The system is totally flawed here too. It's too easy to fraud and not work
I think I saw an advert. Must give it a watch actually . It infuriates me because people always say to me why don't you just say you live alone and claim single parent benifit 210 per week and rent allowance 570 per month ?
It's annoying because they just think its totally acceptable for me to lie . It's attitudes about benifits like this that make anyone who genuinely needs experience bad attitudes
The system is totally flawed here too. It's too easy to fraud and not work
There's an interesting programme on tonight, I think it's panorama, it might even be on on Monday??? About how people defraud the system x
Absolutely a crèche that was affordable would make a huge difference to most people (I would hope) in bit sure how much they would be in the uk but in Ireland you are looking at up too 900per month and more if you need specialised care
*sigh* I just want the best for my girls. I want them to grow up seeing me work and understanding the importance of contributing.
I think it's irresponsible to ACTIVELY ttc if money is tight regardless of whether you are claiming benefits or not. We're currently claiming benefits and can barely afford food, DH is applying everywhere he can, so I get frustrated with the people who play the system and can buy designer clothes etc without having to work when we're struggling and desperate for a job! We wouldn't actively ttc in our situation as it would be an awful situation to bring a baby into and we most certainly couldn't afford another baby right now.