February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Whaaaaat? Why isn’t your health visitor coming to your house? I’d tell her no.

It is not in the interest of your health to be getting the bus to an appointment when your baby is hours old! Especially when you’ve had a section. Honestly.. they come to your house here. I’ve seen mine 4 times all at my house.
Sebs that's awful! Surly if it's such an important appointment they would arrange to see you at home? What would happen if you weren't even mobile? Expecting a mum to travel on a bus with a newborn... after having a csection is beyond a joke! It's the same as everyone else here they come to your home for the first however many weeks before you have to go to them.

Called for induction this morning and was told to come in at 12... after being monitored and having my cervix checked midwife has inserted a pessary which has started a few niggles but nothing major they have said I won't be leaving without a baby so no sending me home to wait and see xx
Sebbiesmum I would definitely demand s home appointment that is ridiculous expecting you to travel I'd be fuming!! Xx

Crinkles good luck!!! Let's hope those jiggles start building quickly for you, do exciting! Keep us updated if you can xxx
Good luck crinkles.. I expect you’ll have a baby by now!! X
I've been so crap about updating the front page. If you want to give me dates, weights, names etc and I'll add the babies? Saves me trawling back through thread.

I've been so crap about updating the front page. If you want to give me dates, weights, names etc and I'll add the babies? Saves me trawling back through thread.


Thanks guys!! I'm so glad it's not just me who is fuming with that! I have literally been advised by the midwife not to do that!, I went to my appointment with her yesterday up at the hospital and even she said she's stunned at that and of course very sternly told me no! She has advised me to do literally nothing! No walking, public transport or carrying anything heavier than lilith! My baby is healthy! :D but due to my history of clicky hips as a child she has to have a routine hip scan when she's a bit older to check em out! :)

I'm ringing then on Monday to tell them to shove it really! I got so upset with myself and ended up crying to my mum who probably thought I was being daft :lol: c sections are so frustrating to recover from as I just feel so useless when I look at Sebastian and he's just sat doing nothing! He knows I can't do much since mummy has a big ouch in her tummy!

Good idea carnat!! Lilith Grace - 7th February, 6lb 11.5oz, 12.27pm <3
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Thank you guys!

Pleased to announce the arrival of my little princess Amara... born at 21.40 weighing a petit 6lb 4oz!! A very quick labour!.. 40 mins from first contraction to birth. Waters broken at 9.30!.. I lost 1.5ltr of blood Which in all honesty was worse than the labour. As baby was born below the 10th centile she required blood sugar tests but all is well.

Hope everyone is ok!

Sebbiesmum let us know what they say!!
Awwwww congratulations crinkles!!!! Fantastic news &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039; Was just saying to hubbie 'I wonder if you've had your little one yet' not realising you'd be so quick last night! Must be a huge relief for you xx must have been scary with the blood loss, but it looks like you are being looked after xx

Can't wait to see a little pic of amara, what a beautiful name xxx
Congratulations crinkles!

Are they giving you a transfusion? I lost that much blood when I had my ectopic and I didn&#8217;t get atransfusion straight away and ended up very ill. I hope you&#8217;re feeling ok x
Congratulations Crinkles.

Lovely name and she is a wee dinky one (for term especially)

Hope you recover well.

Congrats everyone who got babies.

Sorry I haven't made it on for a few days. For those not on Facebook I've been up to my nose in stress. Lots of appointments and to top that off my kitchen is being refurbished tomorrow!

Nothing like bad timing.

Still no news on my section date but she's breech so he has no choice now. She's currently also pushed up against my upper stomach and it hurts to do anything at all. Especially sneeze.

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Congratulations crinkles! Hope you're ok and recovering.

TS huge hugs! I hope the work doesn't take too long.

I've been feeling achey low down and foof daggers. I've just been eating pineapple pieces, wishful thinking! I'm 38 weeks Tuesday and I see midwife Wednesday. I'm 50/50 whether to ask her to check cervix. I want to relax and let nature do its thing like it did with DD. (She was born at 39+5.) But I feel so impatient and Im struggling a bit. I don't want a sweep, I know that much.
Selphie: They're hoping to be done in a week. Fingers crossed.

I think I pulled a muscle in the top of my bump earlier. It's painful to move but baby is active and I'm fine once I'm in position. Only hurts when I tense to sit up or down. Guess I'll have to spend the week in bed.... shame that

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Catching up!! Congratulations crinkles :D loving her name too!

I rang the sure start people this morning, told them I only had a c section 5 days ago and should be staying rested as much as I can, and not running around to these daft appointments! The woman on the other end was actually quite friendly about it and agreed, she's going to get a midwife to ring me back and sort out another appointment! Hopefully they'll take into account my very slow recovery and come and see me :lol:

Lilith eats so much :/ always seems like I'm feeding her at the moment! I call her a little gremlin as she gets so angry when she's hungry! Even the midwife at anti natal clinic couldn't get over how feisty she was when she got hungry part way through her check up :lol: and she'd never seen a baby as fidgety as mine haha! She really is like her dad haha!
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Finally.... 26th Feb is eviction day .... wooo

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Hello ladies and huge congrats to those who&#8217;ve had their bubbas. I was due 5 days ago but there is no sign of baby yet. My DD was 10days over so I am reluctantly expecting a wait for this one too. I think I must just have longer gestational periods than some. I had a stretch and sweep Monday but cervix was high and closed. MW managed to get 2 fingers in and felt babies head but it&#8217;s not fully engaged yet. I&#8217;ve been absolutely exhausted the past few days, falling asleep everywhere I rest, so hopefully I&#8217;m storing energy for Labour some time in the next few days.
I&#8217;ll be having my 3rd round of acupuncture tonight too...... keep strong all xxxx

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