Checking in thread for late Feb/early March mums

Sadly I'm still here too, had a really really crappy day yesturday where I found myself crying for most of it, damn hormones.
checking in for another day.

Juzza, Good luck with the sweep today, I hope it starts things off for you.
Hey Girlies!

Well Tracey i'm very disappointed to say that the sweep was a complete flop! I presumed the doc would go in, whisk away my show and i'd be back in 6 hrs later giving birth!

HOWEVER!!!! My cervix is apparently still posterior which means it hasn't even rotated enough to be swept! I was gutted - although i will say it wasn't as horrid as i thought just a bit like a smear really without the nasty 'scraper'.

So...induction is booked for next Thurs providing things don't happen before then so we're all keeping everything crossed!

Bought some raspberry leaf tea, been bathing in clary sage, walking, having sex so that hubby thinks its xmas and as a last resort begging LO to come out to play!

I'll keep you posted.

How you doin Tracey and alll u other desperate mummies to be..?

Juz xxx
well im still a desperate Mum to be. oh hum!

glad the sweep wasnt as bad as you thought even though it wasnt succesful. Funnily enough I had thoughts of my cervix being to far back and them not being able to do anything! mines booked for tomorrow morning and they will also book me in for induction whilst im there, at least after tomorrow I will know the latest date that I get to meet my little one.

Hows everyone esle doing, is there any news from anyone else??
Still waiting for baby to make an appearence, seeing midwife again on friday, not sure whther or not she'll be giving me a sweep or not :?
Whats happening to us, I remember just after the New Year everyone wasgoing early and havig boys. Well I dont kow what I'm having but I'm dreadin going late!

My docs due date was yesterday and hospitals is Sunday. Come girls get our fingers crossed!
I know, we have become the overdue gang! I so wanted to be in the early birth one hehe!!
hello girls,

I am due today and still waiting!!

Any one eles fed up of getting texts from mates asking if its happening yet?

I have been getting them all week, but not even due till today!!

Atleast it shows they are thinking of me!!


My phoe is like a hotline people calling to see if its here yet, they are probably jinxing us all!!!!
I had 12 texts and 3 phone calls the other day. I'm now trying to combat it by sending a bog standard text every day to tell them that we're still waiting!

I was so tempted to turn my phone off yesterday but i know how cruel that would be as i know they're only calling/texting because they're so excited for us - bless!

The race is on between us late arrivals though eh! He he...

Juz xxx
Im really lucky as I am not being bothered by anyone. Most people are asking my DH, and its driving him nuts!

Yes the race is on!!!
I told my OH when he gets in from work I am going to turn off my phone, but I know that would just worry people! (or get them even more excited)

I have even heard from my little sister, we never hear from her and she lives away from me!

I will text everyone tomorrow morning keeping them updated!
Oh my heart goes out to you, my baby was 13 days over and it sucked!! was really ratty by the end, but just think that everyday is one day closer to meeting your baby. Have my fingers crossed for you all, hope little ones make an appearance soon xxx
hello, I am still here!

Has no one else checked in yet???
Hi all

Im still here, just got back from midwife and I was the same as you Juzza cervix is still to far back for her to even do the sweep.

Babys head is still 3/5 in relation to brim, and is firmly sat on my right hand side and far to happy to come out.

I am now also booked in to be induced on the 16th March. at least I now know the latest it will be. One more week of waiting left.

has anyone esle got any good news???
Well I'm still here.

Docs due date was tuesday there and hospitals is sunday. Will keep my fingers crossed for you guys!

Still here - can't believe how similar we are Tracey - forgot to mention yesterday that my LO has also popped back up to 3/5 when last week he was firmly 2/5.

The little monkey is also happily lying ROP which is the worst possible position but i knew i was never gonna have an easy labour/birth due to the fact that i'm one of those people who always get the worst/rarest scenario.

Me and hubby joked last night that i've probably got some rare condition where the cervix remains posterior at all times making natural birth impossible!

I know it's only a week til induction but i really wanna avoid any intervention but the way things are going its gonna be the only way as this LO is showing no signs of leaving mummy's tummy!

hi all! just wanted to say good luck to you all especially those overdue.. i know its a long and hard wait. just try and take care of yourselves lots, its so important. i got so impatient i forgot to and when you have the wee one even finding time to go to the loo is tough :lol:

you'll all be the happiest people soon
take care xx
Morning all,

checking in for another day. Thought things had started last night as I was getting pains coming and going for about half an hour. Now I think it was trapped wind!!! oh well.

I am still here, but only two days over!

I keep mistaking wind for things happening too!!

I would expect contractions to hurt more, but i have read posts where people were in labour but thought it was wind!!!


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