***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Glad all is OK Roxy! Hopefully the medication will sort you out!

Not sure if I'm supposed to be in this thread or am I a week early? If someone could add me to the front page that would be great. My ticker below is a bit odd though I'm due 25th August. :-)
Aww gosh roxy how scary, glad all is okay xx
Glad all is ok roxy!

I ended up in hospital late last night too, baby boy barely moved yesterday well up until I was hooked up to the monitor then it was party time! They were worried about me because my right leg keeps going numb but I'm fine he's just on a nerve, they also said my back and pelvis pain is SPD!

I didn't expect pregnancy to be as hard as it is, I knew it wasn't easy but I didn't think I'd struggle like I do, feel bad especially when the lady I work with is loving every minute of it!
Thanks ladies.

Glad he started moving once you got on the monitor Nicki. Babies always seem to perk up when they are being monitored lol. I think it may be the monitor things they push into your tummy wakes them up a bit, it seemed that way with mine yesterday. Baby was kicking where the monitor was on my belly!

Some ladies sail through pregnancy whilst others have a harder time. I just constantly feel exhausted, uncomfortable and poorly when pregnant. I did with harper too. Never did get a pregnancy glow! X
I could EASILY take my maternity leave now, I am just so knackered! I am waiting around to go to my consultant appointment and I am on the sofa, I have to go back to work after my appointment until 9pm and I could gladly just never go back to work :lol: I just want to push on for as long as I can, so I can go off right at the end and hopefully enjoy a couple of weeks of when I am a whale and then enjoy the last few weeks. Knowing my luck my baby will bloody show up super early or something typical! Lol.

I am looking forward to half term, a few days off, then I will be flat out at work for 6 solid weeks before any decent time off!

Is everyone else looking forward to maternity leave as much as me?? xxx
So glad everything is ok roxy. Must be such a relief :)

Got midwife again at 31 weeks. It's all going to go so quick now isn't it ladies?!! Yep had the whooping cough vaccine also yesterday. I also saw the force medical advisor today about my working shifts and she has said that I'm to do no more than 6.5hrs per shift and I'm not to work past 8pm which suits me just fine!! :lol:

Lexi I am sooooooooooo looking forward to maternity!! So much so I am counting down the days. I have only 39 working days to go! Xx
I can't wait for tri 3 on Friday!!! I am counting down until mat leave too! Ten weeks on Friday! Struggling with a horrific bad back today, but had my OGTT so waiting for the results for that! Hope all is well x
I could EASILY take my maternity leave now, I am just so knackered! I am waiting around to go to my consultant appointment and I am on the sofa, I have to go back to work after my appointment until 9pm and I could gladly just never go back to work :lol: I just want to push on for as long as I can, so I can go off right at the end and hopefully enjoy a couple of weeks of when I am a whale and then enjoy the last few weeks. Knowing my luck my baby will bloody show up super early or something typical! Lol.

I am looking forward to half term, a few days off, then I will be flat out at work for 6 solid weeks before any decent time off!

Is everyone else looking forward to maternity leave as much as me?? xxx

I'm glad I saved holiday so I can go early, my last day is 17th June but like you I could happily not return! I don't even have a tiring job but being sat down all day and dealing with funding just makes me so tired!

On the plus side, today baby boy has been having a party today!
I'm officially finished work! Don't know quite how to feel about it as I was signed off for the last four weeks and now doctor has signed me off for the next six which takes me up to the school holidays which I would be off anyway and then official maternity leave starting 5th August. I've been really struggling with ds1 with his needs and juggling quite a full on job and obviously my son and baby take priority I just wasn't expecting it as I worked up until 36 weeks with my first. Hood everyone is good? Xx
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Enjoy the extra time you have off Gill. Last time I went on maternity leave at 29 weeks as I hated my job and knew I wasn't going to return. It was nice to have the extra time off to relax and prepare for baby.

I've got a lot of pressure in my pelvis, feels like I have a bowling ball down there lol. I'm constantly weeing too! Xx
Oh wow GillM!! Lucky thing! lol! Yeah I bet it is weird being off this soon though... I have just finished work and jeeeez I am shattered... Just counting down the weeks but I know it will go so fast!

I am a little sad about my self employed work that I do though, I absolutely love my dog grooming and really love all my clients! I hope they come back to me when I go back to work, I literally love all the dogs I groom and their owners are so lovely to me, a few of them have bought me little pressies which is so nice! I will just see how long I can afford to have off from self employed life and maybe do a few days here and there just to keep some of my clients or something... I have built such an awesome little business that it would be such a shame for it to go to pot after I have the baby, I will be able to rebuild it if it does go tits up but I am happy with the way it is now really... it is just my teaching job I am more than happy to see the back of, I don't necessarily hate it but we have a new Principal of the college and he is super strict and is making a tonne of changes so I am happy to just not be involved with any of that lol.

Sorry to go on!! I had a good appointment with the consultant today ... She booked me a scan for 36 weeks and said she will probably just discharge me after that ( with only 4 weeks of pregnancy left lol) I don't know why I am even under her really she isn't concerned at all but said we will just double check because of BMI being borderline high. So I see midwife at 30 weeks I think then consultant then isn't it every week til the end?!

I just want to meet my little boy, I am so excited to see what he looks like! xx
Oh aaaand.... I am going to invest in a birthing ball tomorrow, well actually its just a gym exercise ball but theyre only like £7 in argos so I will pick one up tomorrow, I laboured on the ball for a majority of my labour so I want one at home this time to bounce on after 30 weeks to help baby turn and stuff, just thought I would put that out there! xx
Glad the consultant went well lexi.

I don't see the midwife until 34 weeks now and looking in my pregnancy notes its every 2 weeks after until I get to 38 weeks and then it goes to 41 weeks, so 3 weeks between at the end. I'm not surprised tbh, I've hardly seen the midwife this pregnancy, only seen her at booking in app, 16 weeks and 28 weeks. Xx
Oh wow GillM!! Lucky thing! lol! Yeah I bet it is weird being off this soon though... I have just finished work and jeeeez I am shattered... Just counting down the weeks but I know it will go so fast!

I am a little sad about my self employed work that I do though, I absolutely love my dog grooming and really love all my clients! I hope they come back to me when I go back to work, I literally love all the dogs I groom and their owners are so lovely to me, a few of them have bought me little pressies which is so nice! I will just see how long I can afford to have off from self employed life and maybe do a few days here and there just to keep some of my clients or something... I have built such an awesome little business that it would be such a shame for it to go to pot after I have the baby, I will be able to rebuild it if it does go tits up but I am happy with the way it is now really... it is just my teaching job I am more than happy to see the back of, I don't necessarily hate it but we have a new Principal of the college and he is super strict and is making a tonne of changes so I am happy to just not be involved with any of that lol.

Sorry to go on!! I had a good appointment with the consultant today ... She booked me a scan for 36 weeks and said she will probably just discharge me after that ( with only 4 weeks of pregnancy left lol) I don't know why I am even under her really she isn't concerned at all but said we will just double check because of BMI being borderline high. So I see midwife at 30 weeks I think then consultant then isn't it every week til the end?!

I just want to meet my little boy, I am so excited to see what he looks like! xx

Omg lexi you're a dog groomer? I've always wanted to do that but there are no local training places. Now I'm studying to be a bookkeeper (I basically just want to be self employed) I work in a college too :)
I've seen the birthing/gym balls but don't really understand what they're for never looked into it. Are they good are they? X
I've been up most of the night with intense pain and pressure in my pelvis, at the front like in my pubic bone. Also lower back pain and dull aches, a bit like the aches I get just before a period. Does that sound like SPD? Anyone else had it? X
Nicki yes I love my grooming!! Where do you live? I could find out for you if there's anywhere that offer the training.

Summergurl- I loved sitting on the ball, it's good for balance, and it also allows gravity to work in your favour so you can sit on it to help get baby head down, and also to help baby engage as well, I used it a lot in labour so I want one at home this time so I can just sit and bounce on it of an evening. AlsI if I go into labour at home I will use it, it just really helped with the contractions I found.

Roxy that does sound like SPD maybe book an extra appointment to see if there's any physio available or if you can afford to go see an osteopath I recommend that, ive been seeing one throughout my pregnancy and it's amazing, I feel fine and I had a terribly bad back! Xx
Eww I have lost some plug today- TMI really stringy, snotty discharge with streaks of pink/blood! But I am not worried as my midwife told me last time I was pregnant that it reseals itself quite a lot so if you lose it, it doesn't mean you're going into labour it just means your body wants to build a new plug LOL! Was a shock to see it though! I lost it at about 34 weeks with my last pregnancy then a big load of it again 2 days before I went into labour last time, just thought I would share a gross experience hahaha
Thanks lexi, ill try and book in with physio. I never lost my plug last time but bet it was a bit of a shock loosing some already. I've heard it grows back too.

So the sickness tablets aren't working. Felt off all day but haven't been able to keep anything down for the last hour :( Typical OH is back on night shifts tonight after having 3 nights off. I hope harper goes to sleep early and stays asleep tonight because I'm feeling so rough and tired x
Hi ladies,

It so great to read all of your experiences. I had no idea i would worry as much as i have and apparently its normal...Who knew!

Im 27+4 and sooooo uncomfortable all of a sudden this week. I already feel like i have no room in my belly for more growth and i have 13 weeks to go! Anyone else feeling this way, and i'm guessing it won't change, maybe get worse.

Ooo also, I have a birthing ball as my seat at work, its been a life saver for my hips and back. Its a must i say for all!!!
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