I agree.
People should defo not be TTC when they dont have an income, but I also think that there is too many ppl who TTC, while having a job, then leave through pregnancy or soon after baby is born, or when they are due to return after leave - with no source of income apart from benefits, this is also irresponsible as it shows to me that the decision to TTC hasn't been well thought out. Its obvious working when pregnant is hard, its obvious having a baby and working is hard. I understand if there is severe complications thro childbirth meaning a few extra months off. But very often I hear......I just cant leave my baby now, even though i've arranged to go back to work, i'll just go on benefits as its easier, or......oh I didn't realise how much childcare was.....hmmmmmmmmmm - thats my response. Planning for a baby means planning these things, checking on how much your money will change, who will watch LO can you afford nursery. Fact is - ppl dont care they really dont, as long as they get money they dont care where its from.
I do think that benefits are good to fall back on & i'm glad they are about for ppl who are in trouble.
Also - I think there is a fine line when it comes to TTC & not TTC. For example, someone wants a baby but has no means to support, and dont want to say - im TTC so instead its an "accident" I know that accidents do happen - but alot of the time its because people aren't that bothered. For example, if there was absolutely no benefits system to fall back on, would there still be the same amount of "accidents" or would people try a bit harder??
And I agree 100% with what cosmic said - Why should I go out working a full time job,missing out on stuff with my child, while my neighbour gets to lounge about, doing nothing, claiming benefits.
I think ppl need to wake up and smell the coffee, there might not be many ppl on PF that falls into these categorys, but threre sure is loads of them around the UK.
There are 3 reasons that the whole issue needs alot of thought (turning to benefits for help with baby)
A) - the benefits system is changing....rapidly - there is already plans in place to cut housing benefit for those under the age of 30 - including those with children.
B) there is stricter rules for benefits claimants now & they are cracking down on other parts of it. And you never know when benefits will stop altogether lets not forget how much our benefits/NHS is being more americanised. What the heck is gonna happen with all these girls on benefits when/if we end up like America & there is no benefits at all.
C) - your child will find out that you have relyed on the state for money when they are older & they will in turn think its ok not to work.
There is a girl I know, she's a single mother, with a 5 y/o. She is now pregnant with her 2nd, she is on full benefits & has never been in a relationship with the father, not only did she deliberatly fall pregnant just to have babies, she also doesn't have any way to support. She's just back from a 7 week holiday through all the school holidays while I didn't get one weekend away - oh and she doesn't need to worry about being a single mother either coz her mummy & daddy will do everything for her as they do just now.