February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Good morning everyone, I've reached 27 weeks today yeyyy can finally say I'm on the home run xxx last couple of weeks have been hard but really looking forward to focusing back on my pregnancy and the countdown now ..

Hope you are all well xxx
So I am off to the diabetes clinic soon :roll:

They are so bloody disorganised, rang me this morning at 9am for an 11.30am appointment? I have 2 kids and I work... I cannot just drop everything (I have though of course as this is more important!)

Will report back later!
29 weeks tomorrow for me! I cant believe it! Potentially as little as 8 weeks left... or maybe 13 if Im really unlucky x

So I am off to the diabetes clinic soon :roll:

They are so bloody disorganised, rang me this morning at 9am for an 11.30am appointment? I have 2 kids and I work... I cannot just drop everything (I have though of course as this is more important!)

Will report back later!

Wow what a bunch of ....s!
29 weeks tomorrow for me! I cant believe it! Potentially as little as 8 weeks left... or maybe 13 if Im really unlucky x

29 for me today.

So so excited. I hope I give birth early too. Just getting so impatient now
Hope all goes well carnat!

Hey babyruth! The final hurdle!!

28weeks on Sunday for me all my three have been late.. both boys came two days late and little miss was 6days so based on that I'm saying il go between 2-6 days over!
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Welcome BabyRuth!

Well my baby wont be any later than 40+6 but could be as early as 37w depending on how things pan out with the GD.

I am on 4x daily monitoring, back in 10 days for a review, scan on 11th Dec.

I am no longer low risk, can't use the birthing centre and am now on a strict, carb restricted diet.

Oh and I have a 50% chance of going on to develop type 2 diabetes. Joy!
Aw sorry carnat! That sucks!! But... silver lining, you’ll probably get to meet your baby earlier!
Welcome BabyRuth!

Well my baby wont be any later than 40+6 but could be as early as 37w depending on how things pan out with the GD.

I am on 4x daily monitoring, back in 10 days for a review, scan on 11th Dec.

I am no longer low risk, can't use the birthing centre and am now on a strict, carb restricted diet.

Oh and I have a 50% chance of going on to develop type 2 diabetes. Joy!

Hi Carnat, This may sound really stupid of me however, How do you monitor daily? Do you do the finger pin prick machine thing? If so what should your blood sugar levels be?
I may of done one on our animal machine at work and it read as 9.9! However i have no idea if that is high or low :(

I have my proper fasted blood test on Monday.

Many Thanks :) xx
Yep it's a pin prick thing.

Should be less than 5.3 on fasting (so the first test of the day) and less than 7.5 an hour after food (the other 3 tests are after B/L/D)
I was just thinking - do we have a Facebook group for the Feb mums at all?

Oooh Wednesday, what a fab idea! I’m still only 25+6 so not quite over in tri 3 yet, but it’s super quiet in tri 2 now! Had my mw appointment yesterday, everything was fine, got to hear baby’s heartbeat and hear baby moving around, gutting that I can’t always feel the movements though due to anterior placenta. Hope you lovely ladies are all good!
I really fancy a glass or two of wine tonight. What's your opinion ladies?
No issue for me to have the occasional glass of wine at this point (obvs I can't what with having bloody GD)

I did with my second - had a glass on Xmas day and a glass on NYE. Was 37w by then though.
I’d have a glass of wine if you want it. I’ve had a shandy or two since being pregnant. And I will be having a shandy tonight as I’m off out!
Right I will set up a fbook group! I am Beth Jones on Facebook, feel free to add me and I will add us all in to the group!
I am pretty sure I have found you Wednesday! Iv sent you a friend request it's Lauren Reeve!

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