February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

I’m vicky Robertson - profile picture a selfie of me at the top of Ben Nevis in the snow with a bobble hat and sunglasses on.
Well..safe to say I belong in here now :lol: 27 weeks today! Amazing how fast it's gone!!

Really dreading my GTT! Any pointers on how to survive it? I won't be so bothered if they give me Lucozade to neck as I like that, but some of the horror stories I've read make me recoil in horror and brings one step closer to telling them I don't want it :( but to be honest I'm not overly at risk! The only flag they have is my BMI, I have no history in either family of diabetes! And I never had it with my first either :S it just makes me wonder..why this pregnancy?

Finally handed in my matb1 paperwork! Hoping to get leave before Christmas but I think that'll be the biggest joke of the year since I work in retail :lol:
Its really not that bad sebbiesmum. It’s jusr a sweet drink you have to take. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It’s more annoying having to wait to eat :lol:
I'm pretty sure the last GTT I had it was lucozade the original one. Agree with tor most annoying thing is not being able to eat lol...
Best to be safe Sebbiesmum.

Other than BMI at booking, I had no risk factors (have had 2 previous pregnancies as well) and I have GD.

I have my first Gap scan tomorrow.. midwife on Thursday and my GTT rebooked for the 29th... I still can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone!

Hope everyone is ok x
Could you add me please Wednesday? My name is Jordan Marie Davis - pic is of me with a white dog, thanks! x
I'm Tracy C Sallis. Can't remember what my profile pic is though. Could check but I'm too tired.

I'm almost 26 weeks so I'm coming over early. It's dull in tri 2.

Midwife again tomorrow.

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No diabetes for me. Just a genetically enormous baby.
I'm Tracy C Sallis. Can't remember what my profile pic is though. Could check but I'm too tired.

I'm almost 26 weeks so I'm coming over early. It's dull in tri 2.

Midwife again tomorrow.

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It wont let me add you so I have messaged you!

Hey ladies, I’ll be 27 weeks tomorrow so I might as well join you all!
I can’t believe I’m here honestly! Final hurdle :D DH and I saw the twins in 4D, amazing... just can’t wait for them to arrive now
Hi all, I'm 26 weeks so here early but as TS said Tri 2 islonely now.
I have my gtt Thursday, I'm really nervous! I don't want to pass out. my partner will be taking our daughter to a play area while I'm waiting the two hours.

Wednesday can I be added? I have you on FB anyway :lol:
I'll throw an add later Wednesday. Got your message.

Midwife went great. All is good, heard heartbeat and back at 28 weeks for blood tests.

Is it just me or is this suddenly feeling very very real?

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Hi all, I'm 26 weeks so here early but as TS said Tri 2 islonely now.
I have my gtt Thursday, I'm really nervous! I don't want to pass out. my partner will be taking our daughter to a play area while I'm waiting the two hours.

Wednesday can I be added? I have you on FB anyway :lol:

added you!

No diabetes for me. Just a genetically enormous baby.
Brilliant news.

Your first was quite big wasn't she? Maybe you just have big bambinos? Lol.

Touch wood all going ok with blood sugar levels. I've had a few high readings first thing (the cut off is 5.3 and I've had 2 readings of 5.3?). Rest of my readings are well below the cut off though.

Seeing diabetes team on 27th, so will know more then. I don't want baby too early, I don't finish until 12th Jan!!!

Can't find my FB details do haven't been able to log in.


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