Flopsybunny's neverending labour!

Ooo good luck flops, hope baby's here soon, you are doing Fantabulous ! Xx
wow 4cm - isn't that classed as established labour now?!! I thought once you past 3 cm that was it? ah sounds like things are getting going now though - it might just speed up all of a sudden - especially if your waters go... you're doing great though.. what a trooper x x x
Flopsy it sounds like a real tough time for you but you are doing great.
Keep going you're doing really well. Hope baby turns and makes an apperance v soon :)
Hope things have got moving hunni and your LO is here soon! x
59 hour latent phase so far. Had more pethidine and got. 2 hours disturbed sleep. Feel off my face on entonox and exhaustion at the moment. I just hope and pray baby is ok and born healthy!

Can't believe I am in my 4th day of labour!

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Wow your doing amazingly!
Fingers crossed she is here soon for you!
I have had 11 hours sleep roughly out of the last 70 hours.. Hopefully I have hidden reserves of energy somewhere.

You will, you'll see :hug: your body is amazing and is made to cope with these things xx
Hope baby makes an appearance today! your doing fab xx
Hope things happen for you today hun. You are doing amazingly and I'm sure you will find the energy you need when the time comes. Everything crossed for you. :hugs::hugs:
You are doing brilliantly flopsy - hope baby arrives today xx
ahw thinking of you today and hoping things are happnin quicker now for you x x
Wow flospsy u poor thing, your doing amazing though, keep at it an hopefully before long u will gave your lovely baby. It will all be worth it, good luck xxxx
You're doing sooo well chick x Really hope you get to meet your LO today! :love: x
Really hope they will help you soon, i thought 4 cm is established labour? You are very brave, i would have been in the hospital asking to speak to the supervisor if i didnt like the answer from the mw
Just caught up with this thread. I really hope they help you move along ASAP. Good luck hun and keep thinking of your baby girl xxx

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