatient and wanting it all to be over with. Let us know how it goes tomorrow! I have an appointment at the hospital at 8:45 blech but I don't actually know what for!? I'm thinking to discuss induction...and probably sooner rather than later as he's supposed to be so big.
Sarah & Blue, I couldn't say if mine stopped or not as I haven't attempted to shave them in months haha

Laura thanks for advice re Medela Shields! They have worked a treat and bobs now feeds from the Boob!! Top ups were making me so stressed having to make two bottles & I never got the formula tight first time round !! On a few occasions I went to shake it & covered the kitchen!!!

Any babies last night?!? xxxxxxx
It won't be long for me, the tightenings and period cramps are getting painful. A lot of discharge coming from downstairs. Almost there. :)

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