***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Lexi I had an appointment with the hv at the doctors Surgery the other week, we sat and went through any family history of illnesses that could affect bean, spoke about PND and how to keep an eye out for the signs, how as my county have not long had a baby killed by a dog how we get our dogs used to bean, and she told me it's a massive focus for them at the moment.

I am getting what I think is braxton hicks a couple times a day now, scary knowing I am closer to the end than the start, will post a bump pic later on x
I have washed babies hospital bag clothes this morning and they are looking cute hanging on the line ��only things needed for hospital bag now are snacks which I'll get on next wks shopping all starting to feel soo real now!!
We really are into the final stretch. In a few days time we can all say well have a baby *next month* !!!!!
What sort of snacks is people putting in their hospital bags? That's one of the only things left now to pack for me xx
My oh got me biscuits and crisps if I am honest! Not the healthiest of snacks but I don't think I will care much when in labour! I have a four pack of lucozade too, I have been craving it as well since I brought it and packed it! So hard stopping myself from getting the bottles out and drinking them!
I'm loving Lucozade atm! Cant stop buying them lol. They sound a good idea to have in labour too to keep energy up a bit. I'll probably go for crisps and chocolate then lol but tbh I doubt ill eat anything as last time I had something to eat whilst in early labour and threw it all back up again within half hour! Was terribly sick during my first labour. Xx
I have some rice cakes, peanut butter, jelly babies, dark chocolate & glucose tablets. I'll probably get some crisps too and stop off on the way for some fruit.
Haha summergurl, I wear unmatched underwear almost every day atm. I only take glucose tablets and water for labour. When I look back to last time, I wouldn't know when I could have had time to eat. I didn't feel like eating until days later...
Ah okay I will get that HV appointment sorted then! I need to change it but I will go see her then! I love that little red book :)

Had the midwife today and she confirmed baby was head down and very slightly engaged?! I was like "I am not ready for that yet!!!!" Lol she measured my bump and said he's had a bit of a growth spurt and he's growing well :) I have the consultant 2 weeks today, then I dont see my midwife until I am 38+5 weeks and she said "that's if you even make it to then" I was like AHHH dont say that!!! LOL she also discussed labour with me quite a bit today and said that if I start contracting once every 10 minutes I should ring labour ward and prepare to go up to the hospital because of how quickly I delivered last time! And she said whilst I am on the phone to them I should tell them to start filling up the pool because I live 30 mins away from the hospital and she said it takes nearly an hour to fill the pool up so just get it ready for when I arrive lol!

God it kind of whacked me in the face a bit today when she said all this stuff! I was sooo like I am not ready for this!! Lol.

Has everyone decided on a birth plan and stuff now??

I am not packing snacks for labour because last time I was in labour for not very long and I threw up all the way through my last labour and then I can just use the vending machines on the corridor to have a snack afterwards. Adam can pack something if he wants!!

A friend of mine had her baby this morning via c section - was her first so don't know why she had to have a section! but she has her little girl with her now so I am sure she's over the moon xx
�� re the underwear as its dramatically better than mine at the moment!!! I also have a lucozade fetish going on!!
Thought we were decided re names but my other half who didn't have an opinion suddenly does!! Our first son is Daniel Alexander although we never use his middle name for anything other than for official paperwork. Daniel is after my husbands dads dad and Alexander after my husbands mums dad. I would like to incorporate my side of the family in the naming this time but my dads name was Norman so that's not happening!! As his family were from the western isles there are the usual traditional Scottish names in our family tree - Murdo, Torquil, Donald etc! My uncle who has been doing our ancestry said that James is also quite common in our family as is Alexander. My husband recently suggested the name James and I personally love Alexander. My question is given that my preference is Alexander or Alex is it too weird to call my second son my first sons middle name? Xx
Lovely bumps ladies, won't post mine I still don't really have one, still look fat! I got a letter from them last week saying the health visitor is coming round in July! Really annoys me because I don't want a stranger in my house :(
Ah okay I will get that HV appointment sorted then! I need to change it but I will go see her then! I love that little red book :)

Had the midwife today and she confirmed baby was head down and very slightly engaged?! I was like "I am not ready for that yet!!!!" Lol she measured my bump and said he's had a bit of a growth spurt and he's growing well :) I have the consultant 2 weeks today, then I dont see my midwife until I am 38+5 weeks and she said "that's if you even make it to then" I was like AHHH dont say that!!! LOL she also discussed labour with me quite a bit today and said that if I start contracting once every 10 minutes I should ring labour ward and prepare to go up to the hospital because of how quickly I delivered last time! And she said whilst I am on the phone to them I should tell them to start filling up the pool because I live 30 mins away from the hospital and she said it takes nearly an hour to fill the pool up so just get it ready for when I arrive lol!

God it kind of whacked me in the face a bit today when she said all this stuff! I was sooo like I am not ready for this!! Lol.

Has everyone decided on a birth plan and stuff now??

I am not packing snacks for labour because last time I was in labour for not very long and I threw up all the way through my last labour and then I can just use the vending machines on the corridor to have a snack afterwards. Adam can pack something if he wants!!

A friend of mine had her baby this morning via c section - was her first so don't know why she had to have a section! but she has her little girl with her now so I am sure she's over the moon xx

When I saw midwife yesterday she said baby was 4/5 palpable, which I think means 1/5 engaged. But I was a bit shocked too baby was already getting into position already! Makes I feel all the more real! Xx
Roxy mine said something like that as well! AHHH!!!

Nicki you'd better get used to it love they come round quite a lot once the baby is born! xxxx
Gill, personally I wouldn't give my baby the same name as his older brother's middle name.

I'd go with James, or maybe you could go with Xander/Zander instead?
Sorry Gill only just saw your comment!!

I do know people that have used names for a few children like one has it as a first name, next one has it as a middle name etc, or what if you just used Alex instead of Alexander or yeah Xander depending on which end of alexander you like lol.

I also love traditional scottish names they are all so nice! xx
Thanks girls. I really shouldn't have used it for Daniels middle name but at the time we were adamant we were never having any other children lol!!! The only reason that I'm even remotely considering it is because we NEVER use it for Daniel in fact I'm not even sure that anyone outwith my hubby and I are even aware he has a middle name let alone know what it is!! Alexander has links as a name to both mine and my husbands family and although if we did use it it would be recorded on his birth certificate as Alexander we're more likely to shorten it to Alex xx
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Roxy mine said something like that as well! AHHH!!!

Nicki you'd better get used to it love they come round quite a lot once the baby is born! xxxx

Eek really? Well they best tell me when because I don't answer the door if I'm not expecting people!

Gill I no someone who's got there sisters middle name as their name, middle names don't come up in conversation often and I only found out recently but have known them 10 years! If you like it I'd say go for it x

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