February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

I had mine today too.

I got told off for putting too much weight on :rofl:
Did you get weighed TOR?

What a bloody cheek. Why comment on ones weight?

Yeah I think bloods are standard at 28w. Should be last lot though. Woo hoo.
Yeah. I’ve put 11kg on. I knew I would have. I get weighed every appointment

If I put on less than 4stone I’ll consider that a success hahaha.
I've put on 2 stone! Feel frumpy as he'll but that won't stop me from eating anything I want!
She sort of said to me.. erm you’ve already gained what we recommend to gain by the end of pregnancy :lol: I was like what do you want me to do about it? I have a bad back and pelvis so I can’t exercise or I end up crippled in agony and it’s making me miserable. I’m dealing with it by eating biscuits :rofl:
27 weeks today! Have been waking up in the night with bad leg cramps, feel like iv pulled a muscle after last night though so am hobbling round! Any ideas of how to prevent them x
27 weeks today! Have been waking up in the night with bad leg cramps, feel like iv pulled a muscle after last night though so am hobbling round! Any ideas of how to prevent them x

i know with pregnancy, it can be anything but usually its a sign of either dehydration or a lack of salt.

I personally would lean towards dehydration.
She sort of said to me.. erm you’ve already gained what we recommend to gain by the end of pregnancy :lol: I was like what do you want me to do about it? I have a bad back and pelvis so I can’t exercise or I end up crippled in agony and it’s making me miserable. I’m dealing with it by eating biscuits :rofl:

So glad you are not allowing it/them to get to you!

Theres so much to look forward to, who cares about a little extra weight :roll: . I know I bang on about it but trust me, its not more important than having the baby in my arms.

Im eating biscuits with coffee right now! :wave:
I had a McDonalds bacon roll this morning, so Im clearly not bothered about weight gain haha

Scan for me Friday..the first of many to check growth because of this low pappA thing!

Considering midwife has measured me 3 weeks ahead I’m not too concerned �� though that could be the food baby I’m also carrying!
I don't get another scan this time!

My hospital offered 3 as standard (last one is a growth scan between 36w-38w) but they have stopped that now?

Have no toilet facilities at my office - the whole block is out. Has been like this for 24h now. We are having to pop to the local pubs / cafes to use the loo.

Have an interview at 3pm so can't even work from home. I have a weak bladder at the best of times :shock:

still cant believe we are in the third trimester.

Thank goodness. Cant wait. All I think about is having the baby in my arms and kissing him loads. Even get emotional at the thought of it lol
Carnat thats awful! Hope they fix it!!

Just trying - I cant wait either! Ive got the added surprise of not knowing the gender either so its even more wondering and guessing!

Carnat hope the toilet situ is sorted now!!

Justtrying I'm the same.. the thoughts made me teary a few times.

Just dipping my toe in a couple days early... I'm officially here on Sunday... its DH birthday today and then my daughters b'day next friday that means cake!! never been in love with cake the way I am at the moment! preferably chocolate cake!

I have to have a gtt.

My baby is off the charts. 3lb 5oz at 28+1 >95% on all measurements.
Have you had a GTT before TOR?

It's not too bad.

Welcome Crinkles, Tri 3 - things just got real :shock:

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Nope, no gtt!

How long do you have to wait for results? I’m worried I have diabetes now!

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