can you actually afford to have a baby?

I agree that children get more expensive, the older they get! My 10 year old wanted a £75 superdry coat & a £40 superdry school bag, an apple Mac computer, iPhone.......the list goes on xx

'wanted' doesnt sound like she got it all tho?!?! haha !! love it! i dread my boy asking for those things, what makes it worse is all the kids that age have these things xxx

Not all kids just the spoilt ones. I never had anything like that when i grew up ended up saving myself for all the things i wanted and always valued money x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x

i think it was different when us lot were younger tho tbh. Even 10-15 yrs ago there wasnt the same stuff on the market there is now. x
Geeze, I remember getting a Barbie doll for Christmas and rethinking how lucky I was :)

When I was older I got a gameboy colour, it was my only gift cause it has cost 70 quid lol x I LOVED it x

It's so much more expensive now! X
Yeah I remember wanting a cd player, tv and VHS video player, took me 3 Christmases to get all three lol but I was thrilled :)
i think half the problem is smaller toys r cheap... like kids bikes for £25 so kids get used to lots of things early then when theyre older they want really expensive things.

as for spoilt kids - my boy is prob spoilt, but he is also taught right from wrong and appreciates what he gets (most of it lol) and i enjoy it, its for me as much as him xxx
I don't think its just spolit children that want these things-its just the way things are now, there is so much available to them that its human nature for a person to want all these things that are so vastly advertised. when I was younger I wanted barbie dolls and bored games and was grateful for everything I got. I am sure if the xbox, ds and all those things were available when I was younger-I would have wanted them too (wouldn't have got them though, lol) x
I don't think its just spolit children that want these things-its just the way things are now, there is so much available to them that its human nature for a person to want all these things that are so vastly advertised. when I was younger I wanted barbie dolls and bored games and was grateful for everything I got. I am sure if the xbox, ds and all those things were available when I was younger-I would have wanted them too (wouldn't have got them though, lol) x

very true! its in their faces! theres more ad's on kids tv than prog's , even shoes have toys int them, what child wouldnt want that lol xxx
It's natural for kids to want what their friends have,
it's not because they are necessarily spoilt! Unfortunately today's society
is very image conscious and materialistic and it's up to
good parenting to instill into your kids that nice things have
to be worked for and that's exactly how I parent my children! My daughter
did get her superdry coat yes, but she sold stuff she doesn't use any more to
pay for it! X
I can remember wanting loads as a kid because it was all advertised on the tv but i only got them for my birthday or Christmas unless i saved my own money to buy them, thats what ill be doing with mine, i also wont be buying new until there old enough to know, ebay is the way forward lol xx
Well working Ladies just to inform you i had some information through the door and a questionnaire. About people on benefits paying some towards council tax else it is going higher. I actually think it would be a good idea. But a maximum should be on it for families and couples who don't receive that much benefits. I truly believe those with a million kids who don't work should have to pay half or full council tax not like they would miss it really.

Here's hoping my partner gets taken on full time when he starts his agency work nice for him really was getting him down not working for so long x

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