@Poppy_12 oh my gosh, you have the willpower of a goddess not to have tested again over the weekend! I hope this is it for you, 15dpo and no AF sounds very promising. Keep us posted!
@Mrsbunny @pupperini have you tried taking Inofolic? Its generally for PCOS but also helps with regulating your cycle and increasing egg quality etc. I usually have 70-90 day cycles (have done for the last two and a half years) but Ive been taking it for almost three months now and I ovulated day 21 this cycle which is absolutely unheard of. Im not sure if longer cycles are normal for you or what your situation is but I thought I would mention it as Im a bit of a pessimist the majority of the time (the worst when TTC lol) but I honestly cant rate this stuff any more highly.
@moomingirl how many DPO are you?
@WheelDon2 sorry about AF, hope you catch the egg next week!