***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Yeah I have to get Summer's lip tie clipped... and my (almost) 5-year-old is getting HER lip tie clipped this month too! Ugh my poor girls!

My 2-year-old son is struggling with the new baby. Lots of tantrums and sleep issues and hitting the baby in the face sometimes (though he also adores her and gives her lots of hugs and kisses). I look at him and see he is still such a little baby himself... my heart aches to see him struggle like this.
When you are expressing, how much does he eat and how often LexI? Before his tongue tie was clipped I was only expressing for Max and he was eating 70-80ml every two hours(!) I was getting a bit worried if i was able to pump enough, especially if i went out for a few hours and therefore wasn't at home chained to the pump! Have been breastfeeding more since the tongue tie was cut but still am expressing if we go out, so I don't have to sit and breastfeed for hours on end , just give him the bottle and go.

How is my baby one month old?! Time is flying!
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Got weighed yesterday, my "little" boy has gone from 8lbs 15 oz at birth to 11lb 15 oz yesterday, argh, they grow so fast!!
Well it's obvious by the lack of posts here that we all have our hands full with our bubs!

How is everyone?

Max was at his 3 month check and injections and weighed in at an enormous 16 lb 6 oz and 62.5 cm! Where's my baby gone?!
Hi, I made a group on Facebook for the September mums you are more than welcome to join it - just go on the September babies forum and find the link x

Hey lulie, lovely to hear from you. Sounds like max is doing great with his weight gain. India is 4 months already, time is going so quickly. It was harpers 3rd birthday yesterday too, I cant believe how quick them 3 years went?!

Indias such a content baby, always smiling and babbling to everyone. She loves watching her big sister play and the way she smiles at harper when harper talks or sings to her melts my heart. They are so lovely together and already have so much love for each other.

Life is pretty manic these days, especially with Christmas coming up. I never get much chance to check the forum but do wonder how everyone is getting on. Xx
Hello ladies.
Been a long time since I got on here, life is certainly busy. Poppy has a busier social life than I ever had & she's only 4months old!
She's doing great though. Growing away far too fast. She's currently got a bit of a tummy bug but it hasn't phased her she's still smiling and chatting away. She's a very good sleeper too. Has slept through from about 8 weeks old with a dream feed at 11 thenabiut 11weeks we dropped the dream feed and ever since she's slept through from 730pm-8am each night.

I'm just starting to look up baby led weaning as that's just around the corner!

How are you all doing & all your little ones?. Xx
Hi roxy! Glad all is well, so happy to hear that India is doing so well. Summergirl, so jealous of what a great sleeper your little one is! I'm still up breastfeeding every 3-4 or sometimes if I'm lucky 5 hours here. He's been difficult to get off to sleep as he's been overtired just lately, so I've made a point of bringing him to the bedroom where its dark (black out curtains!) And there's no distractions, at 11 am and about 3pm and he's been managing a couple of hours here and there which makes it loads easier to get him off to sleep at a decent hour! Not so fun for me as i am quite tied to the house (he hates the pram as he cant see!) But i just remind myself this baby stage is so short! Only problem is haven't managed to get him in his cot for the daytime naps yet, so will have to work on that! Otherwise he's a really happy boy, I love this age now, their ltitle personalities are just so lovely!

Hope you're all doing well and had a lovely Christmas and new year!
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