Flopsybunny's neverending labour!

Hope baby is here for you soon Hun! xx
Hope you're doing well Flopsy - you're doing fab, keep strong for your LO x
hope you managed to get some rest flopsy, and hoping your baby girl makes an appearance today!
ahw flopsy - i would grabr ALL pain relief offered with both hands if i were you!! you coping really well... hope things speed up for you and once you get going you'll probably find you get a 2nd wind for the labour.

i had bright red bleeding when i got to about 6cm and i was really worried but they said it was completely normal and everything turned out fine...

good luck hun - hope it happens quickly now for you x x x
Still in latent phase. I feel appalling!! The pains are killing me and I have a mean MW this morning - saying it is just muscular/skeletal pain...what..every 10 minutes??!

I went back to hospital last night and had the pethidine - slept for about 5 hours. I feel so faint now though as though I'm not in reality. Have been given codeine and it hasn't touched the pains and the MW speaks to me as though I am lying!

Aww chick :( Can you ask them to break your waters if they can? Maybe that'll speed things up a bit xx You'll forget all about the pain though once your LO is here xx Hope it's not long now x
honestly some midwifes need a good slap, no need 4 them 2 b mean! Hang in there, your doin great, Hope things pick up soon, i know its very tiring. x
Aww chick :( Can you ask them to break your waters if they can?

The MW I saw in the night said they would be looking at doing that soon but the one I have now says - "oh we aren't planning on intervening for another 9 days yet" Nine more days of this?! It will kill me!

I have had 9 hours sleep in the last 55 hours. And have been having pains for the last 43 hours.

9 days?! :shock:

Oh dear :( I'd ask the next midwife at the change of shift and see if they'll do it for youxx
Oh honey I went through this phase for 5 days, I was so exhausted by the time I was in established labour. The MW's are not very understanding sometimes, luckily the one I had in labour was great. All the others id seen before hand were bloody awful. I think I had the odd 10 mins here and there over 5 days and it was just horrible. Grace ended up in distress as I then went through 24 hours of established labour before being rushed for a c section. I found pethedine made me feel drunk but didn't really help the with the pain but the epidural definitely helped me to rest a little.

I hated that feeling of MW's thinking I was lying about the pain or something, WTF would I make it up!!! My hubby actualy said considering everything I was very polite and calm the whole time, never got upset or angry. Just went into my own little world to get through. Mine was back labour though as Grace was posterior, not nice!

This probably hasnt made you feel much bette but just wanted you to know it will all be ok and epidurals are very effective for pain or it was for me anyway. I was scared as I thought it would feel different from how it felt. I just wish someone would have reassured me that it was normal and I was doing well. Good luck sweetie you're doing great :)
Thanks girls. Laura it has made me feel better knowing that people can and do cope. Thanks

Ha!! The MW just got her comeuppance! The consultant came in with her and felt my stomach when I had a pain and confirmed it was a contraction. Still in latent phase but nearly 4cms dilated now. They are keeping me in as the consultant reckons I should go into labour tonight. Keep everything crossed for me!!

Just got to try and get baby to turn now...

Fingers crossed your baby girl is here by tonight xx
Sounds positive to me, I reckon you will def have baby by tonight!

They may try and do your waters now at 4cm, they broke mine at 3-4cm to help things along.

So exciting :) :)
Oooo exciting! It's all getting rather exciting for us June Mummies at the moment! :) x
I'm not too excited at the moment. I am nearly hallucinating with tireness and pain. No mention of having my waters broken yet - they are wanting baby to turn. The back pains are crippling!


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