***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

My mum had a dream a couple weeks ago that I give birth 16th July so hoping that's true lol xx
Hehe it's going fast isn't it .... Jeez mid July is like 9 weeks away I can't believe it.

Last night in bed Adam and I were just browsing leaflets of labour and birth and stuff, and I felt water on my arm. Yep, I'm leaking colostrum lol. And this morning my boobs feel full almost... I got this earlier with Sofia so I'm kinda excited about it in a weird way! Lol!

I had a mad nesting couple of hours last night too, the wardrobe got emptied and re packed, things got thrown out, hospital bag got packed (just need my going home outfit to put in) and I packed baby's bag too! I don't know why this happens to me lol I just really enjoy nesting! I'm tempted to get some cheap carpet layed in my bedroom for baby's arrival too I hate my flooring and if I do move at least it will look nice for people viewing my flat.

Everyone alright today? Xx
Think iv started nesting too, we bought a cordless Hoover few months back amd a steam mop over weekend, im constantly doing the floor now! Keep jokely shouting at dog for malting lol.
We had a trip to ikea couple weeks ago, for storage solutions. We're trying to optimise the space we have.
12 weeks to nearly feel like I need to do whole house, as in redecorate lol xx
I really enjoyed nesting last time but I didn't get chance to do it until I moved house at 35 weeks pregnant. This time I started it quite early on but think that's more because i don't work this time so have been able to get on whenever I've had the time.

I have a poorly toddler today who's very wingy and clingy :( Plus she hasn't slept properly in weeks again so were both exhausted! Trying to get harper to nap now but she's fighting it, she really does hate sleep! I hope this baby likes sleep more than she does else I can't see me getting any for the next few years! I'm so nervous harpers still not gonna be sleeping when the baby comes along, I can't see how ill cope tbh as I'm already exhausted and worn down enough as it is, I cant imagine trying to look after a newborn too on less sleep than I'm getting now. X
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Roxy that is hard isn't it - I'm afraid I don't really have any good advice for this situation as she's only young it's not like you can say to her "look madam baby is on way so can you just sleep through" lol I don't know what to suggest but others might have ideas! Luckily Sofia is 5 and the laziest kid ever so I don't think I'll have that problem luckily ... Now I've said it!!

I've just rung my step dad to bring some carpet samples home hahaha because our bedroom and the living room is all that's left to do flooring wise so I might try and have it all done before bsby arrives! Adams gonna kill me because we want to move oops! But if we don't move I want carpet!! X
Its really draining lexi, she's been a terrible sleeper from day one and people kept saying she'll get better etc, 2.5 years on and she's still not sleeping well! She can sleep good for a few weeks and I think we've cracked it and then it'll all go to pot again. So frustrating. Inlaws are off work today and offered to have her this afternoon so I'm gonna nap for a bit, catch up on sleep, even tho I should really be doing other things, I just cant be bothered! Xx
Its really draining lexi, she's been a terrible sleeper from day one and people kept saying she'll get better etc, 2.5 years on and she's still not sleeping well! She can sleep good for a few weeks and I think we've cracked it and then it'll all go to pot again. So frustrating. Inlaws are off work today and offered to have her this afternoon so I'm gonna nap for a bit, catch up on sleep, even tho I should really be doing other things, I just cant be bothered! Xx

Gosh I really do feel for you, it's bad enough just being tired let alone pregnant, toddler and things to do.... it is really crap!

Have you spoken to health visitor or someone that might have some advice for you? Because I really think when the baby is here you're gonna need some help or a good night's sleep at least with that happening plus new baby.... what does she do just get up? Or toilet or play? xx
I'm not in tri 3 but I had to give a shout out to fcroxy: I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. I have two terrible sleepers, I haven't slept since 2011, one or both of them keeps me up most of the night most nights. My daughter is 4.5 and to her credit she sleeps WAY better now- she just comes into our bed and thrashes and kicks and talks in her sleep all night so I don't sleep. My son is 19 months and I prayed he'd be better but he's worse. Somehow... He's worse. But he's a "spirited" dude and his personality is not easy on any level!

My experience is not typical. Almost everyone I know has a second baby who is easier and sleeps way better than the first. I think my babies just get their hatred of sleep from me-- I'm also a terrible sleeper and have been since I was a kid, so I have to assume none of my kids will ever sleep ever. But I really feel your second will be a sleeper. I just feel it!
I haven't spoke to the HV recently no as she did improve for a bit but the last few weeks have been getting slowly worse again. She can be awake anything from once to 6/7 times a night. She wont actually get out of bed which is good but she'll just lay in her bed and cry and scream until I go in and either lay with her or bring her in our bed. For some reason she's being extra clingy with me lately and I'm not sure if its because of the pregnancy, maybe she can sense things are gonna change. We talk about baby etc and she says baby in mummies tummy but how much of it she understands I don't know.

Sorry to hear you have two bad sleepers kholl. I have had a lot of people say to me that this baby wont be so bad and that its unlikely they will be a terrible sleeper too but it still worries me they turn out like harper. A few months back I kinda stopped stressing about her sleeping and accepted the fact that she'll sleep when she's ready but as my due date becomes closer I'm starting to panic how bad it's gonna be! I suppose I wont know until the time comes. Xx
I had a terrible sleeper, until about 6 months ago when he started to sleep all night. Recently he's started getting up in the night and joining me in bed. I don't mind so much, as he'll just cuddle into me and goes to sleep, but oh my god he hogs the bed! I usually end up right on the edge. Luckily he only tends to do it on nights my oh works, so if he squishes me up to the edge of the bed, I get out and walk round the bed to sleep on the other side. Tonight he fell asleep on the way home at 5, and I couldn't get him to wake up for dinner, so put him to bed. I'm expecting to have an early start tomorrow as he tends to only sleep 12 hours.
My SIL s first baby was a bad sleeper and she had her second and he was an amazing baby in every way - so chances are your next one will make up for all the non sleeping. I had an amazing sleeper and still do with Sofia but you watch this one will be awful! They always say that don't they lol my mum said I was a great sleeper then she had my brother who never slept lol.

I had my maternity leave meeting with my employed job yesterday which was confusing but basically I am entitled to SMP fully so I'm very pleased about that! Xx
That's good your entitled to SMP lexi, when are you starting your maternity leave? Xx
Eek thank you ladies - my last working day in my employed job is 9th July! 9 weeks to go :D then i have one more week at my self employed job after that then I will finish at 37 weeks - I am a little emotional about finishing self employed work because my clients are all amazing and i will miss them whilst I am off but a lot of them have promised their loyalty and will come back once baby is born.

Roll on maternity leave for us guys eh! xx
Ah that's nice. What do you do self employed lexi? How long are you staying off work completely for?
How is everyone? The last few days my hips and legs are aching so much and I'm waddling lol. Feels like I have growing pains! Also cant seem to walk far without having loads of pressure and needing a wee, earlier I didn't think I was gonna make it back from the park without weeing myself! Xx
Oh god roxy that has to be the worst feeling huh!
I've got a really tight belly today, feel like it's being properly stretched. A little painful even :(
Ah that's nice. What do you do self employed lexi? How long are you staying off work completely for?

I am a dog groomer :D And I will probably have to go back one day a week as soon as I am able to stand for 4 hours at a time, I will just do that on the quiet xx
Aww roxy and summergurl sorry to hear you are uncomfortable, I have been a bit uncomfortable too, have a sore left hip and yesterday, I was having like mini dull achey contractions it felt like but I haven't ever experienced braxton hicks before even in my last pregnancy so I am guessing that was what they actually were yesterday, they went quite quickly but I did wonder what I would do if I went into labour like today! Luckily that hasn't been the case phew! xx
Ah I love dogs lexi, sounds like a fun job! I never had Braxton hicks in my first pregnancy either, or if I did I wasn't aware lol. I have had such a bad headache again today, I see the midwife on Tuesday so will mention it then as I've had them on and off for ages now. This will be the first time I've seen the midwife since my 16 week app.. I cant believe how little I've seen her due to this being my second pregnancy. X

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