can you actually afford to have a baby?

The system is totally flawed here too. It's too easy to fraud and not work
The system is totally flawed here too. It's too easy to fraud and not work

There's an interesting programme on tonight, I think it's panorama, it might even be on on Monday??? About how people defraud the system x
I think I saw an advert. Must give it a watch actually . It infuriates me because people always say to me why don't you just say you live alone and claim single parent benifit 210 per week and rent allowance 570 per month ?
It's annoying because they just think its totally acceptable for me to lie . It's attitudes about benifits like this that make anyone who genuinely needs experience bad attitudes
I think I saw an advert. Must give it a watch actually . It infuriates me because people always say to me why don't you just say you live alone and claim single parent benifit 210 per week and rent allowance 570 per month ?
It's annoying because they just think its totally acceptable for me to lie . It's attitudes about benifits like this that make anyone who genuinely needs experience bad attitudes

It's so commonplace isn't it, to say you live alone when you don't. But doesn't this show how flawed the system is???
Shouldn't you be encouraged to live as a family unit?? xxx
The system is totally flawed here too. It's too easy to fraud and not work

There's an interesting programme on tonight, I think it's panorama, it might even be on on Monday??? About how people defraud the system x

Will prob wind us up!!!

I think the agreement here is this;
Whatever the situation, employed, self employed, on min wage, actively seeking and wanting to work, had to stop work due to disability or illness or lost jobs while pregnant is all fine and acceptable as no one can predict what's around the corner when ttc....

But what pisses everyone off is people who are ttc when they are already out of work, think its not worth even looking for work because they are better off on benefits

This is where it's wrong! This is where the country have cocked up!

Support those who need it, not give it away to those that can't be bothered..,

Another reason we are getting taken over by foreigners, they come here to work and are willing to work so take the jobs, if people of the uk didn't think they were above the min wage and did these jobs them selves the country would be in a better state because money would be spent here improving the financial state of the country rather than this money being sent out of the country by the foreigners who are earning it and sending it away..more money spent here means the country is better off meaning min wage could increase so in reality people who can't be asked with the min wage and rather live on benefits are the reason for this....
That what I would have assumed ? Whereas if we didn't live together we would be so much better off financially . The system needs a total overhaul.
You know there's a problem with it when during your booking in appointment your mw asks do you need her to sign or stamp social welfare forms or set up a meeting with a welfare officer for you !
It's wonderful they help people i financial troubles but if you plan a baby knowing you will need that help then you shouldn't be planning a baby
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At the nursery I worked at, staff got a 15% discount off their child care fees. 15%!!![/QUOTE]

One time my sister was ill on the day she was supposed to work, she doesn't get sick pay, so she lost out on her whole days wages BUT still had to pay the whole day for her sons place even though that day she couldnt get him there, and to top it off even if she could have got him there, she wouldn't have got his place discounted (she gets a percentage off the full price like you mentioned) because she wasn't at work so she would have had the to pay the nursery the full fee. I think that's disgusting.
She earns peanuts and these nurserys reep in the profit.
If only works would bring out creches that don't cost the earth, I certainly would work full time if I could have cheaper child care and the option to pop in and see my lo on my lunch break.
I think most genuine honest people would say the same.

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Absolutely a crèche that was affordable would make a huge difference to most people (I would hope) in bit sure how much they would be in the uk but in Ireland you are looking at up too 900per month and more if you need specialised care
Infact I'd be quite happy to work in these kind of creches!!

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The cost of childcare is ridiculous. Thats why I only work 2 days a week as LO goes to family for those 2 days so I don't have to pay childcare. If I wasn't so lucky to have family able to look after LO I wouldn't have gone back to work as the cost of childcare wouldn't have made it worth my while.
It should be made harder to claim benefits if you are fit and able to work. The whole system needs a massive overhaul.
Absolutely a crèche that was affordable would make a huge difference to most people (I would hope) in bit sure how much they would be in the uk but in Ireland you are looking at up too 900per month and more if you need specialised care

I think the government could easily bring out goverment funded creches, even though they would have to pay the people who work there, it would give people jobs, and make parents more able to apply for jobs because they wouldn't be working just to pay for childcare!
Surely that would save the country billions?

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There would also maybe be the option of training people who were on job seekers and instead of benifits for nothing maybe benifits for being trained and having a job in a nursery or crèche ?

*sigh* I just want the best for my girls. I want them to grow up seeing me work and understanding the importance of contributing.
I totally agree with you all about childcare, it would be great if it was more affordable. I work in the childcare sector and the wage isnt very high but the fee for each child is quite alot.
Something needs to be done to ensure parents can send their child to a happy safe environment at an affordable price, its not fair to work so hard and spend almost a whole wage on childcare xx

*sigh* I just want the best for my girls. I want them to grow up seeing me work and understanding the importance of contributing.

Your girls will understand that though because you can still show them the importance. Your situation is slightly different at the moment because of the special care you need to give your LO. If you cant work for a few years you can still teach them the importance of this.
The problem lies with the people who teach their kids its ok to sit on their arses watching tv all day.
I think it's irresponsible to ACTIVELY ttc if money is tight regardless of whether you are claiming benefits or not. We're currently claiming benefits and can barely afford food, DH is applying everywhere he can, so I get frustrated with the people who play the system and can buy designer clothes etc without having to work when we're struggling and desperate for a job! We wouldn't actively ttc in our situation as it would be an awful situation to bring a baby into and we most certainly couldn't afford another baby right now.

Mrs R you've said what I was trying to say perfectly!
Apologies if I've offended anyone on minimum wage, Mrs R has said much more eloquently what I was trying to convey about if money is tight without kids, it'll be far tougher with little ones to provide for.
Of course everyone is entitled to have children, I certainly didn't mean to imply otherwise, but surely you need to be able to provide for them?
As people have pointed out, it's the benefit system that is primarily at fault. It should be used as a stepping stone and a source of assistance during periods of hardship not as a long term source of income.
But ultimately at the end of the day, if we have a child it is OUR responsibility to provide for it, and I make no apologies for admitting that I struggle with the idea that certain sectors of the population feel entitled to claim benefits as their primary source of income when in some cases, it's the easiest but not the only option open to them.
Thanks hun. That's it exactly and whole I'm not saying people on benifits don't deserve children if you don't have money or a job and don't plan on having a job then why have a child ?
That's it, I WANT to provide for my own children. I WANT to buy their clothes and food. I enjoy buying them nice things and taking them on nice holidays. I enjoy doing these things and take pride in providing for them.
But then I miss a lot of their growing up :cry: x
Whata great debate, I could afford my child yes we both worked full time and saved hard, I now work part time and we are ttc our 2nd. I may however have to come out of work as i'm on min wage and our parents are getting on and wont be able to care for 2. I wont be claiming anything as we can affrord to live just on oh wage luckily. I do love working and getting my own money but I really dont want to go down the nursery route while i'm able to do it myself as I dont want to miss a second of growing up. The cost of childcare wouldnt be worth me working anyway. Its sad there is a girl at work that had just started and she was having to leave as she was better off on benifits but she really wanted to work its wrong isn't it.
So many working parents would be better off on benefits so where is the incentive?
Then there's the cycle of generations who have never worked and having a career isn't even an idea in their mind.
That's so sad because work can be so rewarding and fulfilling.
If I wasn't the main breadwinner and we could afford to live on oh's wages I would love to be a sahm until my lo's went to reception xx
I agree Cos, there's a real attitude of entitlement from certain generations and some people when it comes to benefits.
Apparently it's the councils responsibility to house you and the governments responsibility to provide you with an income. :(

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