***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Yep a day of shopping tomorrow for the last little bits and as it's payday I may end up falling into a shop or two for a treat for me before baby arrives :)

It's so surreal when you say only 1 more payday and then a baby will most defo be here. I have another growth scan on the 10th when I'll know more of if they're considering inducing me because of size.

Ah roxy hopefully baby will have a big growth spurt over the next couple of weeks and be able to stay in there cooking a bit longer but be sure to go straight up if you get the hint of any reduced movements. You could very well have a July baby though! Best get that hospital back done just incase! Xx
Lexi that is BS about the potential move and your friend stealing your name! We haven't told ANYONE our girl name (well, MY girl name, husband doesn't like it yet but he will haha) because I'm paranoid about people not liking it or stealing it. And already a June mom used that name! It's crazy!! Oh well. George is a wonderful wonderful name, I would use it but we have a John already and it would sound like we are trying to name all the Beatles!

Well, we did it, we bought a minivan yesterday! I love it. Never thought I'd say that!
Roxy hopefully baby will gain some weight, and continue cooking a bit longer.

I have stopped telling people names we like, mainly cos we really can't decide on one, but also when I was throwing around names we liked I got fed up with people telling me they were horrible!

After months of having hardly any appointments I suddenly have loads coming up for July, not just for me, but Sebastian's had 2 appointments come through as well.
Roxy those growth scans are notoriously unreliable and I honestly don't know why they even do them, they are way off (like by a few pounds!) more often than not and cause so much unnecessary stress. Unless baby is showing other signs of distress I would not worry!
Thank you all for your kind words - I have looked into the pet thing and I think Flo you're right even if there is a no pet policy you can still get round it according to citizens advice, so I wrote a letter of appeal yesterday and I sent it! I hope they are reasonable in their decision.

Don't any of you tell anyone your names! Lol I have learned the hard way, luckily we probably won't see much of these friends now so we don't look like we have named our kids the same and I copied her which is probably what everyone is going to think lol!

Roxy I hope they don't induce you for no reason, it is so much better for the baby to not have to unneccessarily go through the stress of being induced, but of course if there is a problem then they have to do these things! But hopefully baby can cook for longer. If I were you I would definitely get on with your hospital bag lol!!

Full day of work booked in today ladies, and I am already not feeling the love for it! After today only 2 more tuesdays at work lol xxx
Hope your all doing okay, thought I'd pop on whilst iv got spare 2 mins.
Can't believe Coby is 15 days old but should be August baby.
He's doing so well, hopefully be home in couple weeks times :) xx
Thanks ladies. I'm not overly surprised baby is small as all the sickness I've had for weeks now couldn't be helping the growth, just didn't expect baby to be measuring so small. Hopefully there's a good weight gain by the next scan.

Cant believe coby is 15 days already abs! Good to hear he's doing well, hopefully you guys will be home soon then xx
My goodness Ab!! That has gone so blinking fast!!! How lovely, so do they need lots of care when born that early? What's it been like?! I bet you can't wait to be home!! xxx
Nesting has well and truly set in today. I have cleaned the kitchen top to bottom inside and out and organised everything neatly and even rearranged the sides and cupboards in prep for bringing the sterilising machine & bottle maker down into the kitchen. Hoovered and dusted all of the downstairs. The only thing stopping me doing the upstairs is my back & the fact I needed a shower, I was drenched in sweat :rofl:

Can nesting start this early?! I always assumed it was something that was done very close to 40 weeks. Xx
I was about 33\34 weeks last time when I started nesting. This time it hasn't started yet but I had a few manic weeks in tri 2 where I got rid of loads of harpers old bits that's not needed this time and took a load to charity. I have almost finished my hospital bag tho! Better late than never lol xx
Gosh yeah I nest from about 24 weeks all the way to the end! I am all nesty too it is great! My house has never looked so tidy! Lol.

My pushchair is eyeing me up and it wants pushing :rofl: God I would look like such a weirdo if I got it out and just pushed it around :lol: tempted to though!

I am like gonna put loads on the gas and electric so I can forget about those for a while and I am going to do little extra cupboard food shopping so we can eat without having to worry about cooking too much... I am so ready for this :D

I literally just want my waters to break then just go into labour! I can't wait for that day! xx
I literally just want my waters to break then just go into labour! I can't wait for that day! xx


I've defo overdone it today though. My back is in pieced right now. We've also just done our big shop for the month and stocked up on a few hospital goodies so more for the hosp bag! :)
:D love the organisation lol - not good on the over doing it front though woman! I hate feeling like that, make sure you rest tomorrow and get a good sleep tonight though summergurl!! xxx
My goodness ab how time flies!! Glad he's doing well :) you tell them Lexi - no way they should kick you out particularly when you already had the dogs!! Great organisation ladies - I've ordered a few more baby bits so getting there!!
I feel huge now though - as if I don't have any more room left for this baby to grow!!! Xx


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Congrats ab11! Welcome Coby!

Here I am at 31+4, we were getting ready for the kids' swim lessons.


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Lovely bumps ladies!! No way in hell am I posting one of mine I am a whale! But yes, I am huge lol, I don't honestly see how I am going to grow another 5 weeks.

A nice sunny day here in the south east of England :D I have just checked my diary (luckily) and I have the midwife today at 11 haha - I got a text yesterday from "NHS NOreply" offering me an appointment with a health visitor at my local children and family centre. When I had Sofia they actually came to the house, maybe they don't do this any more? And I just go meet her in a few weeks at the centre? I don't even know if they still do home visits after you deliver or anything lol.

Anyone else had contact with a Health Visitor yet? xx
Lovely bumps ladies I thought I would join in :) 32 weeks today and counting so so so ready to meet my little one getting impatient already so her brother and sisters lol !! Anyone else with me or am I on my own :/ and I don't know why my pics are always sideways !!!


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Unfortunately no relaxing today I'm back at work.
I have just asked for a meeting with my supervisor though and I'm going to ask to reduce my hours down again. I've been on reduced hours (6.5hrs per shift) for a while now. I only have a couple sets of work left so I'm hoping he'll let me do 5hrs per day for the rest of this set & 4hrs the next. Then that's me done!

I've not heard anything about any health visitor didn't even know we saw one? I have midwife on Friday wonder if I'll be told anything then?

Lovely bump pics girls.

Here's mine. Took it yesterday bang on 34weeks.
Excuse the unmatched underwear.

I had the health visitor come to the house last week to do her visit. She also gave me baby's red book this time as were not given it at the hospital like before xx

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