***february 2018 testing thread***

Good luck Pidge hoping it's your wee rainbow baby!

Sorry Wolfmama! Sending you hugs but at least you can now move into the next cycle

We had our clinic appt this morning and we are going on ivf waiting list in May once back our holidays and said it's only a 4/5 month waiting time so not long too wait...and in the mean time we can try until Thailand. Our only issue is they said we shouldn't ttc for 6 months post Thailand due to zika risk but risk is rare... hmmmm

Thats fab new alexis.that time will fly x

Thanks ! They have really good success rates and one of best in the country. They have 1 baby born every day with ivf and I think 1/3 of every transfer is successful maybe more. I am excited to have a plan in place now and I feel a better knowing we will get our baby one way or another...I just got to hope IVF will work for us if we don't get pregnant before. The doc said we are more fertile for next 3 months due to hsg test. He said it can flush out small mucus plugs in tubes so to try try try . So I guess until Thailand we are giving it a few more months of our best shots then will relax a bit more and accept it will be ivf end of the year or at latest early 2019 and just prob take a month off
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Come on February we need some BFPs !!! Woop wooop. I am going to do one of those rain dances except for BFPs.:dust::pompom::love::dust:
How is everyone feeling today? Has anyone tested? App says I'm ovulating tomorrow, I've had very strong ov pains and symptoms the last few days, I feel bleurgh today very sick and headache again, I hope I feel better later as we are dtd tonight and rest of weekend :lol:
I got a positive opks on 26th January so I’m not sure what I count as my dpo I’m assuming I maybe count from the 27th which would make me 7dpo today I haven’t had an implantation bleed and aside from sensitive nipples I haven’t noticed a great deal else
What’s the results of the first 2 days of Feb?? Xxx
12dpo today, AF due today according to FF. Tested (twice lol) BFN ��
Just popping in to wish you all good luck this month :petal:

Sprinkling baby dust all over this thread! :dust:


Looks like AF got me today so you can remove me from the 3rd Feb please. I thought things were looking good yesterday when I started spotting on/off and it never came to anything by the time I went to bed. However, when I woke up this morning I knew it was definitely AF! Yet another disappointment and I’m wondering if it’ll ever happen!

Good luck everyone x

Looks like AF got me today so you can remove me from the 3rd Feb please. I thought things were looking good yesterday when I started spotting on/off and it never came to anything by the time I went to bed. However, when I woke up this morning I knew it was definitely AF! Yet another disappointment and I’m wondering if it’ll ever happen!

Good luck everyone x

Sorry to read this Sasha. Big hugs. Xx
hey thats exactly what i did , i spotted on and off for 3 days and then nothingand then i started bleeding so thought it was AF. lits alot lighter than usual and i woke up yesturday morning and my boobs were soo sore and i keep waking up staving threw the night. so i did a test yesterday morning and i got BFP... i was in total shock so i took another test today and got another BFP. with me bleeding i have a scan tomorrow to confirm things but my GP thinks this type of bleedingis very common in early pregnancy... so fingers crossed u still could be in with a chance...

sending lots of baby dust ...x
hey thats exactly what i did , i spotted on and off for 3 days and then nothingand then i started bleeding so thought it was AF. lits alot lighter than usual and i woke up yesturday morning and my boobs were soo sore and i keep waking up staving threw the night. so i did a test yesterday morning and i got BFP... i was in total shock so i took another test today and got another BFP. with me bleeding i have a scan tomorrow to confirm things but my GP thinks this type of bleedingis very common in early pregnancy... so fingers crossed u still could be in with a chance...

sending lots of baby dust ...x

Hi Maggie,

Thanks for the reply. Normally on the day of AF, it starts and just continues to get heavier as the day goes on...I’ve never spotted before. Yesterday the spotting was a strange colour (went from orangey mixed with white cm - to a watered down brown colour, then light pink). But when I woke up this morning it was a little heavier and bright red which is why I’m assuming it’s AF. Hope you don’t mind me asking, but is the bleeding you’re experiencing red? Also, did the Spotting/bleeding start when you were due AF? I’ll take a test tomorrow or Sunday just to be sure. Thanks again and good luck for your scan tomorrow. Congratulations and all the best with your pregnancy, I’m sure you’ll be just fine :hugs: x
O no ladies that’s awful! Feb isn’t off to a good start so far!

Fingers crossed some lucky ladies in here will get their BFP x
Sorry about your bleeding Sasha_, I’ve got my FX for you that it isn’t AF after all. One of my best friends is pregnant and she had a lot of bright red bleeding throughout her first three months of pregnancy, apparently it’s completely normal although obviously it did freak her out every time she would wake up/sit up and realise she was sitting in a pool of blood!

Kholl, could I please change my test date to the 13th? Realised today that I ovulated a day later than I originally thought!
I got a bfn yesterday at 8dpo so feeling totally out. I know it's early lol but put me off testing again as just know itl be another bfn x

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Sorry to hear it Millielaura , hope it was just a bit too early for you. Xx
I got my OPK positive yesterday 6pm and I'm 12dc..on 10th dc folicul was 18mm..so this is so good.. Got it cover with my man.. This morning OPK was very strong positive.. Darker than yesterday afternoon.. We should cover again is it? Today afternoon or right now
Sorry to those who are out this month. Hope things start looking up.

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