How do you feel about your labour

I keep hearing about this 'ring of fire' but my morphine had wore off by the time I was pushing and I didn't feel the fire feeling. Pushing for me was a massive relief, I loved it and I felt every inch of her come out. I pushed for 8mins :) but no 'ring of fire' feeling - thank god! Lol. Just a feeling of relief that the pressure was easing with each push x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

My labour was painful, I was contracting for 30hrs before they would acknowledge I was in labour! I couldn't lay down I had to and rock, by the time I got to delivery suite contractions were on top of each other and I didn't get a break.

G&a made me sick but I didnt want morphine and was on the fence about an epi and took to log to decide whether I wanted one or not! :lol:

I'm still trying to block out the ring of fire!

I genuinely can't imagine never doing it again ... Maybe it's just the hormones playing havoc with me!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I loved my labour and didn't feel the pain of contractions until fully dilated and transition period.
I loved pushing and didn't get the ring of fire feeling, once the head was out I remember thinking how small it was and was surprised it didn't hurt!
I used a tens machine, then pool, a bit of gas and air for transition then nothing for pushing. I did have epidural in my birth plan but didn't need it.
I would do it all again in a heartbeat if it was guaranteed to be the same next time!
Nope! I loved my labour too :-D hope this ones as short and bearable x

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I do remember the ring of fire bit, thought to myself "uh oh this is what the PF girls were on about" lol
At the time I hated it! I remember thinking never ever ever again am I getting pregnant, however now I think back and I loved it! I can't say I enjoyed 'the ring of fire' , it was a whole new pain on top of the pain of contractions and pushing, that feeling I didn't expect and it made me panic. The midwife had to reassure me it was normal haha!

But yeah, I really look forward to the experiencing it all over again.
you're ALL mental!

didn't like it last time.

not looking forward to this time.

62 days to go :,(

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Pp you'll be fine! Maybe you'll enjoy it this time :D x
I loved my labour. I was induced, I didn't like the pessaries. They were uncomfortable. I had gas and air, morphine and an epidural, which kind of failed. I had the morphine about 9pm, baby was born at 2.38 so I was feeling every contraction, and I felt the ring of fire... Won't forget that bit for a while! But I really would do it again in a heartbeat.
I have real mixed feelings about my labour. I was induced and the pain was horrific. I had an awful stabbing pain down my right leg, it was so painful I would have chopped my leg off if I could have done! I had an epidural but it didn't work and they were about to take it out and put it back in when I felt the urge to push so it was too late.
I ended up pushing for 3 hours, I hated the feeling when I needed to push. I still remember that pain and the pain in my leg very clearly. I ended up needing ventouse and episiotomy to get my LO out.
I can't bear the thought of never being pregnant again, but am very apprehensive about giving birth. I would hope that the epidural works if there is a next time.

our experience sounds very similar! nothing prepared me for the pain the drip caused, and contractions 17secs apart, and I also had a failed epidural down one side and excruciatin pains in my left groin and thigh. I was too begging them to just freeze my leg.

I would only get pregnant again if they could promise no induction or drip and an epidural that worked!
Part of me enjoyed my labour- it was fairly quick and on gas and air only- but I did think I was going to deliver in the car after having been sent home once it had been confirmed my waters had broken despite my contractions really kicking off after they'd examined me. Half an hour drive home, half an hour in the house before I knew we had to go back as the pain was getting so bad and then another half hour back in the car with me feeling like I wanted to push but not daring to tell hubby as I didn't want him to panic while driving!

But no matter how painful it was (I had a 3rd degree tear) at the time I forgot it all as soon as I had my baby on my chest and I would do it again in a heartbeat! Once I was in the labour ward and the midwife realised how close I was to pushing I felt totally reassured and relaxed into the experience and am determined to have a natural birth next time (hoping there will be a next time!) despite the tearing.
I'm 33 weeks and 2 days and this will be my first labour. I'm very scared but hope it will be worth it when we see our daughter ;)

It's horrid waiting now though, I was warned that due to kidney infections she may come early so who knows when she will arrive!!??

I think I worry most about going to hospital too early and being sent home :confused: can't think of anything worse than thinking I'm ready and being sent home for hours.

Want to stay at home until necessary but then make sure i get to hosp on time! LOL.

Good luck girls!!

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I absolutely LOVED my labour even though it got a bit traumatic in the last couple of hours i would relive it all again & wouldn't change a thing! :love:
I loved mine had a fast one on gas and air and can honestly say that stuff worked on me i couldn't feel a thing! I was off my rocker on it lmao x
How easy it is to use gas n air properly?? I heard a lot of women don't use it right and so its not as effective as it could be.

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I hated it.... It was like I was choking, couldn't breath and made me dizzy and it didn't really help my contractions.
After 3 tries I decided that I like the pain more than the shitty gas and air lol...
How easy it is to use gas n air properly?? I heard a lot of women don't use it right and so its not as effective as it could be.

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

Its very easy you just breath it in and out like your breathing into a paper bag ifykwim and you can bite the mouth piece. It works different on different people- i didnt feel a thing on the stuff i didnt even feel the ring of fire or the stiches afterwards. At one point i was talking about purple elephants and singing wiggle wiggle wiggle from sexy and i know it haha! x
It made me laugh for a bit then made me feel sick, so I binned it and went solo :D
i was talking about how we needed to take the dog out.....

we dont have a dog! ha ha xx
It made me laugh for a bit then made me feel sick, so I binned it and went solo :D

It made me feel really drunk like the room was spinning and the i puked everywhere

The gave me an anti sickness drug and i stopped puking, but still felt drunk

It done nothing for the pain but was a distraction

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