February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

There are many Beth jones come up on a facebook search :lol:
I only knew it was her as I recognised the cover photo from something that had been put on here x
28 weeks today signals the start of these daily fragmin injections... I have spent the last hour with my first injection sat looking at me.. so far after just over an hour I have managed to remove it from the packaging.. my heart is racing and my palms are sweaty feeling very light headed but trying to psych myself up.. could literally cry. Sounds crazy when you think about the risks of not taking them
I feel for you crinkles. Is there anyone that can do it for you? I used to get my husband to do it.
Hey Tor hubby is with the kiddies in London til later I'm going to give myself til 10 and if I haven't done it I'm going to pop to my dads and either he or my step mum will do it for me. A big baby lol x
Ok I created a fbook group, its secret! So far its me and Beauandhamish haha!

This is my profile pic if it helps, or let me know your name which is guaranteed to be less common than mine and I will add you x


Hey Tor hubby is with the kiddies in London til later I'm going to give myself til 10 and if I haven't done it I'm going to pop to my dads and either he or my step mum will do it for me. A big baby lol x

Bless you xxxx that sounds horrible. I would be awful with it x

it was awful

Not sure why but you don't come up on my search mines Rickelle Mayers hopefully I come up on yours lol
Hi Wednesday! I'd like to join xx

My name is Ruth Ramsden if you can add me?
God I haven't used FB in years.

It's actually a secret account and my only "friends" are from here (of old mainly!). Deleted my other account almost a decade ago....

Will have to see if I can locate my password. My profile picture is of the moon :shock:

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Secret as in I tell most people I'm not on FB, not secret from OH.... more from my nosy family!!

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