Chart Stalkers February 2008

hey kmac
it is good seeing something there. my sister and hubby can also see a bit of a line, my mum is going to come round later and analyse it!! i will test again tomorrow but i think i may need tests other than the ebay ones
it is good but its teasing...u see i just thought i wasnt and iv been im getting my hopes up... of course i would be over the moon to see the lines tho i think id be in denial unless i saw a heartbeat on ultrasound because of what happened before...anyway im getting ahead of myself.
kmac really hoping u get ur bfp, iv had a couple of cramps thats all and my temp has gone up but im just sleeping terrible lately.
this is all a waiting game really xx
Hi everyone!

Kmac - your chart is looking fab, and the symptoms you are having sound very promising but I agree, keep calm and wait to test, I so hope you get your BFP :pray:

Good luck to you too Gerb, I hope those faint lines are BFPs, but Id definitely go get an expensive one! :cheer: :pray:

Hope everyone is ok. :D My temp dropped today but thats probably cos I didnt sleep well, had an awful nightmare about the world going to end, due to people becoming possessed by electricity. Sounds very unscary, but it was quite horrid. It was then that I realised that my OH wasnt in bed, this was at 4.30am so I was worried, he was staying up though cos the cats hadnt come in and he was worried bless him. The came in about 5am. So I woke quite alot last night, hence why my temp has an open circle. I took my temp again at 10.30am, 3 hours of non disturbed sleep after my alarm call and first test, the temp was 98.40, but I dont know if I should use that temp or not really? I cant use the temp corrector as my first temp was taken at the usual time so it goes with the 97.79 temp.

Sorry Im really baffling on now! :lol: I just type what Im thinking!

Also I cant decide whether or not Ive been having cramps. If I have they have been very mild, but noticeable. The reason I cant decide is because I have a bad back, at the very bottom of my pelvis. I cant decide if its that which is causing the cramps or something else. Not getting my hopes up at all as otherwise I feel completely normal. I remembered yesterday that when I was last pregnant, almost 5 years ago, that my pee smelled bloody horrible! A completely different to normal, a bit like Tom Cat pee actually, so Im looking out for that as a possible pregnancy symptom in the future!
Hi all :wave: Room for a little one in here :) I thought maybe il give charting a go so hopefuly i can see where i might be going wrong each month. I hope you wont mind me bombarding you with loads of qu's as im crap at this sort of thing :lol: Im already a member of FF so where do i start?
Hi and welcome Flossy! :wave: PM Kitty your FF url (located on Homepage setup on FF) and she will add you to the front page. Its best if you add your url to your sig on here too as its easier to look at peoples charts if they have posted a question that way. Then basically get temping!

Try to temp at the same every day for more accuracy, this should be the very first thing you do each morning. They should be your waking temperature, before you have gone for a wee, had a drink or pretty much done anything. My alarm goes off and the first thing I do is stick my thermometer in my mouth, I dont really move at all! Alot of the ladies on here set an alarm to do their temp and have a pen and paper at the side of the bed so they can write the result down straight away (otherwise you might forget). You can go back to sleep then if you want! Temps are most reliable after at least 3 hours of undisturbed sleep.

Start on day 1 of AF for the best reading of the month. You should be able to pinpoint when ovulation occurs and how long your luteal phase is each month, so it certainly saves on the pain of thinking you may be pregnant when actually you may have ovulated later than you thought so that was why your period is late. Your temps should start off low and then once ovulation has occurred the temps rise, and then stay high until AF when they drop again, or if they stay high there is a good chance you are pregnant.

There will be alot of questions to ask, but dont worry everyone here is lovely and very helpful. :D
Hey there thanks loola. Well as AF has already started today would it be ok to take my temp tommorrow morning instead :)
Hi guys,

Well no Ov :( Should have expected that really. I have ferns again today though so don't know what's going on. I am wondering if I am lucky enough to be one of the very small percentage of women who fern all the way through their cycles... That'd be right!

Anyway, good luck to Gerb and Kmac. It's looking good for you both.

CB23 - :think: I don't know what's going on with you... Maybe you should test again?

Hi to everyone else :wave:

I'm off to the beach for the day. Chao.
Flossy82 said:
Hey there thanks loola. Well as AF has already started today would it be ok to take my temp tommorrow morning instead :)

Absolutely fine! You dont have to temp whilst AF is there at all but it gives you a better insight to your cycles if you do I reckon. :)
I don't think I'm Oving ladies :( Look at my chart it's so erratic.
Sorry forgot to say this AF is a proper one rather than me having AF and it not worth speaking of!!! So pleased :cheer:
Skairdy :hug: :hug: :hug: I know it is so frustrating when your body isnt doing what you expect it to..... Please (and the next bit is the most stupid thing to say but I'll say it anyway!) dont stress too much - being stressed can stop ovulation...... Sometimes I think temping is stressful in itself.

Why dont you chart for 3 months and then take them to show your GP - they should then let you have a 7 dpo test will which show your progesterone level....

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi all,

Skairdy, just wanted to say, the month I got my BFP my temps were really strange pre-ov. I also didn't ovulate until day 28!!

Do you know when you normally ovulate? Even if you're normally regular you could just be having delayed ovulation, that happened to me on 2/3 cycles when I was TTC.

Please listen to ROM, I remember ROM saying exactly the same to me and she was so right.

When your TTC you convince yourself you have allsorts of problems that are preventing you from getting pregnant but I'm sure most of the time it's just the stress of trying.

Hope everybody is OK, sorry I'm not a regular visitor these days but I am still thinking of you all and hoping to see more BFPs this month :)
skairdykat said:
I don't think I'm Oving ladies :( Look at my chart it's so erratic.

Skairdy :hug: :hug:

The same thing happened to me.. my first month my temps were all over the place, I never got the ov line on fertility friend and I was worrying myself silly. This month my chart looks exactly like it should.

I know it's hard not to stress, but just give it a couple of months and most likely you will see more 'normal' patterns.
I know exactly how you feel just now and it's horrible. :hug:

edit - just looked at your chart. your temps could still rise over the next few days.
Okay kadies don't know if I've done the right thing or not but on Friday I woke up earlier than normal and my temp had dropped. So I've just used the temp adjuster and the temp it gave me has made me get my lines as if I OV'd day 14, which is normal for me I think with my cycle lengths. All my other signs where there just that one wrong temp. Which is why I wasn't convinced that I hadn't OV'd.

Have I done right or not?
Skairdy if I wake early and aslong as I have had 4 hours sleep I will use that temp whatever . Keep an eye over the next couple of days to see if your temps continue to rise :D I'd keep bedding too just in case but I am sure its OK to do that - now take a big breath and RELAX x x x x
I think that's fine Skairdy - I have used the temp corrector a couple of times, as long as you don't use it too often it's OK. I thought you might have ov'd around then it was just one temp that was a bit out. It's so easily affected though... by stress too!

I don't know how I'm going to get through the next few days. I suppose I had better get used to it, but this is my first proper wait after def ov.
I'm still getting a little bit of weird cramping, just pray it's not AF (I don't normally get AF cramps before she arrives though - that's what is getting my hopes up). I'm so nervous.

Also I always imagined surprising DH with news whenever I get pg, but of course he is aware of everything with the temping etc, and he told me today I have to tell him when I'm testing because he 'wants to share in the excitement'. That's really nice but it makes me more nervous.

Anyway, probably no point obsessing over all this, as I'm sure AF will put in an appearance before I test!
Sorry for the long post. I feel better now. :)
Well it's changed my OV day to CD16 when I put my temp in this morning. But I'm not too bothered at least it's saying I have OV'd now LOL.

So am in the 2ww now :cheer:
Morning everyone :wave:

Well I am back to feeling positive after AF's little visit last week. Now I am charting I feel much better...why did I not start this months ago?

Quick question...over the weekend I got sort of white circle on my chart. I am guessing that this shows a temp inconsistancy maybe? I was drinking the night before!! Is this right?

Thanks x
Yeah hun I think that'll be why. I have a couple on my chart at the beginning from when I put sleep deprived.

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