OHs/mums with you in labour - real help or additional embarrassment?

:) Rachey I'm sure it's right - thinking of what my husband sees will be the last thing on my mind while I'm in labour, but I'm just worried that I will find it all very embarrasing later. Next day I would be wondering - did I do that or not? Did he see that? Does he still remember/think about it?...

but it's great to know that your OH was helpful. I'll also ask mine to come with me and will just hope for the best I guess :)

I know what you mean! I kept OH up at my head so he didn't see everything, I don't think he really wanted to see down there anyway :lol: .. I would probably have worried that he wouldn't be able to look at me the same way again lol!

But yeah I would say it's def good to have your OH there for support, and if your worried about him seeing everything then just ask him to stay up at your head :)

My mum and OH were suppose to be at the birth but everything happened so quickly my mum wasn't allowed in and I'm glad she wasn't now! I don't think I would have wanted her to see me in such a state. Although I could not have done it without OH, he was perfect and done as he was told (looked away when I told him too) Although he saw me at my very worst I think the whole experience just brings you closer together xx

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