***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I've been in hospital since 11.30 this morning, bar an hour they sent me away to have lunch. It started with reduced movements, but since I've been here baby has been manic as ever. But their heart rate is on the high side and hasn't lowered much. Ranging from 175-215. Been like it pretty much all day. Midwives haven't said much as to why, expect babies have manic periods, yet its been pretty much high all day. They want it to lower and remain lower until then I can't go home. I'm so bored and tired. I miss harper loads too but luckily she's at the inlaws today anyway so is unaware I'm in the hospital.

Hows everyone? Xx
Ah roxy how are you doing now?
I'm not long home from work and have just sat down to watch some tv. Starting on Scandal. I figured it'll be a good box set to get into there all on sky box sets and will keep me occupied when maternity eventually starts. Anybody seen it? X
I'm home now thanks ladies, got home about half 8. They did say about keeping me in tonight at one point but they decided to let me go. They are booking me in for another scan on either Monday or Tuesday to check blood flow and fluid level again and have told me to go back in with any reduced movements again. Even if baby starts being quiet again overnight or first thing in the morning. Now I'm on edge trying to figure out every little movement and twinge. Baby moved loads today tho whilst at the hospital so fingers crossed they carry on moving like that for the next few days at least, until I get the scan early next week. Xx
Oh Roxy, you must be so worried not knowing what's going on... Luckily they take good care of you. Fingers crossed for you that baby keeps moving a lot.
Roxy, could it be from the whooping cough vaccine? If your body is reacting strongly your baby might be having a response as well- in which case it will pass in a day or two I hope!
And meant to say roxy- when I had my last dtap a couple years ago I had that same reaction, it was awful, felt like the flu for a full day or 2.
Thanks ladies.

I did ask kholl if it could be because of whopping cough but midwives didn't seem to know much, didn't even know if it was a side effect and the reason ive had flu like symptoms. They did say tho my body temp wasn't raised, which normally if mum has a raised temp babies heart beat can be faster xx
Glad you got home to your own bed and didn't have to stay in the night. How is baby moving now? You feeling OK? Xx
Baby is moving as usual this morning thank god. Also moved in the night a bit when I woke to go toilet. I'm feeling okay thanks, still got flu like symptoms but don't feel as bad as yesterday xx
Glad to hear it roxy!

It's 4:15am and I still haven't slept. I get insomnia during pregnancy every time but it's reached new levels the last few weeks. My body just refuses to sleep more than 2-3 hours at night (except tonight I guess sleep just isn't happening at all). I wish i knew what to do. Why is this happening? I have a sleep deprivation headache but still no sign of sleep, what the hell.
Hello ladies! I have missed a lot! I hope you're alright roxy?!?! It is such a worry when you don't feel movements and stuff, I always try and figure out when baby is moving etc because I always worry I will not notice the reduction in movements if that makes sense, maybe it did have something to do with your whooping cough vaccine. After mine I had a dead arm for about 4 days! But no side effects like that at all.

Last night I felt an enormous amount of pressure down there and TMI had very very loose bowels, and was half thinking something had started happening but today I feel okay and not got loose bowels again so I guess it could have just been baby moving down a little more or something! But it did make me think twice about going out and about!

I'm okay now thanks lexi, funny thing is even tho I went to hospital with reduced movements baby started moving so much that they weren't concerned about that in the end, it was getting the heart rate down. Plus baby has been moving loads again today! I've noticed baby always goes quiet when I have a few days of feeling really ill, like a few weeks ago with sickness and this time with flu like symptoms.

Sorry to hear your having trouble sleeping kholl, that sounds so horrible being unable to sleep, especially now as you could do with the sleep before baby arrives. I had insomnia a few years back after having surgery and it was horrible. Hope you manage to get some rest in the day at least xx
Anyone else's bumps feeling really low? I have been told by a few people my bump looks low, but literally it is so low its actually really getting in the way of walking, climbing stairs, sitting down etc I feel like it is literally in between my legs it's so gross! Lol it feels odd, I can only hope that it is all going in the right direction of course. I can even wear my normal bras again because it has dropped out of the way of my boobies! Before it was so high I had to wear a maternity bra for a little while but it gave me no support and now its dropped I am in my underwired bras until I get my nursing bra's fitted.

Ahh that was another question, how many nursing bra's are you guys going to buy?? I was thinking 3?? I remember having S and my bra's were always getting soaked through with milk for the first few weeks so always being washed lol! xx
I have 3 nursing bras from last time and thinking of buying one extra. I have 2 really cheap ones and don't like them. They're really difficult to open and close so not very useful for feeding in public. The third is really good, so I will probably buy something similar to have 2 decent ones and 2 to use at home or when washing the others.

My LO literally shouted 'baby, come out!' today. It was sooo cute, but also difficult to explain how long he'll have to wait. A few days is long to him, 7 weeks must feel like eternity and he doesn't even get the concept of 'weeks' yet. We went to pick birth cards yesterday and let him choose between 2 we both liked, so I guess that made him think more about the baby. We have the 'pirate Pete, new big brother' book and he's also been asking to read that a lot lately. Well, to be honest, i'm getting impatient myself too, so can't blame him :-) those last weeks feel like such a long time... Do you send cards and get little 'gifts' for visitors too? We're going for chocolates in brown candy wrapper shaped little boxes I'm making.
Lexi, isn't lose bowels & bump dropping a sign that labour may be soon?! :) you never know!!
My bump has dropped but nothing significant. Midwife did tell me on Friday though that baby is making its way down as she could feel the head pretty low.

If this is tmi I'm sorry but is anyone else getting an achy vagina?! Almost like the pressure of baby is too much. When I stand after a while of sitting it hurts to walk I end up walking like I've got a ball between my legs because it hurts, I must look so funny to those in work :rofl:

Flo1 your LO sounds so cute. It's adorable when they're so excited for it. This is my first but my 4 year old niece has been super excited. She melts my heart she's always touching the bump, cuddling & kissing her baby cousin. Always asking if baby likes what I'm eating etc just super cute but she also keeps asking when will baby be here. We've explained it in terms of birthdays. Hers was May and mine is just after my due date so we've told her when it's my birthday baby should be here or very nearly here. She sort of understands.
I guess a low bump could just mean my baby has engaged or something and is just ready to go, but I can't help but want it to mean things might happen! Lol.

Yes summergurl I have an achy vagina too lol it is really quite uncomfortable sometimes. In bed last night I was getting period pains too! Really uncomfortable but all in the right direction lol.

I have a nice day off today just running errands :D Sofia climbed into my bed this morning and said she wants us to go on bike rides when the baby is born haha how cute is that, she thinks about the baby a lot lately too Flo but she is being very patient and she hasn't pestered me about when he's coming which is nice! Adam's niece on the other hand pesters the life out of me about the baby coming lol!

Right Flo I am gonna start with 3 nursing bra's and go from there, I think that might be a good start.

Anyone bothered with antenatal classes? Ours are run at our local hospital every other saturday and we haven't been yet as I work saturday's! So we are going to go along in a few weeks time I think, as Adam hasn't got a clue what to expect so I thought we could go have an insight at this class! it is 1-4 so that is plenty of time to get him well informed lol xx
Aw Roxy hope everything stays settled for you!!
Lexi & Summergurl def sounds as if babies are moving into position - how exciting!!!
Kholl you must be absolutely shattered :(
Hope everyone else is doing well??
I really couldn't sleep last night - thought I had eaten too much as I really haven't been bothering about an evening meal lately but I must have gone to the loo at least 15 times and had to sleep sitting up as I was so uncomfortable :( :(
When I got up this morning I had the most horrendous pain in my side - it took my breath away!! I thought I was going to have to go up to maternity but it seems to have eased and bubs is moving fine but I'll keep an eye on it!! Can't believe this baby is getting evicted 4 weeks today!!! Eeek!!! Xx
That's so exciting GillM!

We've been to antenatal classes our area does the great expectations ones & they're free. The first 2 were crap last weeks was ok it was about labour, this weeks is about when nature needs a hand and I can't remember what the last 2 are about but they're a 6 week course every Wednesday evening for us.

Lexi enjoy your day off :) xx

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