February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Well after an eventful afternoon/night at the mat unit I have had a sweep with induction booked for Saturday! Day before due date! Can't believe it!! She said she can get her finger into my cervix but it's still hard as having contractions they may thin it only time will tell either way little miss will be here soon! Xx
Well after an eventful afternoon/night at the mat unit I have had a sweep with induction booked for Saturday! Day before due date! Can't believe it!! She said she can get her finger into my cervix but it's still hard as having contractions they may thin it only time will tell either way little miss will be here soon! Xx

Brilliant news crinkles!! Wow not long to wait now so exciting!!

Hope my cervix has opened bybthe time I have my next sweep tomorrow :-( been having lots of shooting pains down there for the last couple of days so I'm really hoping that could mean that my cervix is starting to dilate?! Fingers crossed xxx
Awe so exciting babyruth and crinkles!

I'm 37+2 and I'm just not sleeping, I'm very envious of all these newbie cuddles! I went out yesterday and the lady in Asda said "blimey someone's about to drop" .... I'm not due until the end of the month! My pelvis ached so bad after walking though. I need to start trying to collect colustrum to freeze, that'll be interesting! Never tried it before.
Awe so exciting babyruth and crinkles!

I'm 37+2 and I'm just not sleeping, I'm very envious of all these newbie cuddles! I went out yesterday and the lady in Asda said "blimey someone's about to drop" .... I'm not due until the end of the month! My pelvis ached so bad after walking though. I need to start trying to collect colustrum to freeze, that'll be interesting! Never tried it before.

You never know selphie it could happen a lot sooner! I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and really ready for something to happen now arghh...

When does that colostrum come in? I don't seem to have any sign of anything xx
I had colostrum around 36 weeks when I started trying to express it. I looked up a video on YouTube on how to do it!

I had colostrum around 36 weeks when I started trying to express it. I looked up a video on YouTube on how to do it!


Oh brilliant! Right il do a bit of research and have a go lol xxx hope your gorgeous little man is doing well xx
Oh wow!! good luck for tomorrow Ruth!!

Selphie not long to go now! could happen a lot sooner too!!

I've had my show! well some of it... my MIL comes up tomorrow night for the weekend.. would be great if labour started by itself tomorrow night if not its Saturday induction!! In for monitoring tomorrow.. on the plus hubby is working from home today and hes off on Friday ready for paternity leave on Monday! We told the kiddies this morning safe to say they went to school very excited!!
Oh wow!! good luck for tomorrow Ruth!!

Selphie not long to go now! could happen a lot sooner too!!

I've had my show! well some of it... my MIL comes up tomorrow night for the weekend.. would be great if labour started by itself tomorrow night if not its Saturday induction!! In for monitoring tomorrow.. on the plus hubby is working from home today and hes off on Friday ready for paternity leave on Monday! We told the kiddies this morning safe to say they went to school very excited!!

Awww crinkles!!! Almost touching distance for you now! Good luck Ruth monitoring and fingers crossed something starts in next day or so for you!!!

So exciting xxx
Super exciting Crinkles!!

Selphie I feel the same way. I'm huge and tired and aching. My pelvic bone seems to want to quit and snap in half. And theres still 2 weeks until potential csection date.

We got this though. On the bright side, once everyone elses 'shiny' starts to wear off ours is just beginning.
Good luck with the sweep today Ruth!! Hopefully your cervix has started dilating!

Ts any news on your section?

Hope everyone is well x
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Hi guys!! I want you all to meet...Lilith Grace <3 she was born at 12.27pm on 7th February! My elective went with no complications and the only complication they had is my bladder getting in the way due to all the scar tissue from previous surgery so really big boss registrar had to come down and muck in to get it out of the way :) she came out head first..not gonna lie it was pretty uncomfortable having an elective as i could feel some quite rough tugging and pulling even under my ribs :/ that we awful! But the fast acting morphine soon put that to bed :lol: I was off my face and felt on top of the world which made made the surgeons giggle because I was talking absolute pants abouts suppositiories which got em in quite a fit :)

OH cut the cord, bought her over and we had skin to skin while the surgeons finished putting me back together..think my blood loss was about 400 something mls which was excellent compared with sebastians where I lost over 1,000

She weighs a very dainty 6lb 11.5oz! And she's perfect! Would do it all over again! (But alas no more babies haha!) We were discharged yesterday lunch time :D I'm healing well but just a bit tender which is to be expected!..so yeah..shes here!

Oh sebbiesmum what an absolute beauty!!! Congratulations!!!! So pleased to hear the op went well!! Look at the morphine!
And home already!! Amazing!!! Xx
Sebbiesmum she is absolutely gorgeous!! Perfect little princess xx so glad you are back home and all is well xx

Crinkles thanks for your message, no luck again today arghhh although she did think it was more 'soft and accessible' and babynis now fully engaged so I suppose things could still happen... all this waiting is so frustrating! Going to make a hot curry for tea and get on my ball in front of Corrie you never know haha. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW CRINKLES! Will be great to hear how you get on xxxx
Thanks Hun!

Ooo that's deffo some good news! Fingers crossed things start off for you!! Hot curry sounds lush! My mother and sister in law arrive a little after 10 sonwaiting up for them then an early night for me! (If I can sleep) xx
Aww hope it all goes well for you I'll be thinking of you! Hope you manage to get some rest good luck xxx
Ugh!!! First gripe of motherhood!! Health visitors! Now 5 years ago when I had my son they always used to come to your house..weigh your baby and talk to you about things..now, I have to make a special trip to the sure start centre for all of this!? I've just had an elective c section! What if I can't get about properly by Tuesday? "Unfortunately that's for both of you so you have to attend"..thats a bus ride for me! :/ you'd think that they'd make it a bit later on for people who have this kind of surgery just so the new mum's not doing herself more harm than good travelling to their silly appointments! Ugh!!

/whine over
Seriously sebs???

My HV called me yesterday and is coming over on monday!!


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