***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Had my midwife appointment today, and she said baby is well and truely engaged. Got a home visit on Tuesday, so trying to sort out the house, so it isn't covered in toys. Trip to IKEA tomorrow to get some more toy storage.

Hehe that is exciting, don't get too excited though babies can apparently become disengaged or just wait til last minute to actually come I was told a couple of days ago! But hopefully baby will decide to arrive soon! I love an IKEA trip, it is so much fun shopping for storage etc! I love it, I could spend all day in IKEA lol!! xx
Ps - NEXT MONTH we are due!!! Shit me that's gone so fast!! My due date is like 35 days away :O

I have 33 dogs to groom til maternity leave too haha! 2 weeks today til I leave and relax a little!

Gosh I feel so sick today, anyone else feeling or being sick?! This happened in my last pregnancy too. My tummy has been a bit dodgy for the last few days too which is making me really thirsty! Xx
Wow nicki I can't believe either that that was overlooked!

Eeeekkkk I woke up with the same thought Lexi. Next month! So damn exciting.

I had a bit of a horrible night last night. Started around 11 with some really dull achy back ache going on on my lower left side them some sharp pains started happenening. Tried to go to bed I was laid there for 3 hours with the sharp pains coming and going stretching all up my back and around to my bump & even making me feel sick. I considered phoning triage because it just didn't seem quite right but eventually managed to drop off just after 2am and had midwife this morning who said it was more than likely the head going down and beginning to get engaged. She had a feel and said yep the heads on its way down and she said that if it was contractions she'd still be expecting me to have some of the pains now not just the back ache.

I was told to keep a close eye though as with bigger babies (measuring 38 today when I'm 34!) the body likes to think they are ready because of their size.

My gut instinct tells me this baby is going to be a July baby though!

Ah Lexi I hope that sicky feeling goes soon i find it worse having the sick feeling than actually being sick!! Xx
Oh my Summer!!! You could well have a July baby which would be sooo cool! I can't believe you're measuring that far ahead lol! That is mad, I measure bang on, maybe your body will just decide it's time!

I can't believe in like a month's time I will be due in 4 days lol - I half wonder if I will make it to my due date too as I feel ready to drop but I dunno, my daughter came on her due date so I have high expectations! This baby better be out by then lol!

I am just home from work and couldn't be more grateful to be sat on the sofa reclining away, my feet really hurt :( I am very tempted to go and buy myself a foot spa to try get them to stop aching, they need a permanent massage.

I have a pot of magnesium sulphate for my finger - I think I have a shard of dog hair stuck up my nail and it's gone all pussy and swollen! Gross! Apparently magnesium sulphate draws things out the skin, so I am trying it now lol xx
Got the last few bits from mothercare today for hospital bag. How many vests and sleep suits everyone packing for baby? I've packed 4 of each in newborn size. Not gonna bother packing 0-3 months. Harper was in newborn size for about 6 weeks and if this baby is small like they say 0-3 will be massive. Xx
Oh I get so excited at the thought baby might be here this month. So excited to meet him/her. I'll know more on the 10th at the next growth scan.

Ouch your finger doesn't sound too pretty! Hopefully it works and gets it out for you.

I've packed 3 newborn and 2 0-3 months stuff for baby. Although if the docs are correct I defo won't need newborn! :rofl:
Both my daughters were big 9.10 and 8.8 so I've packed 4 x 0-3 sleepsuits and 2 newborn just in case this one is smaller!
I have packed 3 newborn vests and 3 newborn up to 7lbs baby grows - My DD was born at 7lbs bang on and fitted into tiny baby up to 5lbs for a whole 2 weeks after she was born! So I won't bother taking any 0-3 with me. I hope 3 baby grows is enough, I should think it will be fine but I remember Sofia did the biggest ever poo after she was born and it literally covered her whole body, that baby grow went straight in the bin :rofl: so I hope that doesn't happen again!

How many blankets are you guys taking?? I have 2 swaddle blankets and a cellular blanket I thought I would take. Are you taking anything thicker than a baby grow with you to bring baby home in? I figured we won't need any more layers as its summer! xx
I'm just taking a small cellular blanket. I'll probably take a cardi or light jacket for baby to come home but may not need to use it depending on weather xx
Yeah maybe I will pack one just in case then, I did think it will probably be too warm but knowing my luck the day I come home it will be cold lol xx
Weather is just so unpredictable lately haha. X
I've packed 2 blankets. One a cellular one and the other a bit thicker so the clothes I've packed for baby are all normal nothing thick as we have the blanket to keep baby warm if it is cold when leaving.

I have literally no room in my case though and still have to pack a few last minute things!
I haven't packed a thing as I'm only 32 weeks! I am way behind you ladies and might have a solid 2 months of pregnancy left. My daughter was 6 days over so an early September baby is possible! Ah, will have to live vicariously through you all for a while...
So what's a baby grow and a vest? We have onesies, I'll bring 3-4 of those and pants and maybe a long-sleeved shirt or 2 for the ride home... Just 2 blankets too I think since the hospital supplies them for while we are there.
I feel so much bigger even than the other day... Don't see how I will get 8+ weeks bigger than this!


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Kholl it feels like room is rapidly running out in my body too - last night I literally felt like I couldn't possibly be pregnant for any longer :rofl:

Onesies are the same thing as baby grows and suits are vests :) I just have to add my going home outfit to the bag and I haven't got a clue what to pack for it! Was thinking a jumpsuit or something easy?? Or leggings and top?! I haven't been very productive at buying nursing clothes either, I usually buy a few t shirts with flaps here there and everywhere for feeding! I need to look for some! xx
Has anyone had side effects from whopping cough vaccine? I was up most of last night with flu like symptoms, aching joints, blocked nose, thick/stuffy head, generally feeling crap and woke up this morning feeling worse. I had the vaccine on Thursday morning so wasn't sure if its to do with that or I'm coming down with something xx
Had no symptoms from the whooping cough but to be fair I had it quite a while ago, the only thing I did get was a very achy arm! Getting fed up of people telling me that I won't make it to my due date just by how big the bump is! They forget I was plus sized to begin with so wasn't going to be small! I am feeling huge though at the moment!
I've got a lovely plain black maxi dress (£6 primark) to pack for coming home in. It's baggy enough to hide the belly & comfortable. I've just lived in the same 4 maxi dresses since about March :rofl:

No I didn't have any symptoms just an achy arm. Hopefully you feel better soon! X

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