***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

This pic actually makes it look quite neat lol but much bigger in real life!! Xx
Gill I find photos always make my bump look smaller. This is me today 27+1 x

[/ATTACH]This is me today 27 +1. Considering 2 weeks ago I was measuring small, I think I seem to have 'popped' since then!


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Worst nights sleep ever. Was so hot and could not get comfortable. Woke up today and I'm aching all over. How is everyone? X
Lovely bumps ladies!!! Aw roxy that's not good. I slept but don't feel any more rested aargh!!!! :( xx
We've invested in a fan today, can't wait for bed time lol xx
When does tri3 begin?

Maternity clothes wise I've just literally been living in maxi dresses. I've been into primark & picked up a few in there in sizes now & bigger ones for when bump grows. I bought a couple of maxi dresses from next which were awful & they cost £32 each where as I got 5 dresses from primark which fit lovely over me and bump for the cost of 1 next dress.
Depending where you look some say 26 weeks others 27 weeks for tri 3 x
You sound really organised lexi!! I need to start stocking up on nappies and wipes soon, what nappies have you gone for? I always used pampers with harper as found other nappies didn't hold the wee as well and a few brands gave her a nappy rash.

Lovely scan pic abs xx

I have stocked up on pampers indeed for the same reason! They were the best nappies when Sofia was a baby, huggies were shit and now they don't even sell huggies in our tesco so guessing everyone thought they were shit lol! I have a good few packs under my belt now lol I just can't be faithful to the wipes I dip into my supply all the time haha xx
I don't think they sell huggies nappies anymore lexi, I got a few packs in newborn size when harper was first born but then heard they were discontinued. Think ill stick to pampers this time too, at least in the early days anyway. I found amazon sold their mega boxes of nappies for quite cheap so will look on there again this time. X
And yeh baby wipes come in handy for everything! I still use wipes daily even tho harper doesn't have nappies in the day anymore, they are so good for sticky hands, make up and spills! X
Yeah amazon and groupon had an absolute tonne of them for sale suuuuuper cheap a little while ago... well worth the investment! xxx
Ha I've already delved into my stash of wipes too! They're brilliant to use for everything!
Haha glad I am not the only one carelessly eating into my supply of wipes :rofl: I wonder if any of us will go really early like Kittykitchn just did! 36 weeks and she had her little girl! Knowing my luck I will go overdue lol but one of you guys might stand a chance ! xx
I hope I don't go early, I'm so unprepared so need all the time I can get lol. I'm happy to wait, but will probably change my mind once I hit 38/39 weeks lol x
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Yeah I remember with sofia I was going stircrazy by about 38 weeks lol... shit thats only 10 weeks away!

I went on my original due date last time, they changed my due date at 20 week scan from 29th jan to 24th jan and I had her on the 29th! So technically due date or a few days over, hopefully that will be the case this time I don't want to go majorly overdue lol xx
I'm thinking I'll go early, Sebastian was born at 37+ 2, and I hadn't left work yet! Everyone told me 1st babies are always late, so booked maternity from 38 weeks. This time I'm a SAHM, so I'll probably end up going over! I have a selection of nappies, Asdas, Aldis and morrisons, and since Sebastian is still in nappies I have a large supply of wipes. Part of me hopes Asdas are fine, since I do my online shop with them. I don't want to have to trek out to the shops just for nappies with 2 kids in tow, it's bad enough with 1.
I had harper 3 days before her due date so didn't go over either. I would hate to go too far over like a week or so, must be so frustrating and uncomfortable. I was also induced with harper so a bit nervous this time of labour starting naturally and not knowing when to go hospital etc! Luckily we aren't far from the hospital, 15-20 mins in traffic, 5-10 mins at night. X
I was induced at a week over with my first and am hoping for a planned section this time so should be 39 weeks xc
Morning everyone. Week 27 today so believe I'm with you now! The last little bit. Seems so surreal that in 90ish days we'll all have our little ones with us!

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