How do you feel about your labour

Lol the g&a made me a bit loopy too. I was asking DH if he'd told Spencer and Harvey that I've gone into labour cuz they'd be really angry if they didn't know... We don't know anyone called Spencer or Harvey lol.
I was also talking about a grandfather clock that I wanted, no idea what grandfather clock that was lol.
I'd have g&a at the weekend instead of a glass of wine if I could ha x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
i was saying to my hubby last night if we have another baby i wud b happy with the same labour again but with out the forceps giving birth was the best thing i have ever done , my pain relife was only gas and air but loved it x
Lol the g&a made me a bit loopy too. I was asking DH if he'd told Spencer and Harvey that I've gone into labour cuz they'd be really angry if they didn't know... We don't know anyone called Spencer or Harvey lol.
I was also talking about a grandfather clock that I wanted, no idea what grandfather clock that was lol.
I'd have g&a at the weekend instead of a glass of wine if I could ha x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

Its laughing gas that get a life by Cherry did a little bit on it, its legal and you can buy canisters and fill balloons to breath in, they buy 50% but hospitals is 30%... I think they should increase the dosage so we could laugh through labour haha!

You can buy it at amazon!!!
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I would love to have been able to stay in the watter i was allowed in after taking paracetamol for temperature then tken out after it got high again.

Also my epidural failed miserably so i was left bed bound.


Would also love a quicker labour next time .. mine lasted just over 48 hours.

Oh & no back to back .. ill be on all fours from the day i get a BFP :P
Lol the g&a made me a bit loopy too. I was asking DH if he'd told Spencer and Harvey that I've gone into labour cuz they'd be really angry if they didn't know... We don't know anyone called Spencer or Harvey lol.
I was also talking about a grandfather clock that I wanted, no idea what grandfather clock that was lol.
I'd have g&a at the weekend instead of a glass of wine if I could ha x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

Its laughing gas that get a life by Cherry did a little bit on it, its legal and you can buy canisters and fill balloons to breath in, they buy 50% but hospitals is 30%... I think they should increase the dosage so we could laugh through labour haha!

You can buy it at amazon!!!

Oh dear god...
*runs off to check amazon*

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
I pretty much hated my experience.

Went for a routine scan at 38+6 days told she breech and was booked in after the weekend at 39+2 for c-section

It took 40 minutes of numerous attempts to insert epidural. That meant a dose of local each time and it hurt like hell. In the end they paged the consultant anaesthetist who said she's have 2 attempts or it would be a general. She got it after second attempt something to do with spaces in my spine. Anyway, 13 weeks later my back is still sore at the site of epidural and it was grazed, scabbed and bruised for weeks. The midwife was horrified when she saw it.

Section started and I fainted so was given adrenaline, because of this it was an hour before I held Xanthe for first time - hubby held her but not me. She also had low blood sugar so the decision was out of my hands and she was formula fed.

The following day I can get up and about. It hasn't quite been 24 hours - but no matter they left me in the shower to remove my wound dressing and I promptly fainted again. My blood pressure went low to 80/64 rather than 130/80 as is normal for me. The removed Xanthe and put her in 'their' nursery because I needed to be put back on a drip but my hubby wasn't allowed in until later.

We got discharged at 6.30am the following morning. Maybe they needed the bed?

8 days later I was rushed back to hospital with a severe infection. I was tachycardic, clammy, and bleeding very heavily. It was discovered that during my section some placenta had been retained so I was taken at 9.30pm that night for an erpc under a general anaesthetic to remove the products. It was late so they allowed no one to stay with me and when my mom asked if she could call ward later to find out how I got on they said 'best not' so in the end I called my mom at 1am from my mobile.

However, my scar is amazing - really tiny and barely noticeable and 6in long if that. The care of midwives was fantastic / but I won't be going through that again.

Hated every one of them, not looking forward to doing it again at all x
Most way thru pregnancy I was relaxed about labour with the attiude "its gotta come out somehow" bu then once I started with the itching and being kept in for the night cos of high bp the realisation came to me and i thot theres no way I can do this it was the unknown that was scaring me

When I got in the day Elise was born and they said they would induce me I didny know what to expect and thot im never doing this again then labour started waters wen contractions got worse G&A was useless unless breathed in constantly (whoch I ended up doing ) once the diamorphine went in i was away with t still usd gas fpr the contractions but when it came to pushing it got thrown and was relying on the diamorphine whch apparently is only supposd to last 4hrs.....did however take the gas back when they were stitching me

few hours after the birth i was saying i wanted to do it again and i would in an instant which for me is soemthing as im a woose with pain but labour an birth is a whole different type of "pain" now just to convince hubby when to have another one though wont be for at least a year and a half mibbe 2 lol xx
Lol the g&a made me a bit loopy too. I was asking DH if he'd told Spencer and Harvey that I've gone into labour cuz they'd be really angry if they didn't know... We don't know anyone called Spencer or Harvey lol.
I was also talking about a grandfather clock that I wanted, no idea what grandfather clock that was lol.
I'd have g&a at the weekend instead of a glass of wine if I could ha x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

Its laughing gas that get a life by Cherry did a little bit on it, its legal and you can buy canisters and fill balloons to breath in, they buy 50% but hospitals is 30%... I think they should increase the dosage so we could laugh through labour haha!

You can buy it at amazon!!!

Oh dear god...
*runs off to check amazon*

Tapatalking from my blackberry!

Its these

scary isn't it!!
For all the pain I loved my labour :)

From the moment my waters broke everytime I had a contraction I wanted to push as master R was playing carousel inside me.

We did it with the minimum dose of pethidine and G & A and the pethidine was only so the little goober would chill out and get in the right position for birth......

I can't wait for our 2nd but it will be a couple of years yet xxxx
I had quite an eventful and long labour, which ended which a c-section. However, even with all the problems I would still do it again. I had to turn OBEM of flast night, I felt like I was gonna start crying, I was so jealous of the women on it!! x
Reading this us definitely scaring me, time to stop reading everything!

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