Screaming during labour...

I just made a lot of ooh ooh ooh noises and the odd oh f*** then apologised. I think the mw's have heard worse!! Xx
I was determined not to scream and instead I exhausted myself within half an hour by tensing my whole body to prevent myself from making a noise.

So I decided it would be much preferable to scream and I let rip. I'm sorry to say I couldn't care less what people thought, that was the last thing on my priority list. Probably helped with the speed they got my epidural ready, they probably would have done anything to stop me, haha!
I didnt make any noise when I had kidney stones so Im hoping that means I'll be quiet in labour.
Although the odds dont look in my favour as on OBEM it seems to be 80& screamers and only 20% quiet ladies! xxx
I really don't care if I scream or not, I'm giving birth to a baby not suffering with a papercut! x
From what I can rememeber I was a bit noisy, but I know a was shouting and swearing when pushing as it hurt like hell, which took around an hour and a half, because I was so exhausted by then!! And I'll do it again if I feel the need, it doesn't bother me what people think x x
With my 1st I was highly medicated, had an emergency epidural & was prepped for theatre, so didn't feel it as much & didn't scream.

With number 2 I was in labour for 4 days & I managed with just moaning at home, I waited til very last minute to go to hospital, when I got there it was...20mins before he fully popped out & for those 20mins I screamed my head off, absolutely screamed like I was getting murdered, its very difficult with no that was just the last 20mins which I think wasn't too bad as obvs thats the worst part. My OH & all MW's were telling me not to scream to concentrate on pushing but I honestly couldn't help it - not a word of a lie.....I thought I was dying - no joke - I knew i was giving birth but felt like I was gonna die......sorry loooool

My pain threshold is rubbish tho

I bet MWs tell you not to scream because it's annoying them. I found, if anything, that screaming helps.
i didnt scream but wouldnt have cared less if i did, i did make noise though,
I didn't scream either, but during the time when I couldn't push, I did moan a bit I think, because it was painful and I couldn't do anything. As some of the girls say, to scream is a waste of energy so your mw will tell you to try to avoid it!

I'm sure you'll do absolutely fine!!!

I never "screamed" like bad but i was shouting "i can't do it" and "i need a shit" lol I shouted a bit from what i can remember and nearly crushed the MW and OHs arm lol... i had a horrendous time and the midwife was an absolute cow. I had a quick and very painful labour i actually thought i was gonna die from the pain but i have a low threshold. Seriously they have heard worse and women have good reason to shout, there not feeling what you are so who cares fuck them lol :) x
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Im really paranoid about this because it annoys the hell out of me when i watch OBEM and they are screaming and my husband moans too lol.
I think (and i hope) that im more of the suffer in silence type and i just focus and get on with the job :S
You guys make me feel like a wuss! LOL.

With baby number 1, I was crying and praying to God for some Medicine every two minutes! I never screamed, but I was deffinately whining every two minutes for 10 hours straight until they gave me an epidural.

I heard a Nurse whisper to another nurse that I was a Drama Queen... uhg. Not something you want to hear when you are in the worste pain ever.
Hehehehe! I remember with my second I knew what was going on so a little more comfortable so there was less screaming, but I made the same sounds as I did when putting he in there. I would laugh every time a contraction would finish but I was more embarrassed about that then the screaming.
You guys make me feel like a wuss! LOL.

With baby number 1, I was crying and praying to God for some Medicine every two minutes! I never screamed, but I was deffinately whining every two minutes for 10 hours straight until they gave me an epidural.

I heard a Nurse whisper to another nurse that I was a Drama Queen... uhg. Not something you want to hear when you are in the worste pain ever.
The total BITCH!
You guys make me feel like a wuss! LOL.

With baby number 1, I was crying and praying to God for some Medicine every two minutes! I never screamed, but I was deffinately whining every two minutes for 10 hours straight until they gave me an epidural.

I heard a Nurse whisper to another nurse that I was a Drama Queen... uhg. Not something you want to hear when you are in the worste pain ever.

OMG! I would have got up and bloody back handed her!! What a cow!!

I never screamed! I grunted and groaned with each push tho! My pushing only lasted 15 minutes but if it had gone on longer I probably would have got louder!

My fist one I screamed and roared and can happily admit that I was awful . The birth was horrible (I had a forceps delivery , the epidural didn't work, an episiotomy and was given pictocin) but I still think if I had calmed down and listened to my body it would have been easier on me , Aoibheann and the midwives. Lily's delievery was so much easier no shouting or roaring (I had a cry when I was transitioning but I was convinced I was only 2-3 cms) and was stunned to find out I was almost ready to push. I mooed a bit when pushing but that was it:)
I groaned during contractions until they gave me an epidural, then when they delivered him by forceps I remember clearly shouting very loudly because I could feel them!! I never screamed though x
I managed to emit shrieks SO high pitched, I could feel my own eardrums hurt. Well, at least I wasn't the only one in agony :D
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Ha ha ISH !!! Brilliant. What did your oh say about all that?
He knows I am not shy about letting my feelings show, but the amount of blood put the fear of God into him.

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