***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I have had a crap day and would just like to say aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!! Xx
Sorry to hear Gill! Hopefully tomorrow is better for you x
Ahhhh it's so exciting to see my name and a date!!!! Can't wait to be over here! Only 2 weeks to go!

Hehehehe I know it feels soooo great when you finally get here doesn't it! Tri 1 is just like a time bomb, you just want to get to the end of it, Tri 2 is really wierd and long I think, then Tri 3 is when you know things got that little bit more real and you are at that final step to being at the end of your pregnancy and meeting your babies!! Eeeek I cannot wait for some of us to start popping out babies!!

Ahh GillM I hope youre alright xxx
Aww thanks for updating front page Lexi :)
Got midwife Wednesday then whooping cough jab after it anyone had it yet? Xx
Welcome faybs.
I've had a meh day today too, so much so went out for dinner & had a stinking burger and chips. Enjoyed every mouthful. I've been hankering after one for days now!!
I too have mw tomorrow, guna ask her about the whooping cough vaccine then.
Hey lexi, I'm team yellow! Thanks for doing the front page :)
Thanks for doing the front page Lexi I'm 26 weeks today :) I can join tri 3 in a week so scary and exciting I'm team pink due 24 August
I've had severe itching and had to be tested for ipc yesterday thank fully all can back fine but retesting in 2 weeks so fingers crossed my itching stops and results come back clear again very frightening
Thanks for updating the front page lexi, only just noticed it! Xx
I completely forgot about the whooping cough vaccine I guess I had better book it! Anyone not going to have it? Xx
I got my 28 week app today so gonna hopefully book the whooping cough vaccine whilst at the surgery x
Had my 28 week appt just now. All fine. Baby still measuring on the big side but mw not worried. Heard a strong heartbeat, got a little wriggler in there! Booked me in for this afternoon for my whooping cough vaccine.

It's exciting now that our appts are inky a few weeks in between. I hope it makes the time go fast!!
I completely forgot about the whooping cough vaccine I guess I had better book it! Anyone not going to have it? Xx

I'm not going to have it, I didn't with my first 2 and my kids' pediatrician strongly recommends against having vaccines during pregnancy. Plus my son has had severe/scary reactions to the dtap so I will have to be careful vaccinating this baby and watch him/her very closely after getting shots. So with that in mind I'm not comfortable exposing him/her in utero. But of course it's such a personal choice and everyone has to do what feels right!
Currently sat at hospital in the day assessment unit after my 28 week midwife app. I had protein, blood and white blood cells in my wee sample. Also because of the sickness and headaches the midwife wanted me to get checked out. Been here about an hour and its gonna be a few more yet before I can go. Have had bloods taken and been on the trace, gotta wait for the blood results and to see the doctor. Day unit is closing soon so also waiting around for a bed on the ward to continue monitoring etc x
I'm due 14th August but we have decided not to find out the gender until the birth.
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How have you got on fcroxy? Hope all is ok.

I forgot to mention I explained the tightening I've been getting & midwife said it's likely to be Brixton hicks. All makes sense now!
I'm back home now, thanks summergurl. Baby is fine and was moving away whilst on the monitor, no cause for concern with baby. All my bloods came back fine so they are unsure why there is blood and white blood cells in my urine. They thought maybe a UTI at first but nothing on the bloods. No protein was showing at the hospital and blood pressure was fine so they ruled out pre eclampsia. I've been given tablets for heartburn and anti sickness and to return in a week or so if I carry on being sick as they would do a growth scan to make sure baby is getting all they need. I'm measuring 27 weeks, so only a week behind. If the tablets work then see midwife next at 34 weeks. Glad to be home now, was there just over 4 hours and my battery was almost dead, I was bored lol.

Glad your appointment went well summergurl, when do you next see the midwife? Did you have your whopping cough vaccine? I completely forgot to book mine whilst at the doctors as I had to go straight to hospital. Will ring and book tomorrow xx
I've not been on much lately but was on the other trimesters. Due a girl on 20th, so moving to tri 3 on Saturday at 27 weeks.

Felt crap for weeks now but a very much wanted and tried for baby that took some getting so feel bad to moan. Seeing consultant tomorrow and hoping for some decent advice / plan of action then.

Hope you ladies are all well
Glad is all OK Roxy!! God it is scary isn't it when you think something might be wrong!

Thank you Faybs I have added you to the front page!

Clare - I thought I hadn't seen you around for a while, honestly love, pregnancy is so hard, people don't realise how hard it can be for some people and I totally agree I very much wanted and planned this baby so feel terrible for moaning but jeez I really have struggled with feeling unwell, and I did for my last pregnancy too.

Point is, you are allowed to have a moan when you feel unwell whilst pregnant, your body is put through a lot and making a baby is REALLY hard work, and my goodness everyone is entitled to feel unwell and talk about it, thats the beauty of this forum, we can moan to high heaven without anyone knowing about it lol!

I hope you're okay, and I hope that your consultant appointment goes okay. I am also off to see my consultant today! Can't wait to hear the heartbeat more than anything it is such a nice sound :) xx
Thanks lexi, yeh was all a bit of a shock as didn't expect to end up in hospital after seeing the midwife! But glad everything was okay and they said baby was sounding healthy as they were going nuts whilst on the trace.

Sorry to hear your feeling so rubbish Clare, it is normal tho as there's so much going on with your body. Don't feel bad we all get them feelings now and again. Hope the consultant goes well and for you too lexi xx

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