February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Ooh getting there slowly guys!! I have a 3rd sweep on Tuesday I'm so hoping it gets something moving otherwise induction not this week but next!!

Sebbies mum, bet you are getting excited now if a little bit nervous!!

Selphie I've not had a couple of sweeps and learnt that these best way to get through it is to relax (much easier said than done) and take deep breaths also get the person doing it to talk you through it.. this helped me a tad, my 2nd was less painful than 1st xxx
Still no date. But I'm officially a hormonal mess. OH speaks and I burst into tears. The cat comes near me I cry.

All I want is chocolate and sleep.

It's like pms on crack.

Obviously the best thing is for my mother in law to decide to visit today for the first time in years. Not AFTER her grandchild arrives... nope. 2 weeks before.

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So sorry its taken so long to update this!

So Jonah was born on Wednesday by elective c section at 12.07. We had a planned section as he was a big baby for me - im a size 8 and took 2.5 hours to push out my first baby at 6lb 9.5oz... he came out at 8lb 8oz which I am happy with!

So I went into hospital at 8am Wednesday morning and they came to get me at 10.45am. Walked over to theatre and got everything prepared, checked all forms etc.

I had a massive freak out at this point... I was so so scared about it all, especially the spinal. The whole team were amazing though and so reassuring. I went into theatre, had a spinal which was actually not very nice... it was manageable but very uncomfortable - might just be me though.

I thought I was dying twice thought the op before baby was out. Ive not been able to lie on my back throughout this pregnancy due to weight of baby/fluid so it was pretty damn scary to feel like I was passing out whilst being cut open..... the anaesthetist was excellent and I had a load more drugs to bring my BP up and felt wonderful!

Baby was out after about 6 minutes which was amazing. They held him up me to see the gender which was magical! Then I held him for the rest of the operation and fed him in recovery.

I lost a lot of blood during the op, no idea how or why. Recovery is no where near as bad as I though iy would be. Ive been walking about etc, only little things, but it is doable!

Here he is

Right Im catching up bit by bit!

Sebbies - its interesting that you mentioned 1l of blood being a haemorrhage.. I lost 1.1l during the section and they classed it as high end of normal.

Carnat - amazing about the weight! I can totally see how the GD diet would do that though. How is Edith?

Selphie - Im surprised you are offered sweeps at 38 weeks! In my area you have to fight for it before 41w!

TS - this is a total joke about the consultants being off!! Surely someone can do this?!

Wednesday. You would think so right?
Apparently the rest of the team have full diaries and won't do it without seeing me.

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Well February is upon us..

I feel sad not being a pregnant member of this thread anymore. Because I probably won’t have anymore kids now. Unless I can convince my other half differently!!

Cherish the last few days of growing the little life on the inside (as much as that might be difficult!)
How is everyone? Seeing all these babies is making me want it to be my turn now! Anyone else ache and feel heavy? I'm 37 weeks tomorrow, so term! It's gone so quick! I keep experiencing low moods, I'm usually happy and I am but I keep feeling sad and teary. I'm not sleeping well at all though, DD had me up at half 2 and although she pretty much settled back down I was wide awake at that point. It's so uncomfortable to change sides in bed now. This is our last baby (OH plans to have the snip) so I'm trying to really enjoy these last few weeks and Take it all in. It's bittersweet
I've found this time round that pre labour contractions can be dreadfull!.. The only difference at present is the fact that they are not regular but I've had a series of contractions that have been so intense I can't speak through them... I get excited and begin timing only to realise they're sporadic! It's becoming annoying now!!!

Selphie my OH is also planning on getting the snip although he wants it he's not looking forward to having it done... although I am!

Sebbiesmum hope all goes well with pre op xx
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Pre op done!! Took half the hospitals worth of medicines and tablets home and strict instructions and yet again my section date moves :/ it's now the 7th! God this makes childcare arrangements impossible! I just hope my dad's work let him change the days off for a second time!! Bloody hospitals

Cried like a baby at the steroid injections and now currently sat with a very sore ass cheek, feeling very grumpy and bloody terrified!! :( back tomorrow morning for the second lot of steroids! Better get the hankies ready! :/ I did have a very nice student midwife who tried her hardest to distract me..but there's just no distracting from that sort of pain :/

So looks like it'll be Wednesday we meet lilith :)
Why do you have to have steroid injections sebbiesmum?

It will all be worth it when you have your baby in a few says
Why do you have to have steroid injections sebbiesmum?

It will all be worth it when you have your baby in a few says

They gave me the steroid injections as I'll be delivering before 39 weeks and they told me all the lovely things about the baby having a risk of having respitory distress when she's born, the steroids will lower the risk of that happening :) so she can stay with me when she's born all going well of course! So ill be 38+3 by the time I deliver :) if I didn't have the steroids id have to wait until I'm 39 weeks which will be the 11th, and I'm fed up of moving the dates as it is :lol: and I don't fancy giving birth on a Sunday!

I'm so scared!! :( I just know I'm gonna get myself into a right state come Wednesday! :/
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That’s interesting.. I didn’t have to have those and I was supposed to be induced at 38 weeks. I wonder if it’s only if you have a section.

You’re having a. Very routine op Hun. There are thousands done everyday . It will be just fine and your little girl will be perfect.
Yes it is only for section as lungs arent squeezed through labour and birth
The midwife administering them told me that it was for c sections as obviously baby isn't coming down the birth canal and having their lungs squished and whatever to get them working properly :) so the steroid injections sort of give them a helping hand..as it were! Just bloody painful :(
I didn't have to have any steroids for a 38w induction?

Maybe it's just for sections?
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Well second one's over and done with!! :/ pulse was slightly raised so stayed to be monitored! Put it down to nerves and fear of babies imminent arrival! Both bum cheeks are now killing me :lol: and anxiety is definitely through the roof today!

Got to ring the birthing unit tomorrow at 7am, it's going to be a very long night indeed :( in a way I'm excited its all coming to an end, But the thought of another c section, complications, risks, the recovery and everything else in between I'm turning into an anxious, emotional wreck!

OH has tried to reassure me lilith will be fine, But no matter what he says it just doesn't seem to work! It's nice he's trying to make me feel better but it just isn't helping :(
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Seb - you will be fine. Honestly, the recovery isnt that bad and you will be ok xx


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