***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Is anybody else watching Eurovision? I don't usually, but since my oh decided to go to bed early, I'm watching it. This little girl is constantly wriggling away. Seems like she likes music.
I'm only 25+1 so not here yet but just wanted to make a special request for Lexi: could you do a front page with all the names and dates? Sorry if that's a giant pain it just would be so cool to look at as the babies arrive!! I'm Katie due 8/26, team yellow :)
Hi knoll, look forward to having u with us.

Anybody else addicted to one born every minute?
I have NEVER and I mean never ever liked watching births on to, not even on soaps (when I used to watch them!) but the last 3 days I am gripped on one born. I'm going through every episode sky have on catch up!
I was never interested in watching OBEM but when I was pregnant with my daughter I watched loads. Once I had her I didnt watched it again, until I became pregnant this time and have been watching the new series. I probably wont watch it once this baby is born lol x
Haha! It's so gripping. Although I do find myself muting the to with some of the noises being made!
Haha yeh some ladies are pretty loud. I couldn't remember if I was or not but when I asked my OH he said I didn't make much noise but I did swear a lot lol, oops! X
I jumping on over (a day early) can't believe that we're on the final bit, although I'm glad!
Hubby never let me watch OBEM but I've watched a few since being pregnant but I get really upset, I guess it's hormones! The closer my due date comes the more frightened I'm getting of physical labour!
Welcome over Nicki. Exciting the last bit left for us! Not long now xx
I feel like I'm not prepared! Not helped I guess by the fact out of 3 other ladies I no who were pregnant (all with boys) one delivered at 26 weeks, one at 32 weeks and the last is actually at 36 weeks and still holding on but it's made me panic about going early! Starting to paint the nursery today, well white washing the new plaster.

What do braxton hicks feel like? Baby is still very low so all kicks and pokes are belly button level but I keep getting feelings very high up and when I put my hand there it's tight but next time I feel it's softer again. Doesn't hurt just feels a bit odd, at first I thought it was baby but now I'm not sure!
That does sound like Braxton hicks Nicki from what others have said but I haven't experienced it yet so I could be wrong! X
I'm thread hopping again...

Nicki yep those are Braxton hicks!

OBEM isn't in the US but I found some on YouTube, definitely addictive but not great if you want to ease fear of labor! I've been watching a ton of peaceful waterbirth and natural birth videos, those are getting me in a much better head space!
Hey ladies ... Of course I'll do a front page I'll do my best to get it done tomorrow :D I wasn't sure really whether to do one but as requested it will be sorted.

I have also had a few Braxton hicks today as well as Friday ... Well weird sensation.

I just posted a thread in tri 3 as I went into hospital today due to massively reduced movements but the midwife was soooo lovely and got little baby moving all over the place after 20 minutes of monitoring it was nerve wracking but luckily we are both okay. I massively over did it at work yesterday and I knew I did so I will be taking a small step back now as that was too scary for me! Xx
I start panicking every time I sit down, and she doesn't move straight away. Cos I'm constantly running after a 3 year old, I think I miss some of the movement, especially if she's kicking inwards. I've ending up in tears before, thinking I'm a terrible mum for not realising she's not moving, but once I sit down she's usually kicking within minutes.
Today I finished clearing a set of drawers, so now all of her clothes are packed away! I feel like I've had a kick up the bum and have actually started to get organinsed since I'm now in tri 3, and realistically there isn't long left.
Had a lot of sickness last night and woke feeling queasy today, bump is tender and sore :( Really hope the sickness doesn't start now! X
Glad baby started moving for you at the hospital lexi, its so scary with reduced movements. I had it with harper and was induced in the end. Hope little man has a good wiggle for you today too x
Welcome nicki.
Glad all was ok lexi, it sure is scary stuff this pregnancy malarkey isn't it! X
Hi all August mummies,

I'm also due in August and soooo excited! Its our first baby and we really cant wait to meet he/she.
I've seen a few of you are concerned about the birth, which i was also concerned about until a friend gave me a natal hypnotherapy dvd. At first i really thought it wasn't for me, but after giving it a go i can really say it helps, so much so i'm looking forward to the birth now.... ( that may sound weird!)
So if you're really worried maybe give it a go.
Hello and welcome Faybs! What date are you due so I can do a front cover page for this thread ... I am really looking forward to birth after seeing the birthing unit yesterday! Looks amazing I hope I have a really nice experience there! xx
Right guys - I have created a front page!

I need flinty's due date :pink:
I need a Clare80's due date :pink:
I need Dgreen10's due date and gender of baby,
I need Faybs due date and gender of baby too!

Anyone with a date and no gender next to it please tell me what youre having and I will add it! EEK!! xx
Thanks for updating the front page lexi!! Xx

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