***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Reported here too. Ugh.

I love the name Alexander, we're almost 100% sure our little one is going to be called Max Alexander. I don't think it's too weird if you don't use Alexander for your first son :-)

Is anyone else tired? My iron levels are fine, but for some reason I'm just knackered all the time!
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I reported too, freak!!!

Anyway, my god I am SO frigging tired and HOT!! I am sat currently with a bloody ice pack on my head and 2 ice packs one on each foot because I am like boiling!! I am so grateful that we are nearing the end of this pregnancy lark I am struggling big time!xxx
Ooohhhh lexi that is exciting stuff!!

Does anybody else get like clicking sounds from the bottom of your bump/ ovaries area? I keep hearing it especially when I sat relaxing & have no idea what it could be. It's almost like when your knee clicks just a little quieter.
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Lexi - totally boiling all the time, I'm eating a lot of ice lollies!

Summergirl I haven't personally but a few girls on an Aug babies Facebook group have mentioned it, maybe it's baby clanking into your bones (total guess)

Lulie I'm tired to but I think it's from not sleeping well, I can't get comfy and if I do I usually need to pee within 5 minutes!

Do you remember a few weeks ago I had really bad chest pain and I thought it was heartburn? I had it again yesterday and it's not heartburn it's my gallbladder, I thought I was having a heart attack it was so painful :(
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Oh my Nicki - I have had gallstones in the past that were bloody dreadful and SO painful!!! I had a scan to confirm them, then 2 weeks later by the time I was meant to have an operation, they had bloody passed by themselves! It is so so painful :( What are they going to do about them?? xxx
Omg I can't believe that poster! Just seen your other thread Lexi. What a weirdo.

Re the bump clicking I had lots with Jackson it's a mixture of our ligaments and babies as they run out of room in there they click a bit more.

Thanks wobbles.
Ah thanks for the replies re clicking.

How are we all feeling today?
Got my hours at work reduced more yesterday so only doing 5hrs a day now and starting at 8am rather than 630 this morning was heaven!
Oooh lovely!! That is cushy. I am about to start work and I finish at about 1.30 today so not too bad at all �� I feel like a whale still lol - I am feeling really sick again today - it comes every few days but I haven't actually been sick since 23 weeks so I am praying it's just nausea and doesn't amount to anything. I'm at that point where I sit on the sofa with my legs like a man - no more crossing! It's impossible lol! I could quite easily go back to bed. I've just got to power through the next 2 weeks left at work then I'm off on maternity and I cannot bloody wait - I love my job but it's getting tricky! Xx
I'm feeling exhausted today, harper decided to wake at 3.30 and not go back to sleep until 6am.. Then she was awake again by 8!! I gotta go doctors at 10 for whooping cough but I'm exhausted and still haven't got dressed yet! We were suppose to go swimming this morning after doctors but think that'll at least be delayed, if not cancelled, as harpers already grumpy from the lack of sleep and I can see things ending in meltdowns later! Nap after doctors for both of us and hopefully we'll both wake up in a better mood! Xx
Oh my roxy!!! That is ridiculous - what does she do between the hours of 3.30 and and 6?! That is not cool at all - I don't understand why kids don't want to sleep! Then they turn into teenagers and you can't get them out of bed lol it's madness isn't it! Xx
She just winges, tries to play, anything to try and stay awake lexi. Even when I bought her into our bed she carried on and wouldn't sleep which she normally settles quite quick. Its so bloody hard. I'm not good when it comes to being awake at night, all my patience disappears. What's more annoying is she wouldn't go to sleep until half 10 last night, despite going into bed about 7.30pm!! I just pray to god this baby isn't this bad at sleeping as between the 2 of them waking I can see myself not having any sleep for the next 2-3 years at least! Whatever I try and do with her regarding sleeping and bedtime routine just doesn't work, it'll work for a few weeks and then were back to late nights and waking all hours. Xx
Thanks wobbles,

Think it's the start of lots of appointments, I have my anethatist appointment today but I have no idea why I'm having it so it's completely freaking me out. I have midwife tomorrow, growth scan and consultant on Monday!

Hope you get some sleep tonight ladies, tomorrow our babies will be due next month - I can not get my head around this!
Roxy I can't imagine having any patience in the middle of the night either! I literally don't know what I would do if I have a baby that doesn't sleep :O I would not be ok with that at all! Surely she will have to actually start sleeping, you can't run on zero sleep surely!! I don't know how lucky I have been having one that sleeps so much, you wait my next one will be a rubbish sleeper!!

Nicki - I am intrigued as to why you are meeting with the anaesthetist too, let us know how that goes won't you! It is all appointments for this last month isn't it, so many to remember and attend! I have a very laid back midwife who isn't overly bothered about seeing me every week, so I am sort of glad about that because it's nice being left alone a bit!

Well it is almost 4pm and I am sooo ready for bed!! How bad is that! LOL xx
I'm back and it was a bit odd really, before she said anything she pulled me aside to weigh me and said I was basically there so she could tell me the risks of being fat and pregnant and that a lot of people didn't want to no and if I didn't want to take to her I didn't have too. She noticed I'd lost weight and I said that it's because I'm a bypass patient at which point she said she hadn't been told that and would need to speak to me anyway. So I shouldn't have been referred because my weight is under their thresh hold but I should have been referred because of the bypass! she was lovely and didn't even mention the bmi because she said it's not an issue but she did say she recommends I have a epidural as soon as I get on the ward and I should have had a lot more monitoring but it wasn't referred properly even though on every page in my notes it says bypass patient the info hasn't been passed on �� having full blood works done tomorrow to check all my vits and minerals and my 1st growth scan is Monday.

Bit worried now if I'm lacking in vits or minerals how that will have effected baby :(
Nicki I can't believe something as serious as that was overlooked - Jesus thank goodness you brought it up! I am glad you didn't get told off for your BMI though it is annoying constantly being reminded that being overweight is dangerous, I am under a consultant for that reason and I am ashamed to be honest but I don't need to be reminded too often.

At least they are going to check you over with bloods etc, and I am sure it will all be fine but a bit naughty that they haven't really thought this through before eh! I hope your growth scan goes okay, I have one in 2 weeks time too, not too sure why I am having one but it looks like it will be my only one.

Had my midwife appointment today, and she said baby is well and truely engaged. Got a home visit on Tuesday, so trying to sort out the house, so it isn't covered in toys. Trip to IKEA tomorrow to get some more toy storage.

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