Chart Stalkers February 2008

Could someone look on my chart? Under the graph there's a STATS row that's appeared. A pink square and a number 5 - what does this mean?
Hi satch :wave: The 5 is the start of a countdown to test day. On your first months chart FF tries to get you to test at about 18DPO (if you can wait that long :D ) as it has no previous data regarding your luteal length. Tomorrow it should show 4 and so on. I think the general rule is that if you reach 18 DPO with nice high temps and AF hasn't started chances are you are most probably pregnant :D

Good luck to everyone in the testathon tomorrow :pray:
oooo satch, yours is definitely looking good!

kmac - :rotfl: at 'seeing as I was peeing in the cup anyway'! That's the spirit! Well, the first cycle charting is always a rollercoaster - temps wise and emotionally. The thing is, till you've done your first chart you haven't a clue what a post-ov temp looks like for you. Although there's a second level apparent in your temps at the moment, it's not so marked as to be definitely ovulation - and you might find your post-ov temps turn out to be a whole degree higher. What I've noticed with my charts is that there's a tendency for my temps to drop sharply on around CD2 or 3, then drop again a couple of days later by a little for a week or more, rise slightly (around 0.1-0.2 degrees) for 3 or 4 days before ov and then rise again with ov. Quite often, FF detects ovulation with the slight rise 3 or 4 days before, until the post-ov temp rises around 0.4 degrees. I have in my mind a mental coverline of around 36.4 - if my temp is below that, I'll carry on BDing just in case, if above, I know it's too late. Problem is that you can't know your imaginary coverline till the first full cycle's over - and that cycle is hell, you're always thinking something is wrong with you.

:wave: welcome to gerb
oh, I forgot to say - whilst you lot are having your testathon tomorrow, I'm off having tests of a different sort. I have my CD21 blood tests tomorrow :cheer: Ironically, this is the first month I've ovulated at a reasonable time (CD16) AND had an obvious temp rise AND had a Peak CBEFM result AND had a + OPK. In other words, this is my first textbook cycle - just as I start fertility investigations :roll: :lol: Good luck for all of you, and please wish me luck with mine! :pray:
Good luck today Kitty.
typical fertility signs because they are going to look into it.
I got caught with the twins once I was told we could go on the IVF waiting list
my temp dropped a little today but still well over the coverline. Today is day 28 of my cycle and never in all the years of having them I've had one longer than 28 days so today is D-day.

I do feel like it scoming on though - I'm too scared to test incase its negative...

I'll be running to the loo every half hour at work to check!

:pray: for BFP's from everyone today!
Morning ladies......had to post in Stalkers first before I tell everyone else.

I did my first testathon this monring and Guess what I got...

Test 1

Tests 2 & 3

Test 4

BFP!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I can't tell you how overjoyed I am. Both me and my DH were just crying and shaking when we realised it was true. I didn't believe the first test so I've done 4 all together now :oops:

I still can't believe it. I'm just so happy. Hope another stalker gets a BFP too so I've got someone to keep me company

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

You need to use photobucket to attach a pic.
Or email it to me and I'll put it up for you
Chrissy I am SO happy for you!!! :cheer:

Im afraid I wont be joining you but Im sure there will be plenty of people to keep you company in 1st Tri!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Kitty - Good Luck with the tests x
woohoo, fantastic news Chrissy! :clap: :cheer: :dance: :clap: :cheer: :dance: :clap: :cheer: :dance:

I'm not surprised you're shaking, I think I would be too! :hug:

satch - :pray: AF stays away. I can't believe you didn't test, I always try to sneak one in before AF catches me!! :rotfl: I still think your chart is looking good...

choklatemunky - :hug: sorry you didn't make it to the testathon.

Well, good luck for the other testers today. :pray: I'll check back later.

I've been to the doctor's, had my tests and been told I can phone for the results in 7 days. The only thing is, I'm not sure what I do then :think: If they're normal, what next? And if abnormal, what next? Do I need to make an appt with the doc or do nothing? These are musings rather than questions! DH said last night that he has to see his doctor for a check-up after his hernia operation next month, and he's going to ask for a sperm analysis then.

Gypsy, yes I thought how typical, too. I'm going to ask for a fertility referral, that should guarantee a BFP straightaway :wink:
Hi Kitty - I had my CD 21 blood test this month too....typical!! But they told me that they would need the results from those tests and for DH to have a sperm test and then we would be reffered to a fertility clinic. Hope it goes ok for you

I've just realised that I'm going to have to leave stalkers!!! :( :( :(

I will pop back now and again to see how you're all doing but before I go can I just say thank you very much to each and every one of you :hug: :hug:

You really are a lovely bunch of ladies and you're so helpful and supportive that I don't think I could have got through the last few months without your support and consoling wordds on here. Even though I've never met any of you I consider you all friends (albeit cyberpals) and I wish you all every ounce of luck and babydust in the world for getting your BFP's soon.

I'm proof that persistance pays off

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Chrissy - how much work do you reckon you're going to get done today? :think: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :hug:
errr none..... I'm still off work poorly!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Although if I was at work I could definately say I wouldn't be getting anything done today!! Not that I do much most days anyway :rotfl:

I still can't get my head around it. I really didn't think we'd got much chance this month at all. We broke DH's little man just before OV and managed to force a couple of quick sessions in around OV time despite the pain he was in but they were really quick sessions where I didn't think he'd offloaded the full quota so I didn't think we'd got a chance.

Also....with being ill for the past week and half I've not been symptom spotting at all, if I've had any symptoms they've been covered up by being ill because I've got nothing!! Strange seeing as every other month I get all the symptoms known to man and end up with BFN!!!

The only thing I did notice was that I hadn't had any period cramps in the last week or so like I normally get

I can't believe it!!
:rotfl: I dont think Im going to get any work done today because of all the excitement nevermind Chrissy! :rotfl:

Aww the thought of that BFP makes my tummy flutter! I cant wait to see one of my own! Eeeeek! :cheer:

I shall miss you in the stalkers Chrissy, but there isnt a better reason to leave us! :hug: :D
oh, btw, kmac, I just looked at your chart... hmmmmm - that looks like it could be the start of a slow ov rise today, doesn't it? Well, I guess we'll know in the next couple of days. If so, I'd be expecting the coverline to be about 97.35 - 97.4 so the temps over the next couple of days should be at that level or higher.

It does look rather like my very confusing December chart - the one when I was
trying to work out if and when I'd ov'ed.

Here's an overlay of the two charts (yours looks flatter because I temp in celsius so it's converted yours to celsius too):


I'm sure you don't want to be compared to me at the moment - but then look at my chart for this month, it's absolutely textbook. All it needs to be perfect ovulatory or pregnancy is AF or a BFP on around CD29-30! So - one odd chart doesn't mean you're not ovulating or that there's a problem, you need to see three or more charts to be able to see a pattern.

edit - p.s. - kmac's is the blue home page line, mine is the green 3 Dec.

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