Have my pre-op on 5th February..and dreaded steroid injections as I'll be delivering 2 days before 39 weeks :/ I mean come on...2 days and I have to get jabbed again the woman in the next cubicle made em sound awful..she screamed and cried and everything and that's now put the fear of god into me! :/ 2 days isn't a significant amount really is it? I mean I'd understand if it was 2 weeks but surely 2 days can't make much of a difference to babies lungs can it?
Last ever midwife appointment today at 2.30 to talk about a birth plan..but it's kinda pointless since I'm having a c section..those things can't have any sort of planning involved..can they? Well it's a chance to thank her and say goodbye as she was such a lovely midwife!
Had my consultant appointment today and babies growth had slowed right down
They tried to do a sweep but it hurt me so much they had to stop!! Got to go into hospital tomorrow for monitoring and for them to try a sweep again.. am I the biggest wimp going that I couldn't cope with just a sweep?! It's really scared me now dreading tomorrow.. any tips anyone? Feel like such a prat xxx
Sweeps suck!!! so you're not a wuss at all... some people can handle them and others struggle.. fingers crossed tomorrow they are able to do one... only advice re sweeps I can give is to breathe through it.. xx
Just had what I thought was going to be my last mw appointment... (it will be my last if I deliver before 40+4 but I doubt that!) so I have a sweep booked in for the 15th Feb.... I managed to avoid a sweep with my daughter who was 6days late and born on the day I should have had one! Wasn't so lucky with my first though!
Things have just got real! Also I have lost 10kg during this pregnancy! quite pleased with that!!
Well done on the 10kg weight loss.. that’s loads! Goodness. I still have 15kg to lose to get back to pre pregnancy weight and my baby is outside of me
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