February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Thank you tor! heres to hoping that i dont pile it back on when baby is born!

Aww Wednesday!!! such a cutie!!!!!!!! xxx
Aww.. he’s gorgeous. I love those baby grows! Where are they from? How has today gone? Feeding ok?
Hi guys! Thanks for the messages, yes apparently if they can see that cervix is 'favourable' whatever that means then they will book in an induction but if it's not they will monitor me twice weekly until induction at the latest at 40 weeks (I'm 38 weeks now). Bit confused by it all to be honest! Got cramps now tho and a bit of pinkish discharge not sure if this has started something off or whether it's just to be expected aftervthem irritating things a bit... oh no crinkles you are booked for a sweep too? Hope yours is better than mine ... wish I could have s glass of wine before it tomorrow hahaha xxx

Wednesday he is absolutely gorgeous! Love his little baby grow ❤️❤️❤️Xxx
Am I just being silly in thinking Wednesday had a little girl? lol

Congratulations anyway. Been silently stalking this thread, glad all went all well.
Congratulations Wednesday!! What a cutie!! And a great weight too :)

Last midwife appointment went surprisingly well! All levels from yesterday's bloods have all come back normal :D so my liver and bile functions are now within a normal persons range! I'm so pleased! Another week and I can throw away the urso!! But the CMV is still in My system :( My midwife let me read my notes from my previous section..theres so much i didn't know about my first borns entry into the world :( I lost 1,000mls of blood which she said is classed as a haemorrhage!! Which is pretty scary and that he came out feet first! Apparently I'm going to have a long list of to dos for my section on the 9th! Tablets (yet more!), clexane injections for 12 days after, funky shampoo to wash with etc! And of course stitching preferences! I've expressed my desire for dissolvable one's again, But she says it's up to the surgeon which one he wants to use but I can still show a preference! Been told to take it more easy this time since they going in through my old scar :/ I'm really having my "what have i Done?" Moment again :( maybe I would of been better going naturally but after the 32 hours of labour last time I thought It'd be a bit easier on me just opting for a c section and cutting out all the uncertainty of labour..im seriously terrified now :(
Just popping over from March mummies to say congratulations on all your gorgeous February babies! We are all eagerly awaiting our arrivals next month.

Wednesday - love the babygrow - where is that from??
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I only had one sweep.. and I was pretty much in labour at the time. They were trying to break my waters and she gave it a right old rummage - it wasn’t pleasant. And then the waters were leaking and there was blood in them and I had to be continually monitored throughout the labour.
Gosh so these sweeps can seem to help things along then.. il update tomorrow when they have their second shot at doing one and il be a quivering mess lol how the hell am I going to cope with labour.. worried now haha xxx
Massive congratulations Wednesday. Baby is a wee cutie (and nowhere near as big as they thought. It's a good weight?)

I too am admiring the lovely sleepsuit :lol:

Hope the section went well?

Babygrow is from next! And he is a boy, definitely!

Feeding is going well, hes generally a nice settled baby. I didnt sleep last night which was stupid of me as now I am exhausted.

Section was... interesting. I will update shortly x

Scuttles off to Next website.

Awww bless you Wednesday. He is adorable.

I'm a stone lighter than booking in weight, thanks to GD. Although 2 weeks of baby being in hospital means I've been back on sugar and crap.

The day she comes home is the day the clean lifestyle begins.

congrats wednesday and beauandhamish on your arrivals!
I am thread hopping, hope you don't mind! Due in July 2018 so quite a while away

Just wanted to say a massive congratulations to everyone who has had their baby/babies and those who will be having them soon! I am sure it must be so amazing to be in the month you will have your baby in your arms and also terrifying, I am terrified already and its miles away for me!

Also whoever posted the wee baby boy in the dinosaur outfit he is absolutely gorgeous!!! haha xx
I am thread hopping, hope you don't mind! Due in July 2018 so quite a while away

Just wanted to say a massive congratulations to everyone who has had their baby/babies and those who will be having them soon! I am sure it must be so amazing to be in the month you will have your baby in your arms and also terrifying, I am terrified already and its miles away for me!

Also whoever posted the wee baby boy in the dinosaur outfit he is absolutely gorgeous!!! haha xx

Soooo exciting laura, but scary at the same time!!! It's only just hit me this baby has got to come out lol xxx
I hope everyone is well

I had my midwife appointment this morning, it was a home visit. Baby still above the line but nothing to worry about. Heart beat is good and strong. He's head down still, 3/5 of head can be felt so he's moved further down.
I next see her at 38 weeks, she says she offers sweeps from then. I've never had one before as my daughter was 2 days early. What happens exactly?
Still no date. Now BOTH my named consultant and the one who was passed my notes are off sick. So nobody can deal with a form to request the section.

Spent most of yesterday in agony. Massive stabbing pains in my pelvis that felt like bones grinding. Then later backache. Woke up this morning with the mildest of "barely there" cramps. I'm 36+1 so not holding much hope that it's anything more than wishful thinking.

Feel completely down and miserable. So I'm self prescribing a day on the sofa with Netflix.

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Have we actually had any babies born in February yet???

Hope everyone is well?


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I am thread hopping, hope you don't mind! Due in July 2018 so quite a while away

Just wanted to say a massive congratulations to everyone who has had their baby/babies and those who will be having them soon! I am sure it must be so amazing to be in the month you will have your baby in your arms and also terrifying, I am terrified already and its miles away for me!

Also whoever posted the wee baby boy in the dinosaur outfit he is absolutely gorgeous!!! haha xx

Soooo exciting laura, but scary at the same time!!! It's only just hit me this baby has got to come out lol xxx

That doesn't even feel real to me yet haha everyone keeps saying it's miles away but for me its flown in and July feels mega soon already. I'm so underprepared and this is my first so I'm just like.. How do u even hold a baby? Hahaha xx

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I think sebbiesmum has her section next week eeeek!!!!

I've got 7 days til my due date and 11 days till my sweep!! Can't believe the time is approaching!

Ts I hope they're able to get you sorted sooner rather than later! Although rest and Netflix sounds great!!

Hope everyone is well! How are things with little Edith nat?
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Correct crinkles! :D I go in on Friday! I'm absolutely terrified that I literally shake at the thought :/

I have my pre op on Monday morning at the very ghastly time of 8.15am! I'm terrified of that too! :( everyone always wonders why I'm scared as I've already had one c section so it shouldn't be too bad, But my first was an emergency under very scary circumstances! This one there is no emergency! It's just the thought of things going wrong that terrifies me! :(

The cot is finished, I washed the bedding and put it all on, still don't know if I have enough outfits :lol: hospital bags are done and now I just have to control my nerves until Friday! Who knew having a baby was such a scary, nerve wracking time a second time around :(

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