Checking in thread for late Feb/early March mums

Well just got back from seeing midwife and had a successful sweep! Was unsure about whther or not to have one just from the idea of some stranger "fingering" me lol. but then i thought i better get used to it for labour and glad I did. Really wasnt as bad as what I thought, she kept asking me if I wanted to stop and expecting me to scream in pain or something but it dint hurt at all, just felt like I was guna piss myself LOL.

She managed to get a finger past my cervix, felt the membranes and do a sweep so fingers crossed it may start things off soon! If not I've been booked in for my induction 7am on Wednesday! Eeeeekkk I can't beleive I'm guna be a mommy soon :D
well im glad someone had a succesful sweep! fingers crossed for you that it does work. if not your joining us for induction next week. At least there is an end in site now for us all.

Good luck to all over the weekend im wishing you all labour pains and contractions!!! ':lol:'
Hoorah Adele! Hopefully you'll start soon then...Can't help feeling like a failure Tracey seeing as our sweeps were a flop!

Was thinking of asking the doc to try again on tuesday if LO isn't here by then - still really wanna give birth in the mlu.

Planned a really busy weekend, including overnight visitors, in the hope that the little monkey will try to take us by surprise.

The baby's trace was excellent again today - the mw said he's just far too happy in the warm at the mo to come out - bless!

Happy contracting all...

Well I woke up about 6:30am having contractions...and I've had to get up cos they don't seem to be going away. They're coming lke every 5 minutes for about 20 seconds atm and everyone else in the house is still blissfully asleep so I'm guna try and keep myself busy for abit and see if they stop or carry on :?
good luck hun hope this is it for you xxxx
contractions 3-5 minutes apart and getting stronger so I'll be off to the hospital in abt. Wish me luck!
ooh congrats hun good luck hope all goes well for you xxxxxxxxxxx
Yiippeeee! thats fantastic news Adele. I wish you lots of luck.
Well I'm back home for now, 6 hours of contractions and I was still only 1cm dilated :? Had my show before I went, still contracting so I'm on the paracetamol and am gunna have a nice hot bath.
hope your not waiting too long hunny good luck xxxxx
Well done Adele - at least you know LO is on its way! Keep those contractions going strong!

I've had excrutiating lower back pain every ten minutes since 10am this morning - don't know what that means exactly - belly is tightening at same time but they're definitely not contractions or BH.

Had a hot curry and my bro and girlf are staying overnight so fingers crossed...

Sounds stupid but don't want the back pain to go away just in case its the start of things...

Any action Tracey?

Juz xxx
Sounds like things are starting to move for a few of us. Went a huge walk yesterday afteroon about 3 miles in total and really felt sick all night and as though someone had really booted me hard in the privates. (guessing severe pressure!)

Woke up suddenly through the night with a pain that lasted 10 minutes constant. Been regular since, cant sleep and paracetamol aint doin the trick.

I believe a lot of people now when they say you definetley know when its time! lol

Fingers are crossed for everyone else.

Didnt expect to go on my due date for a start and trust my LO to decided to make an appearance when Glasgow is suddenly inches deep in snow!

Will keep you all updated!
Good Luck you guys!!! Sounds very promising for all of you!! As weird as it sounds I hope your pains stay! :? Unlike mine that seem to go away once I fall asleep :roll: Can't wait to wake up tomorrow and NOT see you all here! :D

xoxo Ree
Hello, I am still here, only 4 days over now!!

I was having pains yesturday afternoon but they did not last!

I want to walk somewhere but it wont stop snowing!!!

Good luck everyone!
Its not fiar im still here!! I havent had a single twinge, guess my baby doesnt want to come out.

Hope everyone else with pains is now holding their babies, and all went well.
Still got horrible backache that keeps coming like clockwork and had a very large blob of snotlike discharge today (sorry TMI!! :oops: )

I'm getting very agravated now - please come out baby!!!

MW is gonna try another sweep tomorro so fingers crossed my very unfavourable posterior cervix has come forward enough. My mum informed me yest that she has a tilted cervix and i'm sure i read somewhere that this can encourage OP lie of the baby and a difficult cervix...curse her! :lol:

Sounds good!! :D The snot like blob sounds like your plug and the backache sounds like it could be back labor which is no fun but does mean your LO will be making their arrival very soon!!! So that makes it all the more worth it!!! Good Luck sending those baby labor vibes your way!! :wink: :D

xoxo Ree

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