Diary of an IVFer

Helen I am so pleased for you - will keep everything crossed for you hun :D

ooh, I just got home and saw that it has finally happened, I'm so excited and quite emotional I can't even imagine how you must feel, well done you,

keep with the thick thoughts, I will too xxx big hugs :hug: :hug:
helen i have everything crossed for you hunny i really hope things work out for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oooo, how exciting. You both must be well pleased. Sit back, relax (with your legs in the air) and don't let work stress you out. You and your family are more important.
Day 32 of IVF Cycle
1 day since Embryo Transfer
16 days to PG test

Having a good day today. Feeling better again since the egg collection. Some more of the bloating has gone down and I have a normal pair of trousers on (with the top button undone!). Such a relief to get out of jogging bottoms.

Still grinning like a lunatic. Have been chatting away to the embryos to encourage them to implant. OH seems to think this is a bit lunatic, but he is kissing tummy on request.

Went out looking for a winter coat... the one I saw a few weeks ago is now not in the shops. Gah! But I've ordered it. Also felt brave enough to look in Baby Next and ELC for prezzies for new neice/nephew for Christmas. I'm thinking I will try to organise it in the next couple of weeks. If things go badly with me, I don't think I'll be feeling this brave again this side of Christmas.


I'm so thrilled your little embryos are in! I am sitting here with tears in my eyes at the wonder of it all :hug:
Day 33 of IVF Cycle
2 days since Embryo Transfer
15 days to PG test

Went to my hairdressers today (I know it's Sunday, it's a long story!). She had her appointment to see her IVF specialist since I last went across. She was really anxious about IVF and what effect it would have on her and her body. Anyway the upshot of it is, that her and her DH have taken the really brave step not to go ahead with IVF. I thought she was incredibly strong to have made that decision. She's effectively acknowledging that she will never have a biological child of her own.

It's more like therapy than a hair appointment really as I've been going for 13 years. We ended up blubbing and hugging each other. She's says she thinks I am the brave one, but I think her decision is far harder and it must have been really difficult for her to see me today.

The good news is that they would like to look into adoption. They are going to give themselves to the summer to grieve and come to terms with their decision and then hopefully start the long process for adoption. I know they will be brilliant parents as they are both such warm and friendly people.

Also saw another old mate for lunch afterwards. She's in a relationship with a much older bloke (who's had the snip) and she desperately wants children. All her friends and family are telling her to end it. She's so unhappy and says that she flinches when he touches her, but she's so warm hearted she can't bear to do it. She'll get there in the end though and I can't wait to see her get her sparkle back.

Had to take my pee-jug with me today..into restaurant. When was hugging my mate goodbye it took us both a second or two to realise that I had the jug in one hand which was wrapped round her. Ooops! :oops: It was in a bag and she did see the funny side! :lol:


Day 34 of IVF Cycle
3 days since Embryo Transfer
14 days to PG test

Having the weirdest day today. OH's Mum got taken back into hospital yesterday (a couple of weeks after she had some gall stones removed) because she was passing blood. OH went to see her and said she looked really tired and was on a drip. Had a call this am to say that she had been taken into theatre because she is still bleeding.

OH is desperately worried about her and has rushed off to be with his Dad, who as you know was in hospital himself a few weeks ago with his heart troubles.

Been wandering round killing time before I have to go in for my blood test feeling really concerned about her and the whole family. I've pretty much decided that there is quite enough stress without work as well and will beg doctor to sign me off on Wednesday when phone rang....

It was embryologist from hospital to say that 2 more of our little ones had made it to the blastocyst stage and will also be frozen with the 4 we already have. I am so overjoyed I cannot tell you. I've been bawling my eyes out. Most exciting bit was the embryologist said it bodes well for mini travellers I am carrying now because they were the best ones of the bunch.

Rung OH straight away of course, but it's so hard. His priority has to be his Mum right now and its so hard to be completely happy when you're so worried about someone so important to you. Just want to give him a big hug. :hug:


Aw I hope everything going OK with OH's mum Helen.

Great newsd about your little guys though, I have everything crossed for you, I hope these 2 weeks fly by for you (not likley I know!)
Helen its fantastic news I am absolutely delighted for you both and am keeping everything crossed that your little ones implant. I am finding it very emotional reading your posts thank you so much for sharing.

P.S. speedy recovery to your OH's mum I hope she's ok.
Hi Helen

Am sorry about your OH's mum, hope it's not very serious and wishing a speedy recovery for her

Great news about the embryos, they are good fighters aren't they??
Hope the blood tests today come back OK. And good luck at work!

I have been reading this thread from a distance, but I wanted to say great news the implantation went well, and I hope the next 2 weeks zoom by!!
Day 34 of IVF Cycle
3 days since Embryo Transfer
14 days to PG test
Part 2

Our day has got far worse than this morning. OH's Mum was in theatre 4.5 hours in total and is now in intensive care. OH has been with his Dad all day and I've just been over to see them. She's all rigged up to tubes, machines and flashing lights and looked so tiny in this big bed.

She's really, really poorly. We saw the Doc this evening and he said that she was "bleeding to death on the operating table". Apparently it was touch and go today. OH has really gone through the mill, he's exhausted. They think it is her bowel and they will need to remove part of it, but they don't know which bit. They've put these sort of colostomy bags in in a couple of places and if she bleeds again they will be able to tell where from. It's just a waiting game now.

They said even if she doesn't bleed again, it will be at least 3 months before she is back to anywhere near normal.

Hospital nurse was so lovely about finding us a place to inject tonight. Went into a relatives room and he put a sheet up at the door for privacy.

We know she is in the best place but you can't help but worry.

Told a couple of the Managers at work that I am definitely going to ask to be signed off on Wednesday afternoon. Enough is enough frankly and I need to put my family first now.


aww darling,so sorry for your oh mum,but so happy for you,i can imagine it being a mixed batch of emotions in your household,would def rec staying off work until testing so that you havent got another batch of emotional disturbance todeal with.fingers crossed hun :hug:
Oh Helen, am so sorry about your OH's mum, poor woman.... And what a difficult time you and OH are going thru :( Praying everything goes well with her.

Definitely be signed off work, you don't need the tiniest bit of extra stress.

Hope you're hanging in there


Day 35 of IVF Cycle
4 days since Embryo Transfer
13 days to PG test

Feeling exhausted today. Had a busy day at work. I got home and went to bed and slept for an hour and a half.

OH's Mum has made good progress and is now off ventilator. OH went on his own to visit her tonight and was a lot happier when he got home. Although he got stuck in traffic on the way back and our injection was a few minutes late. I was horrible and snapped at him for it (I have since apologised) and I don't think it should actually matter too much.

I've been pretty tearful today. I spoke to my parents earlier and they asked how I was and I just burst into tears. They were lovely and in common with everyone else have been really supportive about my need to get signed off work. I've even decided not to work tomorrow in the office. I've got some CVs to read so I'm going to collect those and bring them home. I've started to feel anxious about opening emails and receiving phone calls at work - weird, I know. Hopefully the doc will be sympathetic tomorrow.

I'm a little worried about my fluid balance (the pee-jug) as I'm definitely not peeing out as much as I'm taking in. On Monday the nurse said that I'd probably have one big wee and things would settle down soon. I really hope that happens, until it does it means that OHSS is still a worry.

Up until today, I had been feeling some little twinges in my belly and today all has been quiet on that front. Had the first feeling that maybe this hasn't worked.


helen - loving this thread, havent read it all but ive read the last few weeks. Really helping me understand what my sister is going through. Thankyou. Im getting a card for her today and ill drop it off later just letting her know im thinking of her, and im there for her.
Anyway, a question (it might have been covered in the thread - sorry if it has) Are you having your treatment in a northwest hospital? just my sister said that on thursday there was another woman who had got 9 eggs. (my sister only got 2) - and she got them implanted on Sat too. Might just be a huge co-incidence.... or you might have met/seen eachother. :wave:
Hiya I havent posted in on here before but have been trying to catch up on how your doing every now and then, I just wanted to say I think your amazing!!! And same as everyone else on here I am really willing this to work for you cause you really deserve it!!!!!

I am sorry to read about your OH's mum and hope she has a speedy recovery! I think you are definately doing the right thing taking some time off work you have enough going on with out the added stress of work!!!

In your last diary you say your starting to think this may not have worked, I am sure this is a very common worry but doesnt mean your right, I know its easier said then done you have so much invested in this but the more positive you can stay the beter it is for you and your chances of success. You are obviously a very strong person from reading your posts and if anyone can do it you can!!!! :hug: :hug:
Hi, glad MIL is on the mend. Keeping everything crossed for you both and praying they inplant. Take care :hug:

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