February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

I really did forget how frustrating healing from a c section was :/ all I want to do is potter around, do my washing, a bit of cleaning and even have a slow stroll around a little :( but then realisation hits me and then I learn I can't do those things! I'm so houseproud it's driving me nuts not being able to pick up the duster, or do my ironing!! For 5 whole weeks!! My pile is slowly taking over my bedroom and it's taller than me almost! My OH isn't very good at ironing..or cleaning for that matter :lol:

I'm going stir crazy!! :( I need to get out and about but then I can't! It's so not fair :lol:
Holly I hope baby makes an appearance soon!

I'm feeling very exhausted and heavy. I'm 38+3
My partner and mum have both said my bump has dropped so fingers crossed.

My daughter was born at 39+5 so that'd be a week from Sunday. I'm feeling very impatient and fed up now
I keep getting the weirdest popping sensation near my cervix today. Literally makes me think my waters are about to go... then nothing.

It's weirding me out. We have sooo much to do. Now is not the time haha.

Hope everyone's well

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Happy due date to me :lol: really doesn't feel like I've had lilith for a week and 4 days already! It's still surreal that she's arrived early! That was the fastest 38 weeks ever :lol:

Good luck everyone still waiting for their babies! Hopefully they won't keep you hanging around :)
Just in case anyone missed it, we have a private Facebook group going if anyone wants to join??

Bit more active and accessible than here x
I posted on fb but forgot about here haha.

Willow Jade was born 0037 (not 0036 like I thought lol) 21st February which was her original due date by my calculations. Goes to show if we know when we conceived we can be more accurate than the scan.

Waters broke in the bath at 7pm turning my elcs into a grade 3 emcs.

We are both doing great. Willow is full of mucous so we are battling that and winning. Should be home tomorrow!


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Oh wow. Massive congratulations.

She is beautiful.

I'm not on FB so hadn't seen your update.

How is everyone? Is anyone still pregnant? I feel like I'm the only one left haha.

My SPD is terrible and my tailbone has been agony. I'm so fed up now
Same as TS, posted on fb but forgot to update on here! Jessie Ava Elsie arrived on Sunday at 10.16 am, weighing 8lb 9oz. My waters broke at 9.15 Saturday night, got to hospital at 4.30am Sunday morning, was already 8-9cm dilated, no time for pain relief! Jessie had her head at a funny angle and as a result I was pushing without success for 2 1/2 hours, ended up with a forcep delivery, episiotomy and third degree tear....all on gas and air!! (I still can’t believe that I managed this)

Here’s a piccy of our perfect little girl! Is there anyone still waiting to give birth now? Xx


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Congrats TS and boobaby.

I can’t believe Fraser is 5 weeks old already! Feels like a lifetime ago now when he was born!
Morning alll! Just a little update from me... came into hospital to be induced yesterday at 11am, had first gel and was supposed to get another at 8.45pm but they forgot/decided not to bother lol... so been monitored every 4 hours through the night, had no sleep �� and they've promised that I will get 2 gels today.... really hope something will start to happen, just sat waiting for someone to come and check baby's heartbeat again and worrying that one took my breakfast order last night lol

Got my own huge room with ensuite which is a bonus but can't help feeling they forget about you tucked up in here?!

Hope everyone is ok xxxx
Congratulations Boo. She is a cutie.

You are an absolute trooper.

Best of luck Ruth, fingers crossed for baby soon.


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Edith is doing well, she is still tube fed (every 3 hours, plus I am expressing!!)

She is still weeny. 5 weeks and 6lb 7oz, but following her line.

She has a bit more awake time and moves a lot more than the early days but it's slow going. As we expected.

It's fab to have her home and to get on with everyday life. I've just done my first full week of school runs with three kids lol.

Hope everyone else is well?


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I salute you Carnat... I havent managed the school run yet! Mainly because Im not driving after the section yet but still... scary!

I also salute you Carnat.

I have one almost 6 year old that’s relatively independent and I’m still having grandma pick her up on Mondays and afterschool club tues/weds. :rofl: the boyo is over 5 weeks now lol.

Lovely to hear Edith is moving more and doing well. I think about you all lots. X
We're still in hospital. I dont have a thyroid and her cord bloods were slightly out so we need to wait on a repeat test. Its nothing major but if she's here we can avoid the main hospital for referral if needed and its flues and bugs.

Willow is 3 days old and already the boss. She is ridiculously placid. Very rarely cries ( only on bum changes), feeds every 4 hours and sleeps a lot or will just lay there watching the room. Shes a content little cherub.

The mucus seems almost clear too. Now we are working on her not witholding wind. Granted it is pretty cute when she finally let's go and milk comes out of her nose.

Hopefully today is the day. I want to ho home where the coffee is available on demand and i dont have to wait until 8am. Grr.


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Huge congratulations TS!! She's a beauty! And a cracking weight too :)

Are there anyone February mummies to be still left behind? :) can't believe February is almost over!

Lilith now weighs 6lb 12oz at last weigh in, But have a feeling she's gained as at the moment all she does is eat :( this morning she drained a 5oz bottle and still whined that it was all gone, surely she really shouldn't be eating so much! Sebastian is definitely nothing like his sister, he was content with just the 2oz! But damn that girl can eat!

I have my discharge apppiubtment on 2nd March where I finally say goodbye to the midwife who looked after me through pregnancy! Will be sad to see her go as she was wonderful! I really want to get her a thank you card but I'm not sure if that'll be a bit weird lol! :lol: thoughts on that ladies?

Still so many phone calls to make!! I have to phone the healthy start people, registry office to get her registered, benefits people..god so many phone calls and so little time :lol:
I'm still waiting, I've been having an increase in Braxton Hicks and my OH remembers I had them increase before DD was born.. so FX!

I have a Lush bathbomb and bubbleroon to have in my bath later, see if it can start anything. I'm fed up now and in pain with my pelvis. Due date is Tuesday
I had my little boy yesterday, before the snow hit thankfully!
I had a sweep at the midwifes Wednesday at 2pm. Started having cramps around 8pm. Contractions all night, got go hospital at 10:30am, he was born at 11:27am in the same birthing pool as his big sister! He weighs 8lb 14oz. We are all besotted!
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