February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

I don't have any appointments for 5 weeks? Although if they do decide to refer me then I'll need to go to the GD clinic at my hospital.
Glad to hear you’ve been in to see the physio Wednesday. Tape and crutches? Wow.. good service.

Sorry to hear you might have GD carnat. What is the treatment? Just attend clinic? Advice on diet etc?
Well the MW didn't ring me back (and I realised she didn't give me my MatB1 form... work have been hounding me for it!) so I don't know?

From what I've read, I won't be diagnosed as having GD but I could need to repeat the test [oh joy] and / or they may want me to monitor myself at home? Depends. MW said based on some guidelines I'm fine and on others they may want to see me.

Shame she left me with all this uncertainty?

Some clinicians are really bloody great at leaving things unanswered. Can cause a lot of stress in some of us. Doesn’t sound like it’s cut and dry so fingers crossed it isn’t and there isn’t anything significant for you to do/worry about x

I have this test tomorrow. Is it grim?
Some clinicians are really bloody great at leaving things unanswered. Can cause a lot of stress in some of us. Doesn’t sound like it’s cut and dry so fingers crossed it isn’t and there isn’t anything significant for you to do/worry about x

I have this test tomorrow. Is it grim?

I am sure you've had your test by now.

I don't find it too bad {had it last time too} but then I am weird!!! Once its done make sure you have a big sandwich and a cuppa!

I’ve had it now. Hopefully they’ll get back to me soon with the results!

It wasn’t too bad.

I really hope I don’t have diabetes!
Glad they gave you crutches and that it's helping!

Sorry Carnat hope it's not diabetes and that you're not in limbo for long!

Justtrying funny you should mention smear test my GP practice sent me a letter telling me that mine is overdue and I need to book in with them! Although it's not something I would do when pregnant so will wait til little lady is born
I bumped into the antenatal Ward manager today who looked after me when I was ill with my ectopic pregnancy. She’s so lovely. I asked her what my chances of getting this baby out at 38 weeks were - she reckons I might have a good chance given the baby is big and I have a previous shoulder dystocia history. :rofl: I’m encouraged!!! Lol
Glad they gave you crutches and that it's helping!

Sorry Carnat hope it's not diabetes and that you're not in limbo for long!

Justtrying funny you should mention smear test my GP practice sent me a letter telling me that mine is overdue and I need to book in with them! Although it's not something I would do when pregnant so will wait til little lady is born

Yeah I got a letter too!
I've got stretch marks on my lower tummy overnight! I can't deny that I feel mortified. I really do.

I have been moisturizing daily after a shower for over 10 years and thought they would escape me but nope!

Anyone else got any yet?
I've got stretch marks on my lower tummy overnight! I can't deny that I feel mortified. I really do.

I have been moisturizing daily after a shower for over 10 years and thought they would escape me but nope!

Anyone else got any yet?

I got my first one 3 weeks ago and i am also mortified :( I now have a good few on my lower tummy. I use science for skin solution for stretch marks which i am hoping will help.. hahaha!

I had my 28 week midwife appointment where she took bloods. I asked her about GD bloods as i am aware my BMI is high, and she was shocked that i have not already been sent off for them. I keep getting pushed from center to center seeing different midwives everytime. Should i not be seeing the same midwife? :( I feel like a spare with no home hahaha!
Zoey - I see different midwives as well, none are that good or that involved!

Just trying - oh no! I havent got any stretch marks yet, didnt last time either... well I say that.... I didnt get any on my belly but I got LOADS on the underside of my boobs! They grew from 32D while pregnant to 32F when my milk came in.. so its no surprise!

I haven't got any stretch marks yet, still time though! And agree with them on the boobs mine are awful after last time! Had 28 week appointment yesterday, all ok measuring 2 weeks ahead. Iv never seen the same midwife, didn't see the same one with my daughter either so think it's pretty normal.
No new stretch marks thank goodness! but tbh I have white ones from previous pregnancies! my stomach resembles that of a zedbra! so im thankful I dont have any new ones as of yet.

So far in this pregnancy I have seen 2 mw... due to the first one I saw leaving the practice it will be the same one going forward.. this is the only time this has happened though! previous pregnancies was always a different mw

Is/Has anyone taken Fragmin injections during pregnancy before?
I've got stretch marks on my lower tummy overnight! I can't deny that I feel mortified. I really do.

I have been moisturizing daily after a shower for over 10 years and thought they would escape me but nope!

Anyone else got any yet?

I got my first one 3 weeks ago and i am also mortified :( I now have a good few on my lower tummy. I use science for skin solution for stretch marks which i am hoping will help.. hahaha!

I had my 28 week midwife appointment where she took bloods. I asked her about GD bloods as i am aware my BMI is high, and she was shocked that i have not already been sent off for them. I keep getting pushed from center to center seeing different midwives everytime. Should i not be seeing the same midwife? :( I feel like a spare with no home hahaha!

I only ever met my allocated midwife ONCE! Since then I have seen different ones but at the same centre.
Zoey - I see different midwives as well, none are that good or that involved!

Just trying - oh no! I havent got any stretch marks yet, didnt last time either... well I say that.... I didnt get any on my belly but I got LOADS on the underside of my boobs! They grew from 32D while pregnant to 32F when my milk came in.. so its no surprise!

oh god, so theres a chance boobs will get them too? I cant bear this! :lol:

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